"That Marine..."

The "flame" Luffy who returned to the battlefield walked to the side of Kaido and Hailan, feeling Hailan The powerful imposing manner on his body, even the Number One Person under Kaido of the Beasts in Beasts Pirates had to be treated seriously.

"It shouldn't be...that Marine shouldn't be so strong..."

The brows behind the mask of the fire disaster frowned tightly.

Whether it is the information obtained before or the experience of fighting in the country in the past two days, the fire disaster who knows all this knows very well that the strength of this day tiger Hailan and himself should be almost on par.

But in this brief moment, the instinct of fighting reminds the inflammation that he is no longer the opponent of this Marine. If he fights with Hailan in this state, he is very likely to be He was killed.

But this...



In this brief moment, the imposing manner erupted from Hailan's body was very unwilling to the Yan disaster. It actually made him feel frustrated.

In fact, Hailan's state at this time is not something that he can enter when he wants to enter.

Although the JP potion is only a primary level strength potion, it can't hold up a lot of it.

An ordinary Marine soldier will burst out his uncontrollable strength after drinking one bottle. Although there are no side effects, drinking two bottles will still cause serious damage to the body of ordinary Marine soldiers-without eating. Side effects, eating too much will make you sick.

Hai Lan's powerhouse's physical strength, digestive ability, and Seimei Kikan's control over the body are not comparable to ordinary soldiers. Drinking a bottle of JP medicine makes no difference to him. When he drinks a lot of it After the JP potion, his body will not be hurt, but the qualitative change caused by the quantitative change will explode with a powerful force within the effective time of the JP potion.

In addition, the enemy is Kaido of the Beasts, Hailan has already turned on the "overload" state, and only under the dual state will the flame disaster produce this kind of frustration at this time.

However, Hailan's state of overdraft power will not last long.

"Overload" can last about 30 minutes, "Level 2 Overload" can last about five minutes, "Drugs" plus "Level 1 Overload" Hailan has not tried, and it is estimated that it will last about two ten minutes.

In other words, whether you win or lose in this battle, it must be resolved within 20 minutes. Otherwise, after too much physical loss, even with the speed blessing of the Aurora Fruit, waiting for Hailan’s Only death.

Unlike the unwilling fire disaster, Kaido of the Beasts who saw this scene has become more and more excited. He pretended to say with a smile: "Marine brat, if you can kill Kill me Kaido of the Beasts. Not only will I forgive you for what you did before, but I will also thank you!"

The fire disaster glanced at Kaido: "Master Kaido."

"It’s nothing to do with you here. Let’s go."


"get lost!!!!"

Be Kaido's scolding made it clear to the flames, Master Kaido, this is a fighting intent, and he is ready to fight this Marine one-on-one.

No one can stop Kaido-sama in this state, and he can't hear anything.

Therefore, the flame disaster stopped talking nonsense and withdrew from the battlefield where Kaido and Hailan confronted each other.

As for Kizaru, Celestial Dragon, etc., the delay of this meeting has already escaped. Maybe you can catch up, but the question is which way to chase?

The two fell on the ground, feeling the violent and fierce murderous aura on Hailan opposite, Kaido of the Beasts excitedly said: "Come on, I will let you three tricks first!"



Hailan Issho, holding the "Monster Raecut" in both hands, raised it high above his head, holding his breath, and began to accumulate strength.

The Kaido of the Beasts on the opposite side did not evade or attack Hailan. It can be seen that he has absolute self-confidence in his own body.


The huge crimson sword aura, which is like a crescent, slashed towards Kaido of the Beasts not far away with a blue arc entwining it.

Ittoryu. Crimson Moon!

In fact, this is not Hailan’s newly developed style.

He has used it more than once in previous battles. It was only when he fought Kaido under the bright moonlight today that he temporarily thought of it. The name.

The ground is plowed, the grass is ignited, the soil is blown up by the electric arc, the sharpness of sword aura, the heat of high-energy particles, the violent electric arc...any one is an attribute that others have to use Busoshoku Haki to resist.

But Kaido of the Beasts just stood there, not in a hurry, Motionless As Mountains.

The crimson moon collided with Kaido of the Beasts. There was no sound of "ding" of gold and iron, nor the sound of "pu 呲" being cut apart, but rather It was like the dull sound of a blunt knife slashing on the rubber.

The crimson moon sank into Kaido’s skin and flesh, pushing Kaido back on the ground, Kaido’s feet plowed two deep ravines on the ground, it’s not that Kaido can’t resist the sea Lan's sword aura, but the earth can't bear the contest between these two people.

“shua! ”

Kaido’s chest slammed into force, and the crimson moon was suddenly bounced into the sky by Kaido, turning into a red streamer and disappearing into the night middle.

"It doesn't hurt or itchy!"

Kaido roared impudent, and the gravel beside him splashed in all directions as if shocked by Kaido's roar.

