Green fluorescence erupted on Seven Stars Sword, and soon the whole person of Hawk Eyes was wrapped in it.

Hawk Eyes' body trembled uncontrollably. His left hand grasped the wrist of the right hand and wanted to control his movements, but the right hand firmly grasped the sword of Seven Stars Sword. Hilt, like a vise, cannot be shaken, as if that hand no longer belongs to Hawk Eyes.

"Hey, come and help!"

At this time, Hawk Eyes couldn't care about the high temperature, he moved towards Hailan and cried out for help.

Until he personally held Seven Stars Sword and was possessed by the curse of Seven Stars Sword, Hawk Eyes realized why this cursed holy sword has become a more incredible legend than Saijo O Wazamono.

The power of the curse uploaded by holy sword has caused the forehead of Hawk Eyes to overflow with densely packed sweat.

Hailan soon realized the seriousness of the problem.

The ability to force Hawk Eyes to such an extent is enough to show how powerful the curse contained in Seven Stars Sword is.

"The power contained in this demon knife in your hand cannot be compared with Seven Stars Sword mention on equal terms."

The voice of Elisa, the old woman, is in Hailan’s ears. The side reverberates.

Hailan finally believes it now. What the old woman said was not an ignorant remark of a frog in well. It was he and Hawk Eyes who underestimated the curse power of Seven Stars Sword.

"zi zi ..."

The blue arc is shining at Hailan's fingertips. He wants to use electromagnetic force to control Seven Stars Sword away from Hawk Eyes right hand.

But in the next scene, Hailan was shocked. The Seven Stars Sword in Hawk Eyes' hands did not react to his electromagnetic force at all.

The voice of the old woman once again appeared in Hailan’s mind: "I don’t know if that is a demon knife. Maybe it has already surpassed the realm of the demon knife. Innocent wraith is a collection of resentment."

Hailan gritted his teeth: "Isn't this weapon simply made of steel?"

It seems that I feel the sea. Arashi is a threat. Hawk Eyes, controlled by Seven Stars Sword, suddenly swung a sword towards Hailan. A green energy group moved towards Hailan like a flame. The energy was mixed with a kind of very impressive An unpleasant curse breath.

Hailan transformed into Aurora Sword, and a silver sword aura instantly cut the green flame from the middle.

But just like cutting off a stream of water, the green flames that were cut off in the next second will condense together again. Not only does the imposing manner not weaken, but it rushes at a faster speed. Hailan.

"Physical attacks are ineffective...So what about lightning? Lightning and wraith should be innately opposed, right?"

Aurora Sword disappeared, Hailan raised his hand, accompanied by" With a bang, a dazzling electric light instantly blasted on the green flame.

The green energy group was blown to pieces on the spot, but like a colorless gas, under the control of a mysterious power, it quickly assembled into the original appearance.

I want to come too.

Lightning that can exorcise demons. It is the Heavenly Dao Thunder of the "cultivation world". This is the Pirate King's world. Lightning is lightning. There is no special divine force.

Just one second before the green flame touched Hailan, the moment he was about to swallow Hailan, a burst of energy burst out of Hailan’s body and collided with the green flame. , Shengsheng pushed the curse of Seven Stars Sword outside.

Haoshoku's Haki!

"Sure enough!"

Hailan eyes shined, increasing the output power of Haoshoku Haki, and turning back the curse of Seven Stars Sword inch by inch.

"If there is a sky, there must be a land, if there is a cause, there must be an effect, even if it is the power of the legendary curse, there must be a way to fight him!"

Haki of Haoshoku Although successfully resisted the curse power of Seven Stars Sword, it was just resistance, not crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, because Haoshoku Haki was not the natural nemesis of the curse power of Seven Stars Sword.

But this is enough, at least Hailan has mastered the ability to fight Seven Stars Sword.

A flash of red light flashed in Hawk Eyes' eyes. His pupils were as sharp as a falcon. At this time, under the background of the demon red, they were more people than the messengers of hell.

The buzzing sword cry sounded, and a huge green sword aura cut out from the sword edge of Seven Stars Sword and slammed straight towards Hailan.

Seeing that his curse power couldn't swallow that man, Seven Stars Sword interfered with Hawk Eyes' mind, and soon changed the attack method.


Hailan's sword blocked Hawk Eyes' sword aura, but the power from the sword aura made him startled: "This strength... "

In an instant, Hailan's silhouette was pushed out several tens of meters.

He had to dodge aside, but after Hailan’s resistance, the green sword aura still cut out a trace that could not be seen in the forest of Aska Island. Looking from above, it was as if the entire island was cut off by Hawk Eyes with a single sword!

"I see!"

A hint of worry appeared on Hai Lan's face.

This Seven Stars Sword's increase in host strength is not a fixed increase, but a percentage increase.

To put it simply, when the person holding the Seven Stars Sword is just an ordinary people, even with the blessing of the Seven Stars Sword, UU reading www. is not strong enough to go; but if the host of Seven Stars Sword is replaced by a great swordsman of the level of Hawk Eyes, it can explode with super destructive power.

This is the truth that the power of Seven Stars Sword is called terrifying!

"You must do it quickly. If it takes too long to let Hawk Eyes and Seven Stars Sword completely fuse together, there is no way to stop it!"

Hailan's eyes In the flash of determination, he directly turned on the "overload" and returned to Hawk Eyes in the blink of an eye.


But at this time the strength of Hawk Eyes has also been greatly improved, even if Hailan has turned on the "overload", the Aurora Sword in his hand is still Seven Stars Sword of Hawk Eyes was firmly placed in midair.

Aurora Sword collided with Seven Stars Sword ding ding dong dong. Continuously rocks and big trees were cut off by the two sword auras. There was a roaring sound in the forest, and the flock of birds Flying away, all beasts gallop.

Hawk Eyes's within both eyes glowing with red light, every move is unreserved, just like facing a life and death enemy, but also like a stomach rumbling with hunger who is fighting with the prey wild beast.

All of a sudden, Hailan who turned on "Overload" was beaten back and forth by Hawk Eyes.

If it wasn't for the Aurora Sword "Raeche" in his hand, but an O Wazamono or Wushuang O Wazamono, perhaps he had already become scrap in the battle with Hawk Eyes.


"Maya be careful!"

The villagers who were heading to the prayer altar were almost hit by an escaped beast.

The boy named Lax guarded the little girl Maya, but Maya didn't seem to care about her life at all: "It seems that those two people have already got the Seven Stars Sword, I I have to go to the altar and pray, it’s too late."

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