? On the sea.

Charlotte Linlin and her children stood on the deck of the "Queen Mama Anthem" admiring the Marine Scientific Research Department washed by the waves, and Pirate and Marine fighting together in the sea.

Under the sea.

Not only are Marine and Pirate fighting desperately, two groups of fish controlled by Koala and Charlotte Plarene are also fighting frantically.

Although it seems that Koala and Charlotte Praline are both fish controllers on the surface, they are fundamentally different in the way they control the fish.

Charlotte Pralinie has Fishman’s bloodline. Using her wonderful singing voice to sing a sweet voice, Pralinie can be transformed into a sea monster and control the fish to do everything she wants the fish to go. Things to do.

Koala's "musical fruit" is actually simply not a control ability-the musical fruit gives Koala a special charm that cannot be denied.

Using the influence of music on emotions, Koala did not "control" these fish schools, but made them happily become Koala's "friends", willing to take the initiative to help Koala do everything.

Although Pikachu can't speak human language, he can understand human language. After his "translation", the fish will follow Koala's command to attack and protect the corresponding target population.

Simply discussing "control ability", Koala’s voice is not as good as Pralinena’s enchanting ballad; but because Koala does not control fish at all, this leads to Koala almost no consumption, she can activate The number of fish schools is several times that of Pralinie.

Of course, this is only now. As for whether control capabilities can be developed in the future, it is hard to say.

Hailan had thought about it when he was looking for Devil Fruit for Koala. Just like the aurora fruit that Hailan had eaten by herself, Koala would get the fruit of music. It is not a coincidence, but Hailan deliberately did it. .

Except for the mutants like Charlotte Linlin, in this World, the girl's physical strength is inherently inferior to that of the male. In Hailan's view, the girl does not necessarily have to compete with the male in strength.

It’s more meaningful to find a development route that suits you than to dig into a horn.

If it were not for the fruit of music, Koala would not know when he would step out of the greenhouse and set foot on the battlefield.

Koala at first came here to save the drowners on the Marine side, but unexpectedly Big Mom Pirates temporarily changed the battle plan and used the "Water Inundating Golden Mountain" tactic.

This makes Koala's role in this battle infinitely magnified, but at the same time, the pressure Koala needs to face has also increased.

Those fish schools that were close to Pralinene were controlled by Pralinene’s singing, and in turn attacked Marine, but the fish schools that were several times larger than Pralinene were strangled under the command of Koala. With the school of fish on Pirate's side, immediately formed a one-sided scene.

Charlotte Linlin was smiling on the ocean, her son Katakuri suddenly yelled: "Mama, be careful!"

With an arrogant laughter, Garp jumped in the water Out, punch towards Charlotte Linlin on the Pirate Ship.


Charlotte Linlin's sturdy forearm blocked Garp's Iron Fist, and a strong shock wave erupted.

Charlotte Linlin was about to fight back, and her daughter Pralinne also surfaced: "Mama, it’s not good, there are people on Marine who can control the fish, and those scientists were given back by Marine. Take it back!"

"What did you say?"

Charlotte Linlin's complexion became ugly. This is her last trump card.

Most of the main forces of Big Mom Pirates are Devil Fruit Ability Users. Now it is a naval battle, and the battle is against them first.

In addition, the Marine side also has three "Admiral-level" powerhouse oversees, Garp, Zephyr, and recognition, a large number of Marine Vice Admiral, and now an Ability User that can control the fish school is added.. .This battle has no meaning to continue.

Charlotte Linlin forced Garp back. Garp saw that the overall situation had been decided, and he had no idea to push him. He was just standing on the side of the Pirate Ship, alerting these Pirates.

Katakuri persuaded: "Mama, retreat!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"Look, the people from CP0 are also here to help!" " on Marine scientific Research not far from the sea, wearing a white suit and a number of people trampling Geppo from Battleship fly over.

The Marine Scientific Research Department is actually the World Government Scientific Research Department, and Cipher Polimpossible sits idly by.

Charlotte Linlin eye socket cracked: "Go!"

She is not Kaido of the Beasts, it doesn't matter if she is caught by the World Government, now things can’t be done, she can only choose to retreat .

Marine did not continue to pursue it, because Marine had no way to guarantee that he could take Big Mom Pirates and save the scientists. The goal of this battle was achieved.

In fact, in this war, Marine belongs to the loser.

Pirate won a steady profit, but lost without losing.

Marine loses blood and loses even if it wins.

This is the shortcoming of the home game, unless Marine can annihilate Big Mom Pirates.

Marine can only smash his teeth and swallow in his stomach, but Kong Ming Vice Admiral is looking thoughtful.

"If Admiral Kizaru and Hiruto Vice Admiral succeed in the big battle in Wano Country... Then can they also go to Big Mom's "Totto Land" Where's the field? It's impolite not to make a return for what one receives..."

"Koala is awesome!"

After confirming the Big Mom fleet retreat, Garp laughed hehe Complimented Koala.

Koala, who was held in his arms by Zephyr, replied weakly: "Thank you..."

Garp scratched his head: "What happened to her?"

Zephyr whited Garp with a glance: "You're an old fool, Koala is a Devil Fruit Ability User. Is n't she weak after being soaked in sea water for so long?"

"Doesn't she have a diving suit?"

"If the diving suit is effective, it will be promoted!"

The diving suit can't stop the sea from suppressing Devil Fruit Ability User, so for safety, Koala must tie himself On Pikachu's back.

Garp touched Koala’s little head: "Oh, it’s cold! You won’t get sick, will you?"

If Koala has plenty of energy, it’s okay, but when she’s submerged in the sea, His physical strength was already taken away by the sea, and then he was soaked in the cold sea for a long time, so his body temperature has not yet returned.

"You ask me how I know, go to the doctor!"

"Oh yes!"

Garp slapped his head: "Begapon Come over here!"


Koala was amused by Garp's exaggeration: "I won't be sick, UU reading www.uukanshu.com mine Dao power has already exceeded 100, and my body is very good!"

Zephyr said with concern: "Come on, stop talking!"

Quiet for a while, Koala suddenly said: "Zephyr-sensei..."


"If Hailan knew my performance today, he would praise me, right?"

Zephyr grinned Issho: "Of course! Hailan will praise you, everyone will praise you!"

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