In Sabaody Archipelago, "Akagami" Shanks wearing a Straw Hat in "Shakky's Rip-up Bar", he is having a drink with "Dark King" Rayleigh.

"Deputy Captain, when I went to East Blue some time ago, I met a little demon who was very similar to the captain. I think he is the best seedling to inherit this Straw Hat.'s a pity. .."

From excitement to disappointment, Akagami's emotions took a 180-degree turn.

Rayleigh took a sip of his drink and smiled and asked, "What a pity?"

"It's a pity that brat said he didn't want it. He wants to be an adventure king who can defeat Pirate King." ..."

As if he heard a big joke, Rayleigh burst into laughter: "The Adventure King...hahahaha..."

Akagami is angry: "You said Buggy is not irritating? It doesn't matter if he is a Marine, he even made up a set of adventure stories about Master Bai with his adventures with everyone. What does this guy want to do?"

Although no conclusive evidence has been obtained, as members of the "Oro Jackson", Akagami and Rayleigh had already guessed a pretty close to the true identity of "Master Bayi".

"Isn’t this pretty good, even if you don’t be Pirate King, you choose to be an adventure king, you still have inherited the captain’s will, but you, Shanks, you and Buggy have been fighting for a lifetime, this You lost time."

Akagami drank a sulky drink: "What do you think this is..."

After joking for a while, Rayleigh's eyes suddenly changed. Seriously: "Do you know? The Red Earl made another move some time ago. He defeated the World Government Army Commander Steel Bone Kong, but he himself was exhausted."

Akagami He sighed: "This guy is really energetic..."

"Not only Red Earl,'bloodfiend' Brad seems to be moving again..."

Akagami was surprised when he heard the words: "Brad? That Foster Brad of Scarlet Pirates, who had the same fame as Rocks Pirates and almost put the captain on the road?"

"That's him?"

"Isn't he supposed to be beaten to death by the Red Earl?"

"Then who knows, he disappeared after losing to the Red Earl that year, and there is no one or a dead body. ,

It would be too arbitrary to say that he is dead, after all, he is Zoan ・Bat Fruit ・Mythical Type ・vampire Ability User, as long as he has the opportunity to suck fresh blood, he will not fall "

Akagami's face was worried: "If he is not dead, it will be troublesome...Brad is a lunatic like Golden Lion."

Rayleigh persuaded. "Shanks, I know you are now determined to maintain the balance of the sea, but if there is a conflict with bloodfiend, remember not to be too impulsive."

"hahaha...You can look down on the deputy captain ." I am, I am very strong now!"

Rayleigh knows Issho and stopped talking. The two clinked glasses and drank.


Marine Headquarters.

"This is the gem of the earth?"

Hailan took the gem of earth that Spandane had brought from Celestial Dragon in his hand, and looked up and down, although I felt some energy fluctuations, but I really didn't feel any effect.

"How does this work...?"

Spandane explained patiently: "You don't need to take the initiative to use this.

Carry the gem of the earth close to your body, and the energy emitted from the gem can nourish your body invisibly.

If you wear it for a long time, such as colds, coughs and other minor illnesses will basically never appear again. Of course, with Your strength does not need this function.

If you are injured in battle, sticking the gems of the earth near the wound can delay the necrosis of body tissues, which has a great effect on the recovery of the body. Help.

If you are exhausted from fighting, with the gems of this place, you can also speed up your physical recovery."

"so that's how it is ..."

Hailan is clear.

The jewel of this place is equivalent to Supreme Treasure for ordinary people in preventing diseases and restoring physical strength, but it is of little significance to him.

However, this function of delaying body tissue necrosis should be very practical. If you already have the gem of the earth, you don't need to give Charlotte Laura as a portable Great Grandpa.

"Why is it called the gem of the earth? It is not called the gem of the sea or the gem of the sky?"

"Because it is concentrated in the ore deep in an island where plants grow extremely vigorously The refined essence has nothing to do with the sea and the sky... "

"Okay , I see, it's all right here, you can go."

"That I ’ll retire now."

Spandane, such as the amnesty, waited for Hailan’s words. He didn’t want to communicate with Hailan for a second. He saw Hailan. He was scared with this face.

Koala, who was as light as a butterfly, suddenly floated by Hai Lan.

"Hey? Koala, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I'm going to find sugar!"

"Sugar? What's wrong with sugar?" " Koala look a little anxious at this time, to Hoi subconsciously to think that what happened, such as Gorosei discovered her ability to want to sugar looted.

"Sugar said that the female star Victoria Cindry fell from the dance on platform and died. That is her favorite star, she is crying hard now..."


Hailan relaxed, it turned out to be something about the girl chasing stars, "...then you go."

Hailan I saw this picture of Cindry in the newspaper. She was a pretty girl. Didn't expect fell to her death like this. It's really impermanent.


Grand Line, an unknown island.

"Cough...cough cough...The Red Earl is the Red Earl. They are all very old, and they still have this level of strength."

There are scars everywhere on his body. "Bloodfiend" Foster Bullard stepped back embarrassedly, coughing up a mouthful of blood.

Although Red the Aloof opposite him also suffered some injuries, it was obviously not as serious as Brad.

Red the Aloof raised eyebrows lightly, and his face was full of disdain: "I thought you were dead."

"he he he ....hmph hmph hmph. ..hahaha..."

Brad laughed a series of madness, sticking out his tongue to lick the blood from his lips.

"What a shame, what a shame...Like Whitebeard, you can't escape the power of the years, Ryder, your strength is not as good as before.

It's different. The power of the years is simply nothing more than a cloud for me."

How ridiculous it sounds when this is said in the wrinkled Brad's mouth. UU reading www.

But Red the Aloof can't laugh at all, because he knows Brad's ability, Mythical Type Devil Fruit's power can allow him to recover one's youthful vigor.

"It seems that I will never be able to beat you without the power of time, so I respectfully call you the Red Earl."

Brad originally wanted to be the same old Identity defeated Red the Aloof, it was obvious that he failed.

"The next time you meet, you will face me again, but it’s me in the Peak period!"

Red the Aloof's eyes dazzled, and the pitch black Busoshoku Haki covered it. On both hands, the first to strike is the strongest.

Unfortunately, he only caught a bunch of blood mist.

Brad's crazy laugh echoed in all directions over the island.

First set a small goal, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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