Hailan suddenly felt the idea of ​​have one's hair stand on end.

"I'm a cultivation deviation?"

The curse of Seven Stars Sword was suppressed by Hai Lan, and Hai Lan quickly regained his sanity.

Hailan is different from the bloodfiend and Hawk Eyes that were controlled by Seven Stars Sword at the beginning. After they got rid of the control of Seven Stars Sword, they might forget their own experiences and can’t remember exactly what they did. Something, but Hai Lan clearly remembered what she did just now.

I originally planned to test the power of Seven Stars Sword, but after venting all the defenses, he was accidentally taken advantage of by Seven Stars Sword. Not only did he fight with Hawk Eyes, it was almost Kill Ayn.

Shouldn’t your own should be able to perfectly suppress the curse of Seven Stars Sword? Why is there such a mistake?

Seeing that Hailan has regained his sanity, Hawk Eyes relaxed, he put away the black blade and walked to Hailan’s side to persuade: "It seems that you should have found yourself able to suppress Seven Stars Sword. The reason for the power of the curse is correct. There is nothing wrong with trying, but I suggest you to be more cautious, stride too far, and be careful not to talk."

"Well, I understand."

Hailan was subconsciously nodded, and soon felt something was not quite right: "Mihawk, you bastard, are you taunting me?"

Still saying that he is not black-belly?

All the nonsense metaphors were told by him.

Hawk Eyes didn't explain to Hai Lan, he flung his robe smartly and walked in the direction where Ai Yin came.

Having been with Akagami and Hailan these two people for a long time, Hawk Eyes felt that he was almost assimilated by these two people, and even opened his mouth when he spoke.

Seeing this blue-haired woman is wearing a Marine uniform, does this mean that the Marine Corps should be coming?

No, you have to quickly find a normal person to communicate, or you will probably not speak normally in the future.

Hawk Eyes is gone.

Ai Yin was blushed by Hawk Eyes' casual jokes among men. Pirate King's world is not influenced by the developed Internet, and the overwhelming majority girl's face is relatively thin.

Fortunately, Hawk Eyes is not a hooligan, and left after leaving a word.

"Hai Lan, the wound on your body?"

Seeing Hai Lan's clothes in tatters and bite marks all over, Ai Yin quickly forgot Hawk Eyes If it is, he looks worried.

"It's okay, it's all superficial wounds, the bloodfiend bastard has no other ability, but biting is first-class."

Hailan comforted Ai Yin half-jokingly.

Most of his wounds were bitten by bloodfiend's "scarlet bats" and "cursed snakes", and no repercussions were left. The biggest problem was actually those who were bitten by bats and Seven Stars. Sword absorbed the blood.

Ai Yin hesitated and asked: "I'll help you bandage it."


Hailan didn't think much about it, he Now I was thinking about why I was controlled by Seven Stars Sword just now.

According to the past experience of "System products must be high-quality products", there will be absolutely no problems, so the problem must be yourself.

So which step did you make a mistake in the calculation?

I said before that I just wanted to learn from Hawk Eyes.

Before Hawk Eyes said that he was controlled by Seven Stars Sword, but he said that he could communicate normally without any problems


Seeing Hailan sitting on a rock and sinking into memories, as if thinking about something important, Ai Yin did not disturb Hailan, so she took out all kinds of things in the medical kit she brought The medical items were bandaged for Hailan.

There is it!

A hint of inspiration flashed through Hai Lan's mind.

If you didn't guess wrong, Seven Stars Sword affects your behavior this time, not because it controls the host like bloodfiend and Hawk Eyes, but "guides" your emotions.

"Guide" is a more brilliant manipulation method than "control".

For example, if you go to a person and ask him to kill someone, he will definitely not agree to your request.

But if you use a series of methods to shape the environment, set off the atmosphere, and perform a series of complex processes such as psychological hints, you are likely to achieve the goal of "killing".

Since Hailan emptied his brain before, the curse power of Seven Stars Sword invaded Hailan’s spirit and enlarged the dark side of his heart, making Hailan a desire to "kill" , Instead of forcibly controlling Hailan to kill.

This will completely invalidate, because it will give Hailan a firm mind and will not be controlled by others; but if the king himself wants to kill, what more can he say?

Hailan, who wants to understand the reason, wakes up like a dream: "hehe you did good"

Ai Yin eyes shined and looked towards Hailan with joy:" Huh? Hailan, are you complimenting me?"

"Ah? I'm talking about uh, yes, that's right, you have a good dressing"

Hailan just changed her words He turned around again: "Not a bad ghost? Ai Yin, who did you learn medical skills from? Are you making rice dumplings?" Hailan didn't know whether to cry or laugh , He felt like he was almost catching up with the mummy now.

Ai Yin is a little emboldened: "I told Chopper last birthday that I wanted to learn medicine. I learned this from Chopper."

"You learned from Chopper You should also take the essence and remove the dross. You should forget about this move."


Hailan pulled off most of the bandages efficiently. Feel refreshed.

Seeing Ai Yin a little depressed, Hai Lan said again: "It's not that you did something wrong, but after all, Chopper is just a child. You can't learn everything from him. In short, thank you. You are here."

Ai Yin looked towards Hailan: "You're welcome, you're fine, do you want me to help you?"

"Hey, I can have What's the matter, go, go back!"

"Uh, is that pretty good"


A few days later.

The Great Deep Sea Prison, Impel Down.

"Carol, Hiruto Vice Admiral is here to see you."

A man with a pot belly, dressed like an Egyptian pharaoh, wearing green pants and a green headgear, walks Entered an office.

"Hey, brother Carlo, are you going to be promoted again?"

Carlo looked towards the Egyptian pharaoh, smiling: "Good brother Hannyabal, I am here It’s not long since I became Vice Warden. Shiliew Chief Warden is also in his prime. How could he be promoted so quickly?"

The Pharaoh named Hannyabal said without giving up, "What if it is promotion?" "

"Then I will definitely give good brother a few words in front of Vice Admiral. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Good brother, there is you I'm relieved with this. Go ahead, I'll wait for your good news."

After dealing with Hannyabal, Carlo soon appeared in front of Hailan.

"Hailan Sir, are you looking for me?"

Hailan removed Carlo's saluting hand, said with a smile: "You are now Vice Warden of Impel Down. It’s not appropriate to salute me again."

"You will always be my Sir"

"I brought out your brat and installed it with me. ?"


Carlo scratched his head, and then looked surprised: "This is?"

Flame pattern, folding and forging, no Blood tank.

What a beautiful knife!

"Demon Blade, second-generation Ghost Toru, one of 21 O Wazamono!"

"Give it to me?"

Carlo did not hide his emotions.

Because he knows that in front of Hailan Sir, not hiding his true emotions is the greatest respect for him.

"Not for you, but for you."

Carlo looked up and looked towards Hailan: "What does this mean?"

"This is the second generation of Ghost Toru. It is a famous existence in the ranks of Yaodao and O Wazamono. Can you subdue him?"

"I can!"

"Carol, You have to think about it.

If you can successfully surrender this demon sword, the second generation of Oni Toru will be yours from now on; but if you are polluted by the demon sword and fall into the evil way, then I when the time Comes will definitely kill you with his own hands.

So, do you think about it again?"

"Don't think about it."

Carlo one grasped the second The blade of Daigui Toru, blood overflowed, and the blade was dyed red.

"Death without regrets!"

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