"Gaspade has rebelled!"

Marine Headquarters and general overwhelming majority have put aside their work and gathered in the highest Conference Hall.

Only generals of Vice Admiral and above, Fleet Admiral Sengoku straight to the point, threw this blockbuster directly to the crowd.

"According to reliable information, the Gaspard Vice Admiral who went to Shipbuilding Island for a mission has been rebellious. He took away the steamship that the Government was preparing to acquire. Now it has been removed from the headquarters. His entire army is All have lost contact, and he himself has disappeared. The last intelligence comes from a Vice Admiral Lieutenant Commander named Clark."

The crowd rioted.

Akainu leaned against the chair, his face covered by the shadow of Marine's cap. Although he couldn't see his look, the Vice Admiral sitting behind him all shuddered.

Since Marine was fighting the Revolutionary Army in 1511, Pirate was in a downturn, and Akainu spent most of the year in Marine Headquarters.

He was just about to return to the G1 branch of New World when he encountered this disgusting thing.

Kizaru put his hands on his chin, closed his eyes and rested.

The precognition eyes were erratic, and the eyes swept over the people, but they didn't say anything.

Marine Vice Admiral blatantly rebelled against Marine, not only became a Pirate, but even massacred civilians and robbed the steamship that the Government was preparing to acquire. This can be said to be the biggest Marine Headquarters in more than ten years. The stain is, there is no one.

Sengoku glanced at an empty seat in the Conference Hall-it was supposed to be the location of Hailan Vice Admiral, but as soon as he heard the news, he flew directly to the "Shipbuilding Island", next to it. The open window was where Hai Lan had just left.

Sengoku did not stop Hailan.

If possible, he also wants to appear on Shipbuilding Island immediately, but he is Marine Fleet Admiral and must oversee Marine Headquarters.

"I think it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning of the inside of Marine. A scum like this must be strangled, not one left!"

Akainu suddenly opened his mouth, commotion The Conference Hall was immediately quiet.

"Sakazuki, I understand your mood, but it's a bit overwhelmed by the big cleaning or something."

Akainu excitedly said: "Kuzan,

put you away The real Marine will not be afraid of any investigation. Only by cleaning the interior in all respects can we completely eliminate this group of scum. Just for the momentary kindness, but to expose the future to great risks, this is what justice!"

precognition: "Sakazuki, don’t talk about nonsense with your set of false theories. Your behavior is simply irresponsible. Do you think that the cleansing is just talking about it? You know it involves How many questions are there?"

"If it were not for your kindness, the historians who threatened the safety of the world would have disappeared in this world. How could there be a fish? that escaped the net !"

"Did you do the right thing? Just for convenience, you don’t even investigate, and you bombed the ship full of civilians in one shot. , That's a refuge ship specially approved by the Government!"


Sengoku loudly shouted.

These two bastards have been incompatible as fire and water since they were students, and now they are both Admiral. They quarrel regardless of occasion.

"Kuzan, you sit down first."

Precognition snorted, no more words.

"Sakazuki, Kuzan is right, you are too aggressive like this."

"Fleet Admiral..."

"Don't worry, you I would consider the proposal, but it can not be done overnight, you do not have to worry about, I, crane staff, Ming staff we will develop a detailed investigation plan. " see Sengoku also be accepted their suggestions , Akainu was also snorted and took his seat back.

In the depressed Conference Hall, Kizaru’s melodious voice resounded: "It’s true that I know people and I don’t know my heart...Who would have thought that the gentle Gaspard in normally would do this. This kind of outrageous thing... It seems that the impression that this person left us before was all pretended..."


Shipbuilding Island.

When Marine Headquarters received Clark’s call for help, it was actually too late.

As far as she can see, all Hai Lan can see is the billowing gunpowder swaying with the wind, the charred and broken walls and countless corpses.

Massacre of civilians... Massacre of comrades... This is something that even Onigumo can't do...

Yeah, Onigumo, anyway, he is just one Nervous Marine, just a lunatic, but this Gaspard is no longer Marine, he is a criminal, a pure Pirate.

"I'm going to kill you!"

An immature voice sounded behind Hai Lan.

Hailan turned around, and he saw a little girl who was about five or six years old yelling and running towards him.

The little girl's face and arms were covered with mud, soot and blood. Her skirt had been burned to pieces, and the remaining pieces of cloth almost lost its shameful function.

The little girl hugged Hailan's thigh, crying and beating him in the leg.

Perhaps seeing that this move is not effective for this man, the little girl grabbed one of Hailan's hands again, opened her mouth and bit it fiercely.

Hai Lan didn't resist, letting the little girl beat and kick him, scratching and biting.

A small tooth mark was imprinted on his hand, and tears mixed with saliva flowed on the back of his hand.

"Bad guys...you are all bad guys...wu wu...you pay me back Mama...repay me Mama..."

Hailan’s hand It doesn't hurt, how could a little girl hurt him by biting.

His real pain is in the heart.

Hailan has never seen Pirate King, so he has no subjective feelings for any role in this World, he will not kneel and lick anyone, nor will he hate anyone.

Everyone in this World is a living person to him. He is a soldier, and a soldier should protect civilians.

Letting the little girl hang on her arm, Hailan walked towards a ruin.

In the perception of "Kenbunshoku electromagnetic waves", there are about less than a hundred alive on this island.

All Marines were killed in battle, and the entire industrial city had fewer than one hundred residents.

Hailan remembers clearly. He watched Roger's execution when he was a child. The man known as Pirate King left this World with a smile.

If there is an opportunity, Hailan really wants to ask Gol D. Roger personally, is this the world he wants to see?

When he opened this Great Age of Pirates with one sentence with a smile, did he think that more people would cry because of it?

If he is still alive, if he sees one family after another broken, and one child after another with tears, the man who can laugh before dying, will he So tears?

Roger...Will he cry?

"Roger is a demon, a damn scum!!"

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