The louder Buggy laughs , the more sad Luffy cries .

The image of Buggy instantly became taller in Luffy's in mind-he lost his arm in order to rescue himself from the attack of the giant lizard, and the third brother lost his arm. Not only can he gently comfort himself, but he can even give out a hearty Laughter, Buggy is the real man.

Buggy didn't know what Luffy had made up for himself, he just laughed heartily, thinking that his act of "playing a hero" had finally reaped fruitful results.

Not far away, Ace stared wide-eyed stared at this scene in a daze, and even the pain of being hit on the ground seemed to have forgotten.

Ace's in mind is filled with the same picture as Luffy. I really didn't expect this red nose Marine to be so brave.

Only Sabo suddenly realized a trace of unusual details while shocked.

Why... why didn't Buggy bleed from the wound on the broken arm?

Unbelievable doubts floated in his mind. Driven by curiosity, Sabo walked to Buggy's arm that was still on the ground.

Just when Sabo was about to hold Buggy's arm to observe, Buggy's arm suddenly came to life.


Sabo was so scared that he sat on the ground.

His cry attracted the attention of both Ace and Luffy who were shocked.

The two brothers asked in unison: "Sabo, what's wrong with you?"

When they saw Sabo safe and sound, they relaxed, they thought the Big Head Lizard was back again.

Sabo stared wide-eyed mouth opened wide, stammering: "Live... live... live... arms come alive!"

Ace and Luffy looked in the direction of Sabo's fingers, and Buggy's arm jumped like a snake in the incredible shocked eyes of the two of them.

The arm flew around Sabo a few times, teased Sabo for a while, and then quickly flew back to Buggy’s left shoulder under the control of Buggy’s mind, and then he caught Buggy’s with a "pu" On the shoulder, Buggy's broken arm wound just now seemed to have never appeared before.


Luffy called out,

his eyes widened.

He couldn't say a word with his mouth open.

"Hey, little demon, what's the matter with you? Are you scared by the power of this Uncle?"

After a long time, Luffy finally answered sobered in the voice of Buggy up.

"Asshole Buggy, you lied to me again!"

Taking advantage of Buggy's dazed work, Luffy broke free of Buggy's embrace.

Buggy was a little confused: "Why did I lie to you?"

"Asshole Buggy, I thought your arm was bitten by the monster to save us." , So you are all right!"

Luffy pouted his small mouth, bulged his cheeks, pressed his small nose, panting with rage and pointed to Buggy and questioned him. His small face was already beaten by tears. , Now there are still tears swirling in the flushed eye sockets, looking pretty cute.

And Luffy's mentality at this time is also a bit cute...

Buggy said innocently: "I didn't lie to you, I said from the very beginning that I was fine. Ah, who knows what you have made up?"

For Buggy’s explanation, Luffy simply didn’t buy it: "Asshole Buggy, you are lying to me!"

"I Buggy" No lie!"

"I don't care, you just lie to me!"

Luffy panting with rage ran into the forest, and Ace hurriedly chased him.

Sabo bowed to Buggy and followed him.

Buggy stayed where he was, because he had already felt that Luffy, the child, seemed to be really angry.

But Buggy still feels a bit wronged: "The little child is the little child. Why do you say you are angry? From the very beginning, I said that I was fine. I really didn’t deceive Buggy. !"

In the forest, Sabo who caught up with Luffy persuaded: "Luffy, Buggy, he was right. He didn't lie to you."


Luffy turned his head away.

Sabo walked to the front of Luffy: "He should be Devil Fruit Ability User."


Luffy twisted another direction. However, this time he straightened his ears and wanted to hear Sabo's analysis of "Devil Fruit".

Ace leaned against a big tree and watched them silently.

Sabo is very sensible and will not lower oneself to somebody's level with Luffy. He walked to the opposite side of Luffy again, and gently said with a smile: "But Luffy, you have to remember that it was actually Buggy who just saved it. We three brothers, you think too much by yourself."

"But I..."

What else does Luffy want to say, but Luffy's character is not good at debate. , Even more how he is still a brat at this time, how do you know what to debate.

If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the case. Anyway, it was Buggy who saved his third brother just now.

Thinking of this, the suffocation in Luffy's heart quickly dissipated a lot.

On the other side, Buggy, who found Hailan again, said with a grieved face, "I said Hailan Sir, I really can't help it, the past few days I have tried my best. Ah."

Hailan nodded: "I know."

Buggy’s hard work these days, Hailan has seen everything in his eyes. As a bystander, Hailan feels the past In a few days, Buggy is just like Tom the Blue Cat among the cats and mice. They are almost tossed to death by the three mice, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy. Buggy is already doing his best.

"You have done a good job, and I don't have the luxury of persuading Luffy to become Marine directly, as long as Luffy's inner desire for Pirate becomes weaker and weaker."

Hailan’s words sound such as the amnesty to Buggy.

Buggy: "Then I..."

"Go, you can leave here, and take your men to fight the Pirates of East Blue!"


Buggy paid a military salute and ran down Corbo Mountain in a hurry - hahaha...Pirate, treasure, military exploits...this Uncle is here. ..

In the evening, when the afterglow of the setting sun stained the entire sky, three little demon finally walked out of the forest.

