"Brother Tiger, it turns out that you are not dead, you are finally back."

Jinbe smirked and talked to Tiger, looking at his chubby appearance, laughing It's like a 250-pound child.

Tiger’s voice was dignified: "I haven’t come back, I will leave soon."

Jinbe was taken aback by Tiger’s words: "What does this mean? ?"

"What I have done will never be tolerated by the World Government. I still have no way to live in the sun."

"Don't worry, brother, as long as With your order, the old friends will come back to support you. If anyone wants to hurt your eldest brother, Jinbe will be the first to let him go!"

Then, Jinbe heard a chuckle Voice: "Then we are going to be Pirate again?

Since we are Pirate, what fairness can we talk about?

As a group of reap without sowing, The existence of Pirate is the greatest unfairness!"

Jinbe astonished: "Do you have any other plans? I will go with you!"

Tiger shook the head:" No, you are gone. Who will protect the Fishman Island? The king's family is too kind and too weak. Arlong’s stupid brat alone will not work.

In this world, weakness is the original sin."

In the era of peace, being poor is the original sin. Because of being poor, eating alone, seeing a doctor, housing... are all problems.

In turbulent times, weakness is the original sin. Because of weakness, everything about a person cannot be protected, and even his life may not be under his control.

Jinbe also wanted to persuade Tiger to say something, Tiger waved his hand: "Don’t worry, I’m not alone, don’t think I was a weak body before, but I brat with Hack a long time ago. Become a friend.

If he sees me like this, his jaw will fall to the ground in shock, hahaha..."

Fishman Hack, it’s a "Fishman unarmed Dao" Master, Jinbe's best friend.

Jinbe only slightly sighed in relief when he heard a friend following his elder brother.

"I can't go back to pay homage to Otohime Empress...Jinbe, please help me to see her when you have time, even my share is included."

"No problem, brother, I remember."

"I hope that one day, I can use these eyes to see the fishman family's bright future for Otohime Empress."

"Big brother...definitely!"


"Hailan! I'm exhausting to use the power, you have to make me a grape salad to compensate me!"

In the residential area behind Marine Headquarters, granulated sugar pouting her mouth is "inviting credit" to Hailan.

Hai Lan deliberately scowled: "I told you that you should exercise more often. You will be exhausted if you see such a thing. No, double the training today!"

As soon as I heard that I need to strengthen training, the sugar quit: "I'm not tired, I'm not tired!"

He did a backflip, which is as high as three stories. Sea Lan was dumbfounded by the little girl's athletic ability.

If the sugar does not eat the "childlike fruit" and the body no longer grows, if you can have a warlike heart, this proper "Admiral potential"... it is the next Momousagi.

What a pity.

"Oh... So you are lying to me, then I don't need to make grape salad."

"You... Hailan, you fool people! No, you I must make a grape salad for me today!"

The sugar dies, and he stretched out his little hands and legs to punch and kick Hailan.

Hailan stretched out her hand to pinch the sugary little face, soft, soft, and feels particularly good.

Since the experimentation of Busoshoku Haki's ability to defend against sugar, Hailan has no qualms about bullying sugar.

Before the experiment, Hai Lan also imagined that if he eats the fruit of childishness for Garp Old Master, what Kaido of the Beasts, what the strongest man Whitebeard, is not a punch.

It seems that Devil Fruit's ability still has a certain "balance".

Seeing sugar's grievances, I feel that this little girl is almost crying, Hailan hurriedly stopped: "haha... funny, I will make you a grape banquet today, let you Eat to death!"



"Very good, Hailan, you rub me twice again? "

"What are you doing?"

"In return, you will make me desserts every day from now on."


Hailan didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

This little girl is really a foodie.

Although granulated sugar has dispelled the childlike fruit's ability and made Fisher Tiger the original form, the sea did not cause much confusion.

First, when rescuing Tiger back then, Hailan did a disguise, and the precognition might have to be backed up.

Secondly, although the memory of Tiger is restored in everyone's mind, it is not a forced reminder. Only when everyone thinks of Tiger, the memory of Tiger will come to mind.

Give a simple example.

Many people have memorized the nine-nine multiplication table, but when you don’t usually use it, the formula of the nine-nine multiplication table will not reverberate in your mind every moment, only when you calculate At that time, the memory of the nine-nine-nine multiplication table will come to mind.

Hailan did not participate in the turmoil caused by the death of Queen Otohime on Fishman Island. The Government is responsible for matters over there. What's more important is that he is not interested, has no desire to mix, and there is no need to mix. .

Hai Lan is more concerned about the legend of "Sea King" Poseidon.

Just like Seven Stars Sword, the legends of the three "ancient weapons" are no secrets, but ordinary people will only think that these are made-up legends, and only a few people know that these are all Real.

There are even fewer people who know the specific information about the three "ancient weapons".

As Vice Admiral in the headquarters, Princess Shirahoshi is the Sea King of this generation. This is a secret that Hailan can access.

It is unrealistic to use conventional methods to get rid of Sea King under Gorosei's nose.

Imitate Tiger?

Shirahoshi is not a tough guy like Tiger. If she turns her into a toy, it may not take long for her to go crazy.

But the power of Sea King cannot be ignored.

The super-large "Sea King type" is an existence with extremely strong destructive power. The Sea Beast with the size of several hundred meters can easily destroy an island. You must know that even the height of Tiga Ultraman is not enough. fifty-sixty meters. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Huge" means powerful destructive power and vitality.

even more how the largest known Sea King body length has exceeded 5000 meters, and the defensive power of this monster cannot be compared with the ordinary Sea Beast. The hardness of their skin alone has exceeded With rocks and steel, even if you stand still and let Marine Vice Admiral fight, you will have to fight for days and nights.

The power of "Sea King" Poseidon is that she does not control a Sea King, but can command a group of Sea Kings!

This is a force capable of destroying the world!

Hailan himself naturally does not care about the threat of Sea King.

But if you want to contend with this power...

A gust of wind suddenly blew outside the room.

A huge black shadow fell from the sky. It was a large bird of prey with a body length of more than fifty meters, with a big fish in its paws!

The Marines in the town became commotion: "Not good! There is a wild beast attack, protect the civilians!"

A small head protruded from the back of the bird of prey, it was Koala: "Hey, don't shoot. This is my friend. It is not dangerous. Don't worry, everyone!"

"Sea King very difficult to deal with?"

On the ground, sugar swallowed five grapes stuck in his fingers, chewing and saying: "I think Koala is much better than Sea King. She can control even birds and beasts."

"What are you talking about?"

Koala and Pikachu fell on the ground together, and the large raptor put down the big fish and spread its wings and left.

Hailan picked up a salad and handed it to Koala: "I praise you for being awesome!"


. m.

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