"The sword is coming!"

Hailan moved towards the second generation Guiche not far away and stretched out his right hand.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, the warrior holding the second generation of ghosts actually moved towards Hailan under the order of Hailan and ran over.

What are you doing?

So this is not Human Demon Kamizo? It turned out to be the ghost of this hateful Marine!

But what’s even more shocking is that the warrior who held the second generation of ghosts in his hands made a move that everyone did not expect--both of his hands held the handle of the knife and made a knife. It slashed Hai Lan's forehead.

Hai Lan dodges the warrior's chopping, but he is not angry: "It really is a wild horse, it's not easy to tame..."

Soon, that chopping The warrior wailed and screamed and moved towards Hailan and rushed over, looking irreconcilable, as if Hailan had killed his mother.

"Sword is coming" didn't work well, Hailan had to change another slogan: "Dunghole warning!"

Don't say it, it really worked this time.

I saw that the blood red in the warrior’s eyes suddenly flashed and dimmed like a light bulb. The warrior's whole person was also like a drunk drunk, his body swayed and stumbled, and soon Fell to the ground.

The vague aura on the warrior's body and the scarlet in his eyes gradually disappeared completely. Without the blessing of the power of the demon sword, the warrior, who had already exhausted his vitality, finally left this world.

Yes, the host is dead, and it's useless to shout this time.

Hai Lan's right hand electromagnetic force was activated, and the second-generation ghost was directly sucked back into his own hand.

During this period, several warriors wanted to sneak attack Hailan, and were strangled and killed by "Rainche" and "Demon Snake" on the way.

"Don’t worry, wait until Shogun Orochi comes."

However, the warriors are not waiting for Shogun Orochi. Kizaru's electromagnetic gun attracts attention.

Hai Lan: "There is one missing now, let's go first!"

Kizaru: "Okay!"

The two took the Celestial Dragon and flew to Mississippi. After the sky, the flower capital of the country was left in a mess.

This time, Pirate is playing at home.

And it turned out that they lost, so they...blood loss!


The moon is bright and full of stars, and it is about two o'clock in the middle of the night.

In the weapons factory, Kaido of the Beasts sat on the ground like a stray child, crying loudly.

"Lao Tzu’s factory..."

"Lao Tzu’s weapon..."

Only the "flame disaster" Jhin was watching. One person, the other Pirates were either killed in the factory explosion, or they didn't come here because they couldn't fly.

Den Den Mushi called, and after a few conversations, he was hung up by the fire.

"Kaido-sama, the Celestial Dragon on Kurozumi Orochi has been rescued by Marine..."

"Fuck Celestial Dragon, I don’t care, woo ..."

If this is an ordinary person, since the weapon factory has been bombed, he will definitely not leave Celestial Dragon to this ruin, but Kaido of the Beasts is really no ordinary person... This is a freak that depends on your mood no matter what you do...

To deal with people of different personalities, you must use different tactics. That’s why Hailan is true and false, so he just put the weapon directly. The factory was blown up.

Kaido really abandoned his base camp and went to the weapons factory.

At this moment, Hailan and Kizaru, who had settled Mississippi and his son Pierce, had rushed non-stop to the base camp of Beasts Pirates-Ghost Island.

“It’s different from Kurozumi Orochi’s layout. The Celestial Dragon is imprisoned on the island of ghosts. The place of imprisonment is not secret, but the troops responsible for Warden are very large, so this time I was attracted to drought and Attention of the plague, go and save people directly."

Standing on a mountain far away from Pirate base camp, Hai Lan suggested to Kizaru.

Kizaru replied in a circumflex, "It just so happens that I am tired from fighting, and it’s not bad to do some light work."

Two flowing light flashed, the two separated action.

"All pay attention to me,

pull yourself together, whoever is going to make a mistake, I am the first to kill him!"

"Ming...understand.. ."

The Pirates who were reprimanded by the "drought" Jack were trembling with fear, and couldn't help but slander: You are Zoan's ancient seed Mammoth Ability User. There is nowhere to vent your energy. How can we compare with you? .

Jack is not a careful person in the drought. He simply didn't notice the subtle changes in the expressions of his men.

But soon, a harsh voice sounded behind him: "If you are the first to make a mistake, are you going to kill yourself?"

As soon as he turned around, a blue streamer flashed past.

"pu 呲..."

A large amount of blood spattered on Jack's body. In just an instant, Jack's anger had been ignited to the extreme.

But this kind of horrible to see injury did not affect Jack's mobility at all. Jack then lifted a rock on the ground and moved towards Hailan and threw it in the past, as fast as a cannonball.

But after all, it still missed.

Hai Lan, who fell on the opposite side of Jack, shook his hands, and the red silk made of aurora shook in front of Jack.

This scene instantly evoked the pain in Jack's heart, just like a scar that had just formed and was suddenly torn apart. The pain was heartbroken.

Back then, the hateful Marine in Dressrosa used this move to humiliate herself. If it weren't for the bastard of Joker, UU read www.uukanshu. Com itself died there.

Jack has never forgotten this hatred.

Along with the howling of the mammoth, Jack "Drought" chased Hailan and killed him.

It's a pity that between the two flashes, Hailan's real body has long been disappeared.

It was Hailan who cut Jack, and it was Hailan's Aurora Avatar who shook the red silk.

The remnant trace of the silly Jack’s sage has long been replaced by anger, and the Avatar who was chasing Hailan soon disappeared.

Hai Lan himself cautiously confronted Quinn "Plague".

What is the easiest ability to leapfrog and kill? That is poison.

Faced with the plague, even Marine Headquarter did not dare to slacken in the slightest.

The Plague took a sip of the cigar in his mouth and exhaled a cloud of smoke.

"I knew you would come here a long time ago."

The plague seems to be well-established, and it seems to be preparing for some kind.

Hai Lan is no exception, he is also using his fruit ability to affect the environment above the ghost island.

The aurora phenomenon over the ghost island is becoming more and more obvious. Looking from a distance, it gives people a feeling of nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

"So confident? Do you think you can really kill me or catch me?"

Hai Lan responded to the plague and was also influencing the environment for herself To gain time.

"It's now!"

The plague suddenly yelled, rushed to Hailan, and fought with Hailan.

At first, this frightened and flustered bluffed Hailan, but soon Hailan felt that something was wrong, as if... nothing special?

But as the plague forced Hailan to a suitable position, the entire area suddenly produced a continuous violent explosion.

"Poison mine detonates!"


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