"He... who are they?"

Although Hailan and Hawk Eyes have left the village and are gradually moving away, Hailan’s tall man Images and confident voices still echoed slowly in the villagers' minds.

"I heard that man with eagle eyes said that they are Marine..."

"Isn't Marine just not caring about this? Maya father went to find Marine before, but Marine said that this kind of legend is not in their control..."

"Yes, that's why I am getting more and more confused..."

"Ok...Okay Handsome..."

"Yeah...huh? Fart! How handsome is he? Your husband and I are not dead yet, what are you idiots!"

" Are you fat? Dare to yell at the old lady? The old lady just said something handsome and didn't say anything else, what's the matter? Do you have an opinion?"

"No...no opinion, hehe. .."

The old lady Elisa also stared at the back of Hailan and Hawk Eyes, even though she didn’t believe a hundred in her heart-after all, the sacred gem is gone, take it What is going to seal the cursed holy sword-but whenever she thinks of the other person's self-confidence, she always feels that that person is very likely to perform miracles.

That youngster has a unique temperament in him, which makes people willing to trust him for no reason.

Special skills: you who have obtained the achievement "Hero of the Marines", from now on, your body will exude a kind of heroic temperament invisibly, and heroic temperament can make it easier for you to get the admiration of others , It is easier to scare off your enemies, and it is easier to win the loyalty of your subordinates.

This is a skill that Hailan acquired a long time ago.

But this is also one of Hailan's most troublesome skills.

First of all, it is not an active skill. After all, Hailan has no way to actively turn on or turn off this heroic temperament.

Although the label says that it is a passive skill, it does not take effect every moment. The last time Hailan did an experiment on Jianhao Island, he was also cursed by the aunt who bought the food.

But if you want to say that this skill is a fool, it is obvious that it took effect again when I was talking to the residents of Aska Island just now.

Very confused.

What is the law of this thing?

Fortunately, Hailan has a better mentality. Since I don't understand it for a while, just treat it as Buddhism.

"You really have a way to seal the cursed holy sword? You must not underestimate its power."

Walking on the road, Hawk Eyes asked Hailan abruptly One sentence.

Hawk Eyes has a deep understanding of the curse power of Seven Stars Sword.

If he has good math scores, he will now find a corner to calculate the shadow area of ​​his deep in one's heart.

Hailan did not answer Hawk Eyes’ question directly, instead asked him a question: "What is the prerequisite for Kairosaki to suppress Devil Fruit Ability User?"

Hawk Eyes does not know Hai What kind of medicine is sold in Lan’s bottle gourd: "What prerequisite do you mean?"

"The prerequisite is that Kairosaki must touch the skin of Devil Fruit Ability User."

Hailan answered for Hawk Eyes.

Then Hai Lan said: "The way Seven Stars Sword controls the host must also be in contact with the host's body, so isn't it obvious how to seal Seven Stars Sword?"

Hawk Eyes is a smart person. After being so little by Hailan, he quickly guessed Hailan's mind.

Hawk Eyes knows Issho: "You’re really tricky to look at things. That’s right, based on your Marine background, you want to seal Seven Stars Sword out of the reach of others. , It’s really not a difficult task."

Hailan changed the topic: "So now I am not worried about how to seal the Seven Stars Sword, but who can steal Seven under my nose. Stars Sword and how to recapture Seven Stars Sword in that person's hands."

There is no reason why Hailan is not vigilant.

Although he does not turn on the Kenbunshoku electromagnetic wave to monitor the entire Skypiea around the clock like a surveillance madman,

some people can steal the Seven Stars Sword silently and smash three sacred gems. It didn't arouse his alertness, which was a bit unimaginable.

There is always one impossible, right?

Absolutely impossible!

"The person is most likely to be'bloodfiend' Foster Brad."

Hawk Eyes suddenly came out of his mouth.

Hailan stopped on the spot and was stunned.

"Who do you think it is?"

Hawk Eyes's expression remained unchanged: "Brad. You are Marine, you should know him better than I am."

"I'm going... of course I am familiar with this person, but this is not the point. The point is how do you know it will be Brad?"

They sucked up Pirates of Life Essence. They said Brad was going to find Seven..."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Neither did you Ask me?!"

"Mihawk, you...you rascal, you!!"

Hailan thought he had already known Hawk Eyes a long time ago. Are you a depressed man?

That's great. Hawk Eyes really refreshed his three views today. I really didn't see it. This guy is still a black-belly.

Black-belly, your sister?

Hawk Eyes, if he knew that he had another "black-belly" label in Hailan's heart, he would definitely scold him.

He doesn’t think he’s a black-belly. He didn’t mean to tell Hailan. He’s like this. If others don’t ask him, he basically I don’t even bother to take the initiative to mention...

"Stop the ink, hurry up, if it is really the lunatic Brad, things will be big!"

Hailan thought for a while , Transformed into an Avatar holding a Den Den Mushi and hid it first. Once he confirmed that Seven Stars Sword had indeed fallen into Brad's hands, Avatar would immediately ask for help from the headquarters.

He turned his head and saw Hawk Eyes's complexion unchanged, standing on the spot gracefully, with an "I'm going to be cold", and his mood became more and more impatient: "When is it all?" Are you still deep here?"

Who is Hawk Eyes? No one in this world can order him.

Not only did he fail to act, he turned around and prepared to leave like a rebellious child who specializes in confronting people.

Hailan’s voice came from behind: "Mihawk, is this bastard's attitude toward your life saving benefactor?"

Hawk Eyes' body froze.

Although he relied on his powerful willpower to withstand the attack of the Seven Stars Sword curse, but without Hailan, he might not be able to get rid of Seven Stars Sword completely.

In this sea, being weak is not shameful, because you are weak now, and you may not be weak in the future.

But if the character is not good, it will basically become the existence of thousands of people, even in the Pirate camp, such people are not welcome.

even more how Hawk Eyes is not originally such a person.

"It's really troublesome... Forget it, just treat it as the meeting gift that Shichibukai gave to you Marine before."

I found myself a step down, and Hawk Eyes finally Take action.

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