"Ladies and gentlemen, Hello everybody afternoon!"

In a large music venue Sabaody Archipelago, the host was enraptured be the opening speech .

"This is a solo concert of the'King of Soul Song' Mr. Brook"

"Brook, Brook, we love you, we love you"



“这谁啊?捣乱的吧?揍他! "

"It's messed up, the guards hurry up and keep order!!"

"You guys don't look at it, go and help!"

" Yes! Major Cabaji Ji!"

The chaos in the venue exceeded Binz’s imagination.

This also proves how terrifying the popularity of "Soul Singer" Brook is.

A long time ago, when Hailan was investigating the whereabouts of "Moonlight" Moria, he had already met Brook.

After confirming Brook's identity, Hailan brought Brook back to Cape Gemini. The lighthouse watcher Crocus, Laboon, and afro-head Brook of Cape Gemini had a relaxing and happy time.

Later, under the promotion of Hailan, Brook has signed a contract with the World Economic News Agency and became an officially certified musician.

Of course, this is Brook voluntarily, not forced.

In order to promote "Marine" and "adventurers" and reverse the perception of "Pirate" by the residents of this World, the World Government promotes not only the comic "Warrior Sola of the Sea", but also Hailan proposed "Adventure Stories-Memoirs of the Pai Master" and Brook, who came from behind, the king of soul singers.

Brook's world tour concert gave him a lot of popularity. This time he came to Sabaody Archipelago to promote Marine's reputation.

"Wow, that's amazing. It's Mr. Brook, the king of soul singers. His popularity is really terrifying."

The scene was finally brought under control with the efforts of security and Marine. Host The man stood in front of the stage again.

"Today, not only the soul singer Brook will perform for you, but also our special guest-Marine Commodore, Mr. Buggy!

The first show, first of all The performance of Mr. Brook and Mr. Buggy gave us applause and welcome!"

Before the host’s voice, there was already thunderous applause from the audience.

Brook is a talented musician himself. The music played by the "Rumba Pirates" where he was once can stop children from crying and make animals dance.

In addition, Brook is now a Paramecia "Revive-Revive Fruit" Ability User, which makes his singing easier to touch the soul of the audience, so Brook's popularity can be said to be nuclear explosion level.

The reputation of "King of Soul Singer" is precisely this reason.

The dim dance on platform, the light fell on a skeleton afro-head.

afro-head turned around, and the gentle voice started with a light sound:

"Marine Rokushiki is healthy

"It's really good"

Accompanied by a harmony, another light suddenly shot out, illuminating a big red nose.

"Marine Rokushiki 棒健


"It's Mr. Brook, Brook I love you!"

"That really is Lord Buggy. It turns out that Lord Buggy has such a cute side. Lord Buggy, you are the best!"


Brook: "I am Tekkai Gong"

Buggy: "Invincible Tekkai Gong"

Brook: "He is Geppo's legs"

Buggy : "Geppo can go to heaven"

"Marine Rokushiki is so healthy

"It's really good"


This The first song titled "Marine Rokushiki is Good" is written by Hailan, composed by Brook, and sung by Brook and Buggy.

The inspiration for Hailan’s lyrics comes from "Shaolin Kungfu Good" on Earth, Brook The composition of the song is completely independent and original, completely different from "Shaolin Kung Fu is good".

So don’t look at the simple lyrics of this song, but under Brook’s polish, it sings a kind of intoxicating The atmosphere of the concert was brought to a climax from the beginning of the concert.

Buggy was very engaged in singing. You know this is a famous opportunity. The only two hobby in Buggy’s life are " "Fame" and "Wealth", how could he miss such a good opportunity.

Although the singing voice is a bit off-tune, Buggy's natural funny temperament is the icing on the cake at Brook's concert. See the audience's enthusiasm You can know from the reaction that this is a successful performance of Perfection.

There is a reason why Hailan chose to create such simple lyrics - now even Binz can hum along with them - ―The simpler, the easier it is to promote.

"The next song is "Mr. Magic" performed by Mr. Brook and improvised by Mr. Buggy. Everyone welcomes applause.

Happy Time It’s a very fast time.

Binz feels that the show has just begun and the performance has already come to an end.

"Marine Rokushik i Is it so powerful? It seems that signing up for Marine is indeed the right choice.

There is not enough time, I have to join the army! "

Marine is in Sabaody Archipelago new recruit registration office.

"Name. "

"Binz. "

"Where is it from?" "

"New World Wano Country." "

The registrar raised his head and glanced at Binz: "Why are you from Hezhiguo called Binz?" "

"Uh, I used to be called Kagawa. I don't like that country. That country has nothing to do with me, so I changed my name to Binz." "

"That's it." "

The registrar added a few remarks.

It seems that this is a man with a story.

"Do you have any specialties?" "

"I know ninjutsu!" "

"Ninjutsu fooled people, right?" "

"This is true!" "

Seeing that the registrar didn't seem to care very much, Binz hurriedly added: "Also, I am Paramecia Ability User. "

"Devil Fruit?" "

This time, the registrar finally paid attention to Binz.

"Rare talents"

After confirming that Binz did not lie, the registrar gave He gave him a document: "Okay, you can go directly to Major Cabaji Ji. Behave well, maybe you can go to the headquarters for further studies. UU reading www. uukanshu.com"

"Thank you"

"You're welcome, next one! "

Binz took the form and elated to the Marine base.


Marine Headquarters.

Hailan He picked up Den Den Mushi who called "Blubru".

"en? It turned out to be you! "

It's not Gorosei's rant in imagination, but an old friend who hasn't been in contact for a long time.

"Why can't you hold on anymore?" Want to be transformed back into a human body? "

"I heard about Otohime. Jinbe has already investigated clearly. It wasn't Pirate who killed her, isn't it? You already knew that. I know what you mean haha, How can I be speechless? I can disarm you at any time. "

"But you'd better prepare mentally in advance. Once you change back to human form, what is waiting for you will be endless chasing"

"You have already done it Okay all the plans? Well, you should be prepared in advance. After 60 minutes, I will release your abilities on time. "

"I have one more question, you must answer it first." I won’t ask much about your plans before, so what are you fighting for now? For the rise of the Fishman clan? "

"Hehe, this answer is not bad." "

"You have to remember that once you make a choice this time, you can never look back!" ”


PS: Brook’s singing is really good. If you are interested, you can listen to "Go Meet the Nekomushi Boss". The lyrics are simple, but the song makes people food for thought, soothing and warm, ideal for relaxing

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