"This is a big problem..."

Kizaru floating in midair suddenly showed a vigilant look.

In the next instant, a shock wave carrying an unparalleled high temperature enveloped Kizaru's whole person.

Kizaru's body is like granulated sugar melted in hot water, disappearing instantly without a trace.

Long Yan breathes!

Kaido of the Beasts finally came to the rescue.

He naturally knew that Kizaru would not be hurt by relying on Dragon Flame Breath alone, but he had no choice at this time.

If you don't take action, the fire and plague on the ground will be a big deal.

Two versus two, how can the two disasters of Beasts Pirates be more than a Marine Headquarter plus an Admiral alternate.

Kurozumi Orochi, who followed Kaido, turned into Yaki Orochi, and then killed Hailan who was fighting with the fire and plague on the ground.

"Demon Mist!"

As the incarnation of the legendary monster, Kurozumi Orochi released a green demon wind and swept towards Hailan's position.

Although I don’t understand the principle of this demon wind and what its harm is, my instinct tells Hailan that nothing good will happen if I get entangled in this kind of demon wind.

Just when Hailan left the core area, Kaido, who had been relieved of Divine Dragon status at some point, moved towards Hailan with his extra-large wolf fang club.

Thunderbolt gossip, moving like a thunderbolt.

Kaido of the Beasts' assault speed is no slower than Hailan's speed. The pitch-black wolf fang club covered by Busoshoku Haki appeared in front of Hailan in an instant.

wolf fang club smashed Hailan’s electromagnetic barrier, smashed Hailan’s electromagnetic force field, broke Hailan’s Busoshoku Haki, and hit Hailan’s hastily blocked in front of him With both arms, Hailan hit the ground from in midair like a meteor.


A house was crashed and shattered by Hailan on the spot.

Kaido fell to the ground with anger. A surprise attack came in front of Hailan again, and the wolf fang club in his hand was raised fiercely above his head and hit it fiercely.

Kaido of the Beasts has already hated Dead Hailan for a long time, and he is going to avenge his revenge today!

“bang! ”

Kaido of the Beasts’ wolf fang club momentum is big, power is deep, and people in the distance can’t see exactly what’s going on here. They only saw circles of shock waves surging in all directions with Kaido of the Beasts as the center.

"Success...was it successful?"

"Kaido-sama shot himself...should be killed?"

smoke and dust In, gradually appeared Kaido's silhouette, and then his wolf fang club.

It is strange that the wolf fang club was stopped by Kaido in midair.


It was lifted by Kizaru's right foot in midair.

Kizaru joked: "Hey, Hailan, don't pretend to be dead."


Hailan is difficult He broke the masonry on his body, straightened up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, grinned Issho, "It's a pity... I was seen by the senior."

Kizaru was wary. Kaido: "Since you are not dead, then go quickly, I can't hold on for too long!"

Where is Hailan pretending to be dead, how could he take his life to make a joke.

He was severely injured and temporarily lost his ability to move.

Kizaru is showing him down the stairs.

A Marine Headquarter and an Admiral candidate came to the trouble of Beasts Pirates and Wano Kuni, which is still too difficult to do.

Hai Lan, who was hit by Kaido of the Beasts head-on, felt that his internal organs were tumbling at this time, and could not help but vomit a mouthful of blood.

However, this a mouthful of blood was blocked by his mouth with his teeth shut, and he swallowed again. When he spoke again, his mouthful of white teeth were already blood dyed red.

"Then I will retreat first, senior, don't die."

"I can't die if you die..."

"bang ! "

Before he could say anything, Kaido's other fist blasted where Kizaru was.

Smoke and dust rolled, a white light flashed by, Hai Lan turned into streamer and disappeared into the sky.

"Kizaru, you really think you can stop us Beasts Pirates by yourself


"no no no, but I still want to say, Kaido of the Beasts, do you really think you can kill the two of us with Beasts Pirates?"


A heavenly thunder suddenly fell from the sky, slashing straight Kaido's forehead.

Hai Lan has been using the fruit ability to affect the environment of the Flower City in the previous battles. Now he can't fight for the time being. This advance preparation can't be wasted.

After the heavenly thunder, the aurora disappeared.

Kaido, who was hit by thunderbolt, was naturally unharmed, but his flowing hair has become curled up, the air is exuding the smell of burnt protein, and the kids next door are crying. ..


"For the time being... just hide here..."

Hai Lan, who endured the tossing of internal organs, was in one place. He stopped outside the seemingly remote and desolate village.

This means that before Hailan is directly hit by Kaido, there are two protections: "Electromagnetic barrier" and "Electromagnetic field". Otherwise, the powerhouse of the same level as him will face Kaido. With a stick, basically he passed out on the spot.

"Fortunately, I still carry the medicine developed by Begapunk Academician..."

Hai Lan took out a bottle of JH medicine (primary level life medicine) from the body protection symbol. potion) drank it all and slapped his lips: "Um...Lychee flavor..."

Close your eyes and slowly feel the changes in your body...


The medicine bottle was smashed to the ground by Hai Lan, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com "Litchi, your sister!"

The medicine is as its name, primary The level life potion is a bit of an utterly inadequate measure for a powerhouse at the level of Hailan.

As for Basic, Middle and High potions, Vegapunk has not yet been developed.

Hai Lan felt a sudden nodded pain, so she simply took out all the JH potions, and drank them all.

When the last two bottles were reached, Hailan thought for a while and decided to keep them for Kizaru.

Although the effect of serious injuries is not great, Hailan feels that Kizaru's temper should not be able to withstand serious injuries, so leaving two bottles for him to reduce inflammation is almost the same.

"If he asks me where did this potion come from?"

A question suddenly flashed in my mind, "No matter, I'll drink it all."



"Where is this place?"

After adjusting his qi and blood, Hai Lan straightened up and began to look at the surrounding environment.

This is called "Bian Li Village", which is the village where Luffy meets Maruko Xiaoyu in the original work.

"The river here is not very clean..."

Hai Lan frowned and transformed into an Aurora Avatar, "Go to the sea and catch me some fish back."

When the Aurora Avatar left, Hailan's silhouette flickered, and a moment later she appeared behind a woman who was hiding behind the grass and peeping at him.

"Tell me all the information about this place!"

The scared woman turned around and also shocked Hailan--this Woman...Why is this woman's "painting style" different from that of normal people?

They look a little too strange, just like the women in ancient calligraphy and painting.

"I...My name is Ahe...I am not hostile to you!"


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