(Thank you for your concern, I am much better today, IQ finally returned to normal and codeword 233...)


Whether it is "Aurora Mosaic" or "Aurora Mirage", in the final analysis, it is just a kind of visual illusion created by the principle of light distortion.

Using the aurora's distortion of light, Hailan wanders in the flower capital of the country, greatly reducing the chance of being easily spotted.

Because of the previous chase battle between Hailan and Kaido of the Beasts, Kizaru and the chaos of fire and drought, the residents of the Flower City all ran away from the town in fright.

The capital of flowers, the once rich man’s paradise, has now become their hell.

So there is no need to deliberately search, just find a house, there are people going to the building.

Hiding in a house, Hailan activated the electromagnetic force of her whole body to expand her perception as much as possible, searching for the traces of Celestial Dragon's Mississippi family.

In normal times, Hailan really doesn’t want to turn on the radio wave induction, because it’s really messy, it’s too messy, insects noises and bird cries, wife beating a man...any messy sound can be heard arrive.

At this time, in order to find Celestial Dragon, Hailan had to endure the chaos of the Flower City.

Hai Lan doesn't like Celestial Dragon, but what he doesn't like is the Celestial Dragon group, not a certain person in Celestial Dragon.

Even if now murder a person with a borrowed knife kill the Celestial Dragon Mississippi family, it is meaningless. As long as the "Celestial Dragon" group is still there, they will continue to do a series of disgusting things.

It is a long-term goal to deal with Celestial Dragon, and the unhurried is now for a while.

As for now, it would be better to rescue the Celestial Dragon Mississippi family, at least this must be a great achievement.

Take advantage of this time, maybe you can blackmail some treasures from Celestial Dragon. The World Government sits on most of the world's resources, so you can say "World Nobles" Celestial Dragon connect dots. There is no baby, so surely it doesn't make sense.

"Found it."

Through the induction of electromagnetic waves, Hailan quickly heard the voice of Celestial Dragon. At the same time, Kenbunshoku Haki also reminded him that he was in the body of Celestial Dragon. There are a large number of Life Aura next to it, some of which are still very powerful.

Hai Lan extends the hand palm, the colorful aurora slowly overflows like soft energy in his palm, gradually forming a silhouette exactly the same as Hai Lan in front of him.

This is Hailan’s Aurora Avatar, a style he used a long time ago, not a style that Hailan temporarily developed.

The development of a new style often requires many trials. The impossible brain suddenly opens up, and you can use it proficiently without training.

Hailan’s Aurora Avatar is similar to Doflamingo’s “Line Avatar” and Cracker’s “Biscuit Avatar”. They are different from the clones drawn by Red the Aloof. These are all talkable.

However, these Avatars can only use their own abilities, and certainly not the abilities of others.

"hehe...why do I look more and more like Monkey Sun..."

Tucao said, Hailan ordered the Avatar: "Go, go and lead Open Pirate next to Celestial Dragon."

The Avatar turned into a stream of light and disappeared in front of Hailan. Hailan himself hurriedly followed along.

But neither of them are very fast, because light can only walk in a straight line, so when you shuttle on the street, you always have to give yourself time to change direction.

"You guys, please be honest!"

The pillars of Beasts Pirates are happy now.

The Celestial Dragon he scolded was the "World Nobles" Celestial Dragon. Put it in Normally, there is no chance to show off one's military strength with Celestial Dragon.

Kaido-sama is really amazing, there is still a future in following such a big brother.

Celestial Dragon Mississippi Saint is really mad at this time.

If these gangsters really beat themselves, there is nothing they can do.

Even if I return to Holy Land Mariejois, I can't do anything about it.

These bastards live in the country of Wano and are from Kaido of the Beasts..."Ah..."

Suddenly I saw the one who came to make peace with Kizaru The Marine of the Kingdom landed in front of him,

Mississippi just wanted to ask for help, but was embarrassed to find that he didn't even know the name of that person.

Although Hailan was once focused on by Celestial Dragon because of Celestial Dragon Charl Rose, the Mississippi family belongs to the kind of family that does not ask political affairs. How does he remember Hailan?

In the end, I had to yelled: "Mr. Marine, save me!"

"hehe...don’t worry, you can’t die!"

Hailan’s Avatar Glancing at Mississippi, Aurora Sword was transformed into his hand, and he turned around to fight with the "Pillars".

After a few moves, Avatar turned and left.

An embarrassing scene appeared. These "posts" were not led away by Hailan, but instead took out a Den Den Mushi: "Report to Master Peggy Wan, we just encountered the'Day Tiger' Hailan, he moved towards the direction of Boluo Town and escaped."

Because these pillars have already been ordered, no matter what happens, Warden Celestial Dragon is the first Task.

Just as Den Den Mushi was hung up on the pillar, an Aurora Sword wrapped in an electric arc slashed towards his head.

In a flash, the head of a "post" has been separated from the body.

"There is so much nonsense, if you want to go, you don’t want to go, wait for death!"

Hai Lan himself appeared in front of everyone, and Avatar was in his telepathic command Go down to attract Kaido's attention.

"Again...A day tiger again?"

Pirate and Celestial Dragon were suddenly stunned.

Taking advantage of the stunned effort, Hai Lan made a fatal move, and Lei Che pierced the heart of a stilt in an instant.

"Kill him!"

Pirates finally returned to sobered up, and the remaining pillars joined forces to attack Hailan, not only the pillars, but even the "ninjas under Shogun Orochi" "And "warrior".

"It's a pity..."

Hai Lan suddenly sighed. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Avatar is not a creature, so Kenbunshoku Haki cannot be used, and it has been killed by Kaido.

The message from Avatar before his death indicated that Kaido was flying here.


In the sky, flying over two silhouettes of entanglement, Kizaru and the flames, and the plagues that are a little slower, also appeared one after another. To a location not far from Hailan.

"Kizaru! Can you be more serious!"

"I'm serious already. The fire and plague are terrifying."

Hailan is also anxious: "Just bullshit, if you are serious, if they two can entangle you, you will be a ghost!

If you don’t be serious, be careful. Put some shoes on for you!"

Seeing Hailan was really angry, Kizaru’s complexion was slightly changed.

He knows Hailan's tricky ability, especially when Kizaru was involved in the last time he dealt with Kaido.

If this is hated by Hailan, I may not be able to go to work leisurely in the future...

golden light flashed, Kizaru’s silhouette flashed into the plague in a flash before.

He didn't even say the catchphrase, and no one even saw Kizaru's movements clearly. The silhouette of "Plague" Quinn had already flown out at a speed faster than a cannonball.

After a while, people heard the "bang" sound of Kizaru kicking in the plague.

Because the speed of light is faster than sound.

Even if Kizaru's speed is not up to the true speed of light, but also not trifling's speed of sound is comparable.

Just as the flames were watching the plague and vigilant about Kizaru, Hailan's silhouette had already come to his side, and Lei Chee fiercely hacked it down.

"You don't seem to have enough computing power yet!"


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