In the middle of the night, Iron Ore Island.

Normal work is over, and several engineers are walking on their way home.

The lights in the steam steel plant have not yet been extinguished, and heavy noises of steel collisions are heard from time to time. Obviously there are still people working in the plant.

An engineer sighed: "Ai, I really envy that fellow Tom. At first, I was not convinced of his title of'world's first shipbuilder', but now I really did not expect that I would be given by a Fishman. It’s getting on."

Another engineer persuaded: "Mr. Tom can have this achievement completely as it should be by rights, you see we are all going home, Mr. Tom is still working , With this effort, I am willing to convince Mr. Tom.

I especially like Mr. Tom’s words, "Have you seen the surging sea at four o’clock in the morning?", Mr. Tom not only slept later than us, but they also got up earlier than us, so we don’t need to be jealous of their achievements."

"You can pull it down."

An engineer sighed: "Tom is a Fishman, his physical fitness is ten times that of our humans, and Tom’s physique is relatively strong even in Fishman. What I am jealous of is not Tom’s achievements, I am jealous of him. Body."

Several engineers joked back home one after another, and the last engineer who arrived home suddenly saw a stream of light in the sky before closing the door: "Huh? Is that a meteor?"

Marine Vice Admiral Jonathan finally returned home after patrolling the security on the island.

Pushing open the door, his beautiful chef wife Jessica gently said: "Darling, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Issho relaxed, eyes on Jonathan There was a nasty smell in the middle: "I want to eat you today..."

In Marine Headquarters, where most people are bachelors, as a damn cashier, too many people are Sen is envious and jealous.

One of the reasons why Jonathan would choose such a leisurely job is that he wants to live such a leisurely and comfortable life.

Jessica stretched out her small white hand and screwed Jonathan fiercely. Her strength did not hurt Jonathan at all.

However, our Marine Vice Admiral still deliberately made a look of begging for mercy, showing her expert demeanor.

Just when the two were getting bored,

Jonathan suddenly shivered and his expression instantly became serious.

"What's the matter?"

The chef is also a soldier, and Jessica immediately realized something serious.

Jonathan stretched out a finger and placed it on Jessica’s lips, beckoning her not to say anything: "A powerful breath has appeared on the island."

Qiang Although Nathan's strength can only be ranked in the middle level among many Vice Admiral, this is only the limitation of Innate Physique.

His cultivation on Marine Rokushiki and Shuang Haki is still very proficient.

In the words of System, the proficiency value is actually very high.

Marine Vice Admiral is the mainstay of Marine, and there is no one to wait for it.

Suddenly appearing on the island means that the visitor is definitely not simple.

Just as Jonathan opened the door and was about to run towards the man, Hailan had already appeared at the door of Jonathan's house.

Seeing that the incoming person is not the enemy, Jonathan sighed in relief: "Uh...It turned out to be Hailan Vice Admiral...Why are you so anxious? Are you being chased by Pirate?"


Speaking of which may be a bit embarrassing... Hailan heard all the boring words Jonathan said to his wife just now...

Fortunately, no one knows Hailan’s "Electromagnetic Wave Transmission". "Sound" ability, so Hailan pretended to be ignorant of Jonathan and hurriedly said to Jonathan: "That’s not true.

Jonathan Vice Admiral, Marine Research Department defender Have you ever understood the situation?"

Seeing Hailan's anxious appearance, Jonathan knew it was not the time to chat, so he seriously said: "Know some, not quite clear, what's wrong?" " " I had heard that because someone offers Big Mom Pirates attack precise information Marine Research Department, headquarter in order to successfully win that final battle. Will-satisfied Sen Vice Admiral, do you know who provided the information at the headquarter?"

"This is really not clear. I heard from the headquarter that Vice Admiral Kong Ming is investigating the identity of that person. It is said that it seems to be someone with a sea- A little girl with blue color and long hair."

"It's really her!"

Jonathan startled: "What? Do you know that person?"

"It's too late to explain. I just got a piece of information. Big Mom Pirates is about to slaughter the little girl's hometown. I came here to use the'buoyancy net' to transfer the masses there."

Sen's face also became serious: "I'm ordering to go down and send a Battleship to pick up the refugees."

"It's too late, the islands are near the Calm Belt, and they are too far away, even if they are. The G5 branch also has nearly half a month sailing time, this time I can go alone."

"The buoyancy net is still in the experimental stage..."

"It's okay, I It has its own magical effect."

With a word, Hailan flickered toward the factory following the perception of the sound.

Jonathan and Jessica are also not thinking about entanglement, Jonathan must be notified of this information to Marine Headquarters, and even united with the G1 branch to prepare troops to take over the refugees.

In the factory.

Fishman Tom grinned Issho: "Oh! Isn’t this Hailan Vice Admiral? What brings you here?"

After saving Tom, Hailan and Tom have After a few exchanges, the two can be regarded as old acquaintances.

"Do you have a ready-made buoyancy net?"

"Yes, but it is not completed yet. There are still some problems with the power system."

" Yes Didn’t you install the buoyancy net of the Power System?"

"Yes, but what do you want those semifinished products for?"

"It's urgent to save people!"

As soon as he heard of saving people, Tom stopped the ink, and immediately took out all the buoyancy nets that were not equipped with the power system.

"Do you know how to use it?"

"Where do these semifinished products exist?"

"That's right..."

Before Tom's words were finished, Hailan's silhouette was already disappeared.

The Jonathan who came later was puzzled: "What about people?"

"No, I don't know where to go."


Hailan's speed is very fast, although it is far less than the speed of light, but the distance of half a month of Battleship sailing for ten days is just a few hours for him.

Wheat Island at 3:30 in the morning.

The sleeping Ai Yin was suddenly awakened by a nightmare. She hurriedly looked at the life card next to her pillow, and saw that the life card that had shrunk by nearly half was almost restored to its original state. He let out a long sigh of relief.

Ai Yin looked at the time: "It's almost four o'clock, I'll wake up Lilith to continue yesterday's training in a while. UU reading


A powerful aura suddenly appeared in the village, scared Ain into a shivered, and hurriedly took out the room quietly, holding his breath.

Just when Ai Yin was hiding behind a low wall to explore the situation, a familiar face came out from behind the wall: "Hey, what do you do when you hide here without sleeping? Huh? Hide and seek?"


At the moment when I saw Hailan, Ai Yin felt like she had a thousand words to talk to, but the words came to her mouth. But I couldn't say a word.

Hai Lan only saw Ai Yinna's eyes reflecting red rays of light under the moonlight suddenly bursting with big tears.

There is no sound of weeping, only uncontrollable tears gushing out like spring water. The picture freezes in this brief moment, just like a silent movie.

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