Hai Lan can clearly see that his "Ittoryu. Crimson Moon" did not harm Kaido in the slightest.

A shallow bloodstain appeared on Kaido's chest, but the bloodstain quickly recovered at a speed that naked eye could discern, and eventually healed completely without leaving a scar. , This is Kaido's powerful vitality that makes the world helpless.

Kaido's title of "Immortal Body" does have moisture, but the strength of his fleshy body is genuine.

Kaido of the Beasts roared in a deep voice: "There are two more tricks!"

Hai Lan condensed his eyebrows.

"Ultimate Flash" and "Ittoryu. Crimson Moon" are the two most lethal remote styles in their own aurora fruit and sword technique, but they can only cause some superficial wounds to Kaido in the end. It seems that if you want to really hurt Kaido, you can only use melee style.

Kaido still stood steadily and looked at Hailan.

Hai Lan slowed his breathing, sank her waist and staggered, putting on a ready posture for opening and closing.

After the sword technique was exchanged with Hawk Eyes on "Jianhaodao", Hailan developed some pure sword technique styles. Later, when dealing with the "barbarian" Kate of Pirates under Big Mom, this move showed super lethality.


Hai Lan slowly closed his eyes, his mind world sank into an extremely calm state, the sound of wind and rain, the sound of reading books, The sound is silent, in this brief moment, it seems that the entire world has nothing to do with Hailan, and Hailan's will seems to be outside the world by mistake.

When a swordsman first comprehends the "breath of all things" and the Profound Truth of "cutting iron" for the first time, they will all enter a similar realm.

Hai Lan gathered "Demon Snake Thunder Cut" around her waist and made a movement similar to "drawing a knife and cutting," but not exactly the same.

"Drawing a sword and cutting" is the basis of all similar styles. The real "swordsman" will derive sword skills with its own characteristics based on the foundation, a swordsman who can only imitate but does not have its own core. It can only be swordsman, and will never step into the realm of "Swordsman".

"...Jihe. Tiger is dead!"

At this moment, all the playful colors on Kaido's face are also put away, replaced by a solemn one serious.

At the same moment when Hailan opened his eyes, Hailan seemed to merge with the "Monster Raecut" in his hand. The arc and the aurora intertwined, forming the appearance of a fierce tiger. Suddenly rushed to Kaido of the Beasts on the opposite side.

The fire disaster in the air-watching battle could not help but be taken aback. At this moment, he did not actually see Hailan's sword action, he only saw a light tiger entwined with an arc whistled past, Kaido A bunch of blood blossoms appeared on the adult's body.

The sound of the wind brought by the tiger is like the Wuthering Mountains.

The fire disaster has no doubt. If you face this move head-on, you will be seriously injured if you don’t die, but if you change to Kaido-sama... shouldn’t it be a big problem?

Hailan, who is taking drugs and overloading, can indeed rely on this move "Ittoryu. Ihe. Tigers Suspension" to severely damage the inflammation.

This move not only has the powerful output of a great swordsman, but also has the high temperature and electric arc blessed by the "Monster Raecut". The extremely fast and violent is Hailan. This move is different from other great swords. The characteristics of Howe are extremely lethal.

But this move is not without its shortcomings. UU reading www.uukanshu.com requires Hailan to calm down and prepare. If he is singled out against the flaming disaster, the flaming disaster will not give him The chance of meditation-the outcome of a battle is determined by many factors.

But even with such a powerful move, when it hit Kaido of the Beasts, it still encountered an insurmountable obstacle.

Hai Lan successfully broke through Kaido’s defenses and slashed his fleshy body, but what made Hai Lan a headache is that the explosive and strong muscles of Kaido of the Beasts actually got stuck in the "demon" Snake Lei Che"!

Change to someone else, even Whitebeard, if you don’t use the Busoshoku Haki defense, it will leave a terrible scar on your chest, but the "Demon Snake Thunder" cut on Kaido of the Beasts, unexpectedly It was only after moving less than one-half of the distance that Kaido's body could no longer be torn apart.

"It hurts!"

Kaido of the Beasts roared, punch towards Hailan holding the demon snake Leiqi hanging on him with both hands.

Hai Lan, unable to pull out his weapon, had to avoid Kaido's attack first, and then re-condensed the elemental transformation of the demon snake Raeche in his own hands.

Kaido of the Beasts did not continue to attack after repelling Hailan. He wiped the blood from the wound, licked it with his tongue, and laughed happily: "...but it's cool! This is what it looks like! I know that the person called the day tiger is impossible and can only shake a little clever like a cat!

Come on again, there is another trick!"

Hai Lan was secretly cursed in her heart, and her headache was extremely painful.

Is the vitality of this guy really just after the awakening of Mythical Zoan Type Devil Fruit? There must be other secrets in this guy's body, right?

Hai Lan gritted his teeth and looked towards Aurora Sword in his hand: "It seems that I can only use the last trick..."


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