A ghost island under the night.

"This...why did it turn out to be like this? Master Quinn, Master Jack, and the six volleys...not only did not defeat the Marine Suntora, but he even killed one of them in eight-on-one. I’m not dreaming, am I?!"

"Close your stinky mouth, if you don’t want to die, don’t say a word, if you are heard by those adults, who I can't keep you!"

"Yes...I'm sorry..."

"Hurry up and help, there are still many companions who need antidote!"


When Hailan used "Particle Flow. Aurora Storm" to blow the poison mist of Plague Quinn to the base camp of Beasts Pirates, countless Pirates were shrouded in it. In the poison mist, because Beasts Pirates has already developed a corresponding antidote against the toxicity of the plague, the Pirate that was actually poisoned to death does not seem that many on the surface.

"Poison Attack" is a double-edged sword.

Marine’s deep-sea prison also has many antidote against the "poison man" Magellan, in order to prevent the enemy from using these toxins to harm his side.

Jack, who was recovering from the drought in human form, yelled: "You trash, I just paused for a while, and he was killed by that Marine in a blink of an eye! Trash! Trash!!! "

"What are you talking about?"

The Tyrannosaurus rex among the six volleys is also anxious: "Isn't your big elephant almost killed by Marine Dayhu?" If it weren’t for Joker, your name would have disappeared from the big sign of Beasts Pirates!"

Drought Jack retorted, "No matter how I say, I have fought against that day tiger for hundreds of rounds. You rubbish, you can’t hold on for a few minutes!"

If you compare Beasts Pirates' “post” to Marine Vice Admiral, then the six volleys are the strongest six Vice Admiral.

Among these six, there are "Admiral candidate" powerhouses such as Hiruto, Tokikake and Momousagi, and there are also less powerful ones such as Momonga and Yamakaji.

Obviously, the strength of that Winged Dragon must not reach the level of "Admiral Alternate", otherwise even if Hailan can defeat him, it will not give people an intuitive feeling of a spike.

Tyrannosaurus is not afraid of Jack at all: "You lost to the Marine Vice Admiral Day Tiger a few years ago. Now he is already an Admiral candidate. I don't think you can hold on for a few rounds!"

"What did you say?"

Jack is irritable and irritable: "You have the ability to look at my eyes and say it again!"

Mammoth and Overlord The medicinal smell of the fire between the dragons is very thick, as if it explodes at one point.


At this time, Plague Quinn stood up: "Is it time to fight in the nest? You all remember to me, Marine is our Beasts Pirates Enemy!"

Jack immediately changed his attitude after the drought: "Yes...I'm sorry, Quinn big brother."

The Tyrannosaurus rex didn’t speak any more, he looked Moving from the brothers who collected the corpses of Winged Dragon to the empty starry sky, he finally had no choice but to sighed.


Hai Lan, who left the ghost island, was preparing to explore the location of Kizaru with electromagnetic waves, but before he did the formal exploration, Hai Lan saw the fierce battle in the sky in the distance.

Flame can use flames, Kaido can breathe high-energy shock waves, Kizaru is Pika Pika no Mi Ability User, even if it is around two or three in the morning, the battle between them can still be seen Clearly.

"What's going on?"

With the doubts in his heart, Hailan flew to the direction where Kizaru was.

Although Kizaru is a Logia “Pika Pika no Mi” Ability User, in front of a powerhouse of Kaido level, Kizaru, who is holding the “clouds of the sky”, still kills Kaido back and forth, and does not account for it. What an advantage.

In terms of absolute speed, Kizaru must be able to crush Kaido.

But everyone who has played the game knows that in the game, it is not that the faster the character you manipulate, the better. When the speed exceeds my reaction ability, the rest is just frequent mistakes. .

This can be seen from the fact that Kizaru and Rayleigh and Zephyr did not have the slightest advantage in speed when cutting in the original book.

Just like when Kuro couldn’t control his ultimate ultimate skill, "Spoon", hacking, if Kizaru launched Pika Pika no Mi at the maximum speed, his own question mark would not be able to catch up with him. Body-who am I? where am I? ? What am I doing? ? ?

Of course, this is not to say that the speed advantage of Pika Pika no Mi and Aurora Fruit is meaningless.

At this time, Kizaru is taking advantage of speed and is playing "kite tactics" with Kaido and the flames. Otherwise, a Marine Headquarter will face the Emperor Pirate and the emperor's deputy at the same time, and it will already be cold.

An orange beam of light flashed by, and the "Super Electromagnetic Cannon" successfully hit the flames, and instantly blasted the flames out of the battlefield.

It wasn't until Kizaru and Kaido noticed Hailan approaching here that the thunderous sound of the "super-electromagnetic gun" reached their ears.

"Borsalino senior, why haven't you left?"

Hai Lan floated beside Kizaru, Kaido also temporarily stopped the attack.

Kizaru helplessly said: "How fast can an old man take three Celestial Dragons by himself? It's not an old man and I don't want to go, UU reading www.uukahnshu.com is the old man who was caught up by them! "

With Kizaru's power, the weight of the three Celestial Dragons will hardly affect his speed, but the physique of these Celestial Dragons can’t work. If Kizaru flies too fast, they may not survive. Return to Mariejois.

Hai Lan asked: "Are they there now?"

Kizaru replied: "It's on the island over there, you take them away first, I'll stop Kaido. "


Hailan didn't get any ink, and flew to the island pointed by Kizaru.


A loud dragon's roar sounded behind Hailan, and the power of this voice seemed to have overshadowed the thunder, carrying incomparable Haoshoku Haki instantly swept in all directions.

The swimming fish in the sea, the birds and beasts on the island... a large swath of them passed out.

Even the lush and green plants have their heads lowered like full ears of wheat. Haoshoku's Haki is enough to make heaven and earth acknowledge allegiance.

But this is not the real formidable power of Kaido "dragon roar". The real terrifying point of this "dragon roar" is that the sound waves roared by Kaido have been condensed into substance, and the rocks bounced and flowed. The clouds drifted away, and even the sea below it burst into water columns like a depth bomb.

Kaido’s Haoshoku Haki is naturally unable to suppress Admiral’s strength Kizaru, nor can he suppress the same awakening Haoshoku Haki’s Hailan, but his "dragon roar" blasted them like a bomb. There was a buzzing sound in his mind, causing both of them to stagnate for a moment.

Fortunately, Kaido cannot use other styles at the same time when he releases "dragon roar". When he flies to Hailan, Kizaru and Hailan also return to sobered up.

"Zhouhuhailan, Kaido of the Beasts, I have to kill you today!"


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