" Um ..."

Hai Lan's expression was a bit embarrassing.

He lifted Aurora’s disguise and revealed his original appearance: "Well, it’s me."

Hawk Eyes put away his black blade and his eyes became It calmed down.

Upon seeing this, Hailan couldn’t help asking: "What? Didn’t you fight?"

Hawk Eyes gave Hailan a white look: "Don’t fight, you got me The emotions are disjointed, so what are you going to fight."

A demon sword, this is a rare famous sword in the world.

Even in the "Demon Blade" group, the second generation of Ghost Toru can be regarded as relatively famous.

Today, I finally met a great swordsman with "Second Generation Ghost Toru" as his saber. Hawk Eyes' fighting intents are already burning, but didn't expect this to be Hailan's disguise. Identity, Hawk Eyes felt it was like a basin of cold water poured on his head suddenly, extinguishing his burning fighting spirit.

Seeing that Hawk Eyes had no fighting spirit, Hailan put away the second-generation ghost, and wondered: "How did you recognize me?"

"On this sea How many people speak like you? I know who you are as soon as you speak."


Hailan was speechless.

Is your temperament already so obvious? There is one more thing to note when you dare to disguise your identity in the future.

Hailan changed the subject and said: "Hey, Mihawk, I think you were full of fighting spirit just now, don't you really want to learn from me?"

"This is different. "

Hawk Eyes explained seriously: "If you are really a great swordsman who uses a demon sword, you will have a unique temperament on your body, and the sword technique will be very different from the orthodox swordsman. This is the value of learning.

Since I now know that you are the master of the second generation of ghosts, there is no need to compete, after all, the second generation of ghosts can’t do anything in your hands. All other tricks are your own style in the end."

Hailan smiled, thinking what you said is a compliment or harm to me?

If you don’t, Hai Lan doesn’t care too much.

He didn't come here today to play with Hawk Eyes, he has something to say.

"Mihawk, do you remember our original agreement? I invite you to join Oka Shichibukai now. You shouldn't be regretful, right?"

Hailan was in New World back then When encountering Hawk Eyes, Hawk Eyes was preparing to challenge his predecessor, Greatest Swordsman in the World.

The establishment of the World Government "Oka Shichibukai" system was strongly opposed by Marine, but Marine was helpless.

It is impossible to abolish it.

So Hailan thought, instead of letting real Pirates like Crocodile and Doflamingo take the position of Oka Shichibukai, it is better to invite some powerhouses like Hawk Eyes that have not burned, killed, and looted.

Every time such a person is invited to become Oka Shichibukai, it will reduce the number of real Pirate to become Oka Shichibukai.

Since there is no way to abolish the Oka Shichibukai System, of course, we must try to prevent the implementation of this system from other angles.

Hawk Eyes' answer was not hesitating: "Of course, how can a man's promise not count?"

Seeing Hawk Eyes and remembering this, Hai Lan also sighed in relief: "Well, you are now ready to go to the World Government to sign an agreement with me. With your name of Greatest Swordsman in the World, there is absolutely no difficulty in becoming Oka Shichibukai."

"Slightly Wait, I still want to do one thing before that, I hope you can go with me."

"What's the matter?"

"Go to Aska Island , Look for Seven Stars Sword!"

"Seven Stars Sword?"

"Have you never heard of it?"

"This is really not..."

Hailan is not a pure swordsman, so he does not pay attention to everything related to "swords" like Hawk Eyes. I don't know that the legend of Seven Stars Sword is normal.

"Then let's talk slowly."

Hailan and Hawk Eyes returned to the previous bar. They were tasting red wine while discussing about "Seven Stars Sword". legend.

"On Aska Island, there used to be an Aska Kingdom, and this kingdom is now dead."

Everyone has some hobby that is different from others, Akagami likes Adventure, experience the excitement of fighting the unknown, while Hawk Eyes likes to explore and indulge in solving the legendary mysterious.

"A long time ago, on a night with a red full moon, the three Princes of Askar met a beautiful witch for the first time together, and fell in love with this witch at the same time."


"red moon? Miko? Interesting..."

Hailan is also interested.

If it is in Earth, for the "red moon", Hailan knows that it is just a natural phenomenon. But in this World, there are indeed many supernatural mysterious powers. You can't judge and guess everything based on Earth's experience.

There are witches? Is that the kind of shrine maiden from the island country?

Hawk Eyes continued: "In order to gain the love of the Miko, the three Princes took out the Seven Stars Sword, which proved the throne, and started a battle. No, it was a war.

There are countless people, and the earth and ocean cry because they have absorbed the grievances of countless innocents and victims. In the end, the Seven Stars Sword, which has absorbed the grievances and blood of countless people, has become a cursed holy sword, inviting killing and destruction. Make the Askar country completely destroyed."

Hailan couldn't help but vomit: "This...sounds like a bloody story..."

Hawk Eyes smiled: "Right? I think so too, but this is a real story. Reality is often more bloody than a story."


Hailan couldn’t refute Hawk Eyes’s words, he wondered: “Then why did you invite me to accompany you?”

“Because I’m afraid I can’t bear the Seven Stars Sword after being cursed If you are there, I think you should have a way to stop me."

"Can a sword be so powerful? You are the Greatest Swordsman in the World, how could it be possible? Will be controlled by a weapon.

Just like this second-generation ghost in my hand, it is indeed a demon sword for the weak, but for us, it is just a weapon."

"Do you not believe in the legend of Seven Stars Sword?"

"Then why do you believe in an illusory legend?"

"Why Don’t believe it?"

Hawk Eyes’ eyes solemnly: "Those who refuse to believe in legends and think they are invincible will often violent death.

I am not from the sea. Sola, warrior, I don’t have the kind of ridiculous protagonist halo that can turn peril into safety no matter what desperate situation is encountered, so I must take every legend seriously."



"Fuck Sola, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, a fictitious character who dares to challenge Lao Tzu, I want to see what the Marine bastards have to deal with on the Red Line continent I!"

"bloodfiend" Foster Brad tore the latest issue of the newspaper to pieces.

"As long as you find Seven Stars Sword, I don't care what ambush you have, Garp, Zephyr, Sengoku... come and I will kill one, come and I will kill one of two!"


"It turns out that he was going to find Seven Stars Sword...I know."

After hearing the information gathered by the subordinates created using the fruit ability, Red the Aloof's brows twisted together: "That bastard Brad is crazy. He wants to rely on that cursed weapon to increase his strength. In order to become stronger, has he given up his dignity?

You must find a way to stop him, otherwise you won’t have a good life in the future."

Hailan and Hawk Eyes, bloodfiend, Red the Aloof...with their own different purposes, all three parties rushed. To the same destination-Aska Island.

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