The battle between Koala and Van der Deeken IX continues.

Koala is now fourteen years old, not too old, but not too young. Compared with the weak little girl back then, physique has been greatly improved.

Although Koala has not yet reached the age suitable for cultivation Busoshoku Haki, the skills of Kenbunshoku Haki and Marine Rokushiki, who awakened early, allowed her to do well in this battle.

When Hailan looked towards Koala again, Van der Deyken IX had already had bloody nose and swollen face.

"Finally... I finally touched you... Huh..."

Van der Deyken IX panted and pulled out a row of glowing Throwing knife in cold glow.

"Hundreds of shots and a hundred hits. Targets and flying knives!"

Van der Deyken IX does not aim, he just throws it like this, counting throwing knives as if it can be locked in a game The targets have the same skills, turning their angles in the air, and stab Koala with the whistling wind.

This is the ability of the target target fruit law level.

By using the palm of the hand, the Ability User can lock a target. From then on, the item thrown by the Ability User will automatically chase the target, even if the target escapes to the ends of the earth.

To release the lock, you must touch a brand new target, or remove the lock by "washing your hands".

It was when Hodie Jones assassinated Queen Otohime that King Van der Deyken IX secretly touched the six-year-old Shirahoshi Princess while taking advantage of the chaos.

Knowing that the opportunity to lock Shirahoshi Princess was not easy, Van der Deyken IX always wears a pair of gloves as a protective measure in order to avoid the elimination of his ability. In other words, he has already I haven't washed my hands in years!

But now and then.

Van der Deeken IX would never have imagined that the human reinforcements invited by Neptune would be able to directly kill his lair with such a thunderous force.

At this time, it doesn't matter what Shirahoshi Princess Black Star Princess, my own life is the first.

He gave up the stalking of Shirahoshi Princess without the slightest hesitation. After various beatings, he finally managed to touch Koala.

Facing the cold flying knife that stabbed him steadily, Koala was not irritable, not even a hint of nervousness.


A table lying on the ground was kicked flying by Koala.

"Tuk! Tuk! Tuk..."

The stabbed flying knives were stopped by the wooden table, and they could no longer pose the slightest threat to Koala.

There was a record in "Devil Fruit Illustrated Book".

The trick to cracking the "target fruit" is to make the item thrown by the Ability User successfully hit a target.

Even if it is not a target locked by the Ability User, as long as it hits any target and the target can withstand the impact of the projectile, the item thrown by the Ability User will be successfully intercepted.

"My God..."

Seeing Koala rushing towards him again, Van der Deyken IX ran away in fright.

Although Koala has not yet become a "Rankyaku", after so many years of training, the strength of her kick is not something that Van der Deyken IX can bear.

This ninth is really embarrassing to his ancestor Van der Deyken I.

"pu pass..."

Van der Deyken IX penetrated the bubble and plunged into the cold water.

"Come after me, despicable human!"

As a Devil Fruit Ability User, Van der Deyken IX will lose his power in the sea, but he After all, he is a Fishman, he will not be drowned by the sea. As long as he waits for the rescue of his subordinates, he can successfully escape alive.

"Trash humans, you dare not chase them now!"

The sea gave Van der Deyken IX great courage, and he actually started to mock Koala.

Originally, Shirahoshi was looking attentively.

But this unexpected turn made her voice full of anxiety: "Master Koala,

Master Hailan, what should I do this time?"

"Shirahoshi, don't be afraid !"

Koala is not in a hurry, on the contrary, she is confident.

She is not alone in the fight, there is Pikachu behind her, and there is Hailan behind Pikachu.

Van der Deyken IX wants to run?

Can he run? !



Pikachu's usual silly eyes became sharp.

"Use a million volts to attack!"


Like an arrow from the string, Pikachu's silhouette instantly bounced toward the sea , The little yellow duck that usually looks harmless to humans and animals is like a golden lightning at this time.

Pikachu is the strongest creature in the "powerhouse world" created by "Golden Lion" Shiki. It was originally a three-night warrior born for battle. The sky, land, and sea are all his home grounds!

Van der Deyken IX's pupils shrank into a thin needle because of panic. He wanted to turn around and escape, but he couldn't give a hint of strength.

"zi zi ..."

The golden thunderbolt erupts in the sea, like bright fireworks blooming in the night sky.

The shining lightning reflected on Shirahoshi’s surprised little face: "Okay... so beautiful... No way, Pikachu is really strong."

"pu tong! "

Van der Deyken IX, who was picked up by Pikachu, was thrown on the deck at will.

He is like a gossamer, his chest is still slightly heaving.

Kenbunshoku Haki of Hailan can clearly perceive that Van der Deyken IX's Life Aura is passing by, and he cannot survive.

"Quickly catch these gangsters... Shirahoshi, are you okay?"

When all the dust settled, the Sea King army, riding a fish, finally arrived slowly.

"Brother... Sir Father... I tell you, Koala and Pikachu are amazing..."

The little girl who shared, Shirahoshi chatted endlessly with the three Princes.

She is only 7 years old, and she is indeed a "little" girl.

King Neptune walked towards Hailan with a smile on his face: "I didn't expect that we would have two banquets in one day! Mr. Hailan, please come to your seat!"


The first half of the Grand Line, Alabasta Kingdom, UU reading, the capital Albana, within the kingdom.

"Yes... I'm sorry..."

A little girl with blue hair in a ponytail and luxurious dress is bowing and apologizing to a few kids in rough linen clothes .

This little girl is Princess of Alabasta, Neferrutari Vivi.

They were playing together just now, but by accident, Vivi Princess injured a little boy, so this scene happened.

"Vivi Princess, how can you apologize to that group of civilians? You are the Princess of this country!"

At this time, a man with strange curly hair and wearing a black suit , A tall man like a British judge ran over in a hurry.

"And you idiots, how can you make Vivi Princess bow to you?"

Vivi Princess explained: "Icarem, don't blame them for this matter , I did something wrong."

"Then you can't apologize to them!"


The name is Icarim The man again emphasized: "Because you are the Princess of this country!"

Vivi Princess is very puzzled: "Why can't Princess apologize to everyone?"

" Because the king and Princess can't lower their heads."

"Why can't they lower their heads?"

The nine-year-old Vivi Princess is 100,000 why.

Alabasta’s Kingdom Guard Captain Icarim still patiently explained: “Vivi Princess, you have to remember that you are the Princess of this country, and you will be the queen of this country in the future. Never bow your head, because once you bow your head, the crown will fall off!"


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