"Jasmine, this is the Alabasta Kingdom I told you. My Crocodile Crocodile is in this country."

In the port of Alabasta, two The weird man with a cloak and a very large body was talking about something.

One of them has a very big head, which is completely opposite to Binz, who looks like a "small head father". This person looks more like a "big head son". He is the "Monster King" Ambrio. Ivankov, one of the important cadres of the Revolutionary Army.

Another big man is completely a giant. His name is "Jasmine". In the future, he will be the Captain of the Western Army of the Revolutionary Army.

"Ivankov, aren't we going to the Kingdom of Sikaial? What are you doing here?"

"Go and take you to eat delicious food and have fun !"

Because of their special body shapes, these two people will be particularly eye-catching no matter how they are hidden, but in Alabasta, few people dare to care about such existence.

When these two people walked into an alley under the curious eyes of everyone, people never saw these two people again.

It's like disappearing out of thin air, without seeing people or dead bodies.


"Damn... this woman really betrayed me!"

"Crocodile" Crocodile is now turning into a gust of sand blowing in Alabasta The sky above.

After a series of thoughts, Crocodile, who never trusted anyone, decided to kill Nico Robin.

Crocodile is such a person, even if there is no evidence, as long as he is unhappy or suspicious, he will kill the target without the slightest hesitation.

It’s just that Nico·Robin is not a soft persimmon. After more than ten years of fighting in Underworld and fighting various cunning evildoers, Robin has already sharpened his sense of smell than hounds. .

Robin will immediately notice any disturbances.

So there is this scene, Robin has made Crocodile's decision one step ahead of time, and she ran away!

Hailan knows nothing about these things that happened in Yudi.

Alabasta is a very large country.

The dream city rainland is separated from the capital Albana by hundreds of axioms. At this time, Hailan is waiting for King Cobra to be greeted by the nearest port from Albana. How could he know that it happened in a remote rainland? s story.

Hailan would never think that he hadn't done anything yet, which made an organization called "Baroque Works Organization" a mess.

Losing Nico Robin, a shrewd and capable woman, the "Baroque Works Organization" is almost equal to half.

I blame Crocodile for being scared of being beaten by Hailan.

The only blame is that the alliance between Crocodile and Nico Robin is so fragile that it is not as fragile as a single strand of hair.

They had never trusted each other in the first place, so the slightest disturbance caused this kind of uncontrollable chain reaction.

Crocodile flying in midair grinned and sneered: "Nico Robin...finally found you..."

Turned into a touch of wind and sand, this wind-like man chased after him. To Nico Robin.

Robin knew that she couldn't escape, she turned to face Crocodile, hiding one hand behind her back, and took out a pipe of sea water prepared in advance.

She has investigated the weakness of Crocodile a long time ago, and the sea water prepared in advance is to deal with this moment.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that Crocodile fell on the ground just after the original size appeared, Robin threw the test tube towards Crocodile.

Crocodile turned his head subconsciously, avoiding what he didn't know was flying.

But a white arm grew out of his back in an instant, which steadily caught the test tube and then threw it towards Crocodile.

At the same time Robin has already rushed towards Crocodile with a dagger in his hand,

the whole process is in one go without a trace of muddy water.

But after all, she and Crocodile's battle strength simply are not at the same level.

Crocodile took the initiative of elemental transformation in an instant. With a sound of "Pa", Robin's test tube filled with seawater was smashed to pieces on the ground.

How could this be? !

Robin's pupils shrank sharply and his heart was cold.

Crocodile has appeared behind Robin, and the golden hook in his left hand fiercely swung down.

"Crocodile Boy, what are you playing here?"


A word in my ear scared Crocodile to death. This damn mouth addiction can't be wrong, it must be that dead ladyboy!

Kill Nico Robin first!

"Death winks!"

It's a pity that Monster King, who was killed halfway, didn't give him a chance at all. She blinked, and Crocodile's upper body exploded into sand in the sky. .

Who is this person?

Nico Robin didn't expect things to develop like this at all. After suppressing the doubt in his heart, Robin fled the scene without looking back.

But not long after she ran out, the ground under her feet suddenly softened, as if stepping on the water, Robin "sou" all of a sudden "fall" into the ground.

This is the Devil Fruit ability possessed by the giant named Jasmine, which can be used for "earth escape".

"How do I think you are so familiar?"

Underground, Jasmine frowned and looked up at Nico Robin.

Robin wants to escape, but in this cramped space, she has no way to escape.

"Ivankov, what are you doing here?"

On the ground, the restored humanoid Crocodile glared at the human Monster King.

"Crocodile Boy, I'm going to a faraway place recently. I passed this Alabasta halfway, and I wanted to come to you for an autumn breeze. Why? Not welcome?"

"Not welcome !"

"Then I will tell your secret..."

"All right, I'm afraid of you!"

Crocodile has been mastered by Monster King, and this is his weakness.

"But why did you save that woman?"

"Which woman?"

"Nico Robin!"

"She's Nico Robin?!!!"

The Monster King was taken aback, he really jumped up.

"Why? Do you know her?"

"Nonsense, who doesn't know the son of the devil?"

Monster King He concealed his surprise in time. In fact, he didn't care about the "son of the devil". The point is that this Nico Robin is the "revolutionary lamp" appointed by Dorag...


Grand Line, the Kingdom of Sikeal.

A man in a white suit pushed a suitcase in front of a gorgeously dressed little old lady: "Miss Bajin, this is a reward of 100 million Beli, please collect it."

"This is so sorry, can't I still believe you?"

Although she said so, the woman named Ba Jin quickly counted.

Behind her, stood a tall and strong man, this man has explosive muscles, "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate's crescent-shaped white beard, "Golden Lion" Shiki is as thick as cloak Golden long hair.

The man's body exudes a beast-like deterrent all the time, but in front of this woman, he is as well-behaved as a breast-feeding child.

Because he killed the king of the Kingdom of Sikaial, this was the scene where a man in a suit gave Ba a gold reward.

"No more, no less, happy cooperation."

Ba Jin hugged the suitcase in his arms, full of smiles said: "My son said he feels that you are also very good Yes, so I would take the liberty to ask, why do you hire others to kill?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn’t ask."

"Yes, yes, then please Do you still want to kill who?"

The white suit took out a picture on which an old man with purple hair had piercing eyes.


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