The rocky ground covered with moss under the sea Rankyaku started to creep like soft mud.

He felt that he was not standing on the ground at all, but standing behind a huge creature whose skin was trampled under his feet.

After a brief surprise, Hai Lan quickly calmed down.

There is no doubt that the change of the ground under your feet must be the effect of Katakuri Devil Fruit's awakening!

Awakening is an in-depth development of Devil Fruit's highest rank.

As the Number One Person under the Pirate Emperor Big Mom, Katakuri has reached the level of awakening. Hailan is not surprised at all.

In his opinion, if Katakuri doesn't even have a hole card, then he doesn't deserve to have today's achievement.

Different types of Devil Fruit have completely different awakening effects.

Katakuri’s "Special Paramecia ・ Glutinous Fruit" has the same attributes as Devil Fruit, the creation system under Paramecia.

Creation System-A branch of "Paramecia" that can manufacture real substances.

Doflamingo's "line fruit" and Mr.3's candle fruit belong to the "creative system".

The awakening effect of Paramecia Devil Fruit of the "Creation System" is the same-assimilating all surrounding inanimate matter into the same matter as the Ability User and is controlled by the Ability User.

With Katakuri as the center, the rocks, vegetation, and soil within a radius of nearly one kilometer have all been assimilated by Katakuri, and the area where the two fight has become a "Nuo Nuo battlefield."

"Flowing sticky group!"

Katakuri's silhouette was enveloped by the smoke and dust of the super-electromagnetic gun explosion, the angry roar sounded, and the ground under her feet "lived" on the spot, as if Like the Strange Octopus in the deep sea, countless white tentacles composed of glutinous masses wrapped around Hailan, and Katakuri instantly took control of the audience.

These glutinous tentacles are extremely sticky. Once they stick to the enemy, even with Hailan's current strength, they will definitely not be able to easily break free.

At the same time, after smoke and dust, Katakuri's Trident swung forward, and a crescent-shaped flying slash moved towards Hailan with a whistling wind.

Katakuri's computing power is also quite powerful.

In fact, everyone has the "computing" ability, Katakuri's "Foreseeing Future" ability is a manifestation of the powerful computing power, but other people have no way to use the computing power like Hailan Digitization.

Facing Katakuri’s double flanking attack, Hailan did not retreat and advances instead. He rushed towards Katakuri with a straight acceleration, and at the same time launched Seimei Kikan’s active elemental transformation, almost wiping Katakuri’s flying slash. .


Katakuri lifting Trident successfully held up the Aurora Sword cut by Hailan.

But his appearance is not relaxed at all. The arm holding Trident trembled slightly, which is enough to prove how terrifying Hailan's sword is.

"It's getting more and more interesting, didn't expect you to directly use the state of awakening!"

With the flight advantage of Aurora Fruit, even in midair With the help of this point, Hailan still used an "Aurora raid", just like the rocket's tail flame burst out suddenly, with a huge force pressing on Katakuri from the sword edge of Leiqie.

Speed ​​is power!


Katakuri's body sank suddenly, and his calves sank into the ground. With Katakuri as the center, it is awe-inspiring The incomparable shock wave rippled, and immediately triggered a series of chain explosions in all directions.

"Isn't this what you taught me? When facing a real opponent, the strongest style should be taken out directly at first!"

Katakuri draws inferences about it, Although Hailan didn't say anything, after Hailan released the "Ultimate Flash" and "Super Electromagnetic Cannon" combo without the slightest hesitation, he had already comprehended Hailan's fighting style.

Katakuri, who was pressed to the ground by Hailan, knew that he could not compete with Hailan in such a simple way of power. Although he has absolute confidence in his own power, Hailan’s Devil Fruit "speed is power." "The characteristics of Hailan gave Hailan a strong support. If this stalemate continues, he will definitely lose!

Under Katakuri's control, countless glutinous tentacles wrapped around Hailan.

Even his arm holding Trident suddenly waxed, and instantly wrapped Hailan's Lei Che in it.

Seeing that the glutinous ball is about to stick to her body, Hailan has rays of light flashed in her eyes.

Aurora Avatar!

Suddenly, it seemed that countless warriors were transferred into the battlefield by space capabilities. On the battlefield where there were only two people, they suddenly appeared out of thin air, one silhouette after another.

These Aurora Avatars rushed to the Nuo Tuan tentacles without the slightest hesitation, Katakuri's "Mobile Nuo Tuan" was intercepted by a newly joined army behind Hai Lan, and he stopped moving forward.

It is not unreasonable that Logia is hailed as the strongest Devil Fruit classification.

Even "Gura Gura no Mi" with the ability to destroy the world, there is also "Yami Yami no Mi" in Logia that can compete with it.

Katakuri's glutinous fruit awakens him with brand-new abilities. As a Logia Devil Fruit Ability User, Hailan is born with these advantages!

Katakuri loudly shouts, the sticky ball sticking to Raeche instantly covers the pitch-black Busoshoku Haki, and the Aurora Sword that has severed contact with Hailan disappears in an instant!

Hailan was forced to retreat.

Katakuri took advantage of the victory, and his arm turned into a white glutinous ball, as if dozens of rubber bands were twisted together, and the Trident he held in his hand immediately turned into a high-speed rotation drill. , Fiercely stabbed Hai Lan's chest.

"The glutinous group thrusts!"

"Thunder. Tiger hunting!"

A white tiger entwined with an electric arc spawned from the back of Hailan’s hand. Katakuri's Trident was swallowed in the abdomen with the waxed arm, as if directly biting Katakuri's arm.

Hailan snatched Katakuri's Trident, and the electromagnetic force exploded frantically. In Katakuri's incredible gaze, Trident turned into a meteor and flew towards the sky.

"This is better!"

Katakuri fighting intent is getting more and more vigorous, UU reading he laughed heartily, the regrown arm instantly hardened and covered with pitch black Busoshoku Haki's fist hit Hailan's cheek fiercely.

Hailan took a step back with her right foot, her body as tight as a bow and arrow.

"zi zi zi zi zi..."

The shining arc wrapped his fist, and the blue lightning condensed into a real fist in a blink of an eye and then became bigger, with The thunder can't hide his ears moved towards Katakuri A jet black and shiny giant fist greets him.

"Jiao Nuo Tuan!"


The blue giant fist collided with the pitch black giant fist, a white wave The ring-shaped cloud of air was silently generated at the place where the two fists hit, and with a loud bang of "hong", it instantly turned into a violent air wave moved towards turbulently rushing in all directions.

The collision of Haoshoku Haki created a purple thunderbolt, which mirrored the blue arc.

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