In the yard of the Mountain Bandit Dadan family, a cute little girl in a short one-piece dress is waving a bamboo sword, waving a "rusty" wind in the air.

The eyes of Ace and Sabo were immediately attracted by the little girl, but not because of the girl’s cute appearance and valiant and formidable looking posture, but because of the girl’s movements when she swings a sword-she is very difficult to deal with ah.

Ace and Sabo, who looked at each other, understood each other's thoughts one after another.


Luffy ran over by calling Koala, but unexpectedly, Koala struck him with a bamboo sword with a "Pa", and planted him on the spot. Somersault.

"You hateful woman dare to hit our younger brother!"

Sabo and Ace rushed towards Koala with a hose.

"Koala is my friend, you two don't hit her!"

Luffy's voice stopped Ace and Sabo's attack in time, and the two were about to hit the airflow driven by Koala's water pipe Even the hair on Koala's forehead has been blown up, but Koala is completely motionless, with an imposing manner in which Mount Tai collapses and the face doesn't change.


Ace and Sabo were a little confused: "Why do friends beat you?"

"I still want to ask!"


Luffy got up, covered his red forehead with one hand, and yelled at Koala with one finger: "Koala, why are you hitting me!"

Koala blinked: "Luffy, didn't you say that you and your two brothers are going to be Pirate?"


Luffy without the slightest hesitation replied, but The emotion in it is not as strong as when Hai Lan first came to Goa Kingdom, and this slight change was easily captured by Koala.

This is the credit of Buggy.

Rosinante did not have much effect on Luffy's emotions. His meaning was only to promote the early meeting between Luffy and Ace and Sabo.

Koala pretended to sneer: "But you can't even beat a girl like me now, what qualifications do you have to be Pirate?"

Ace: "Hey, Woman, your words are too awkward!"

Sabo: "Yes, what are you talking about?"

Koala quickly mocked Ace and Sabo mercilessly: "You two are the same. They are obviously boys. If you can't even beat me, why should you be Pirate?"

Although Sabo's current ideal is to be an adventurer who travels the world, this At that time, he must be on the same front with his brothers: "Who said we can't beat you?"

Koala Shulingling's big eyes looked towards Sabo: "Or... .Let’s try?"

Sabo geared up: "Try it!"

Koala suddenly said: "Wait a minute!"

Sabo startled , Said: "Why, are you scared?"

"It's so boring to fight, let's make a bet."

"What bet?"

"If any one of you three brothers can beat me, I apologize for what happened just now; if I beat your three brothers, I will forbid you to be Pirate!"

"This... ."

Sabo hesitated.

Sabo is a very sensible child: In case, I mean in case, if the three of us can't beat this girl, wouldn't it be a problem?

Koala returned Sabo's words back to him: "Why, are you afraid?"

"Who is afraid?"

Ace is talking .

Ace’s most delicious food is the aggressive method...

"Then you dare to bet?"

"I bet with you!"



"Sabo! Are you afraid that you can't beat a little girl?"

It is Sea Calendar 1509, soon It will be 1510.

Regardless of the specific month and day, Luffy is now 6 years old, Sabo and Ace are 9 years old, and Koala is 10 years old.

Although Koala is the oldest girl and the girl who should have grown faster, but Koala is not as tall as Sabo and Ace at this time, so in Ace's opinion-being a girl, and still taller The challenge of my own little girl is absolutely unbearable!

Being surrounded by Ace, Luffy also surged in blood: "Okay! I'll bet with you!"

Although Sabo is helpless, his two brothers are ready to fight hard. , He was naturally impossible to shrink back: "Got it!"

Koala Issho badly: "Luffy has been defeated just now, you two, who will go first?"

"Huh? "

Luffy look ignorant force.

"I'm coming!"

Ace took a step forward with a water pipe.

"Hateful women, don't underestimate us!"


The bamboo sword hits the water pipe, and the weapon in Ace's hand hits He spins and flies out.

Ace startled: "How could this be..."

Koala lifting bamboo sword pointed at Ace: "You lost."

"I didn't lose !"

Ace rushed towards Koala with his bare hands.

Koala didn't bully him either. She threw away the bamboo sword, sank her waist and staggered, slowed her breathing, and adjusted her strength.

Fishman unarmed!

Ace, who was hit by Koala head-on , flew upside down ...

Unlike Rokushiki, who is not suitable for small children and only a few "geniuses" can force cultivation, Fishman unarmed says A kind of strength and muscle training, no harm to young children who are still growing.

"Ace, you were too careless!"

Seeing Koala picked up the bamboo sword again, Sabo held the water pipe with both hands and rushed out.


Following Ace's lesson, Sabo held the water pipe tightly with both hands.

But he is even worse than Ace... He even flew out with the water pipe, hung directly on the branch of a big tree, and frightened a group of birds...

Unlike the three brothers of Luffy who were stocked, Koala has a group of "big guys" in the Marine Headquarters to instruct the cultivation. Now only Luo who has received System training in the Donquixote Family and has been practicing with Rosinante can defeat Koala.

Ace, Sabo,!

Seeing the three people downcast and unhappy, Koala continued to provoke: "I know you are not reconciled, so I will give you another chance."

The third brother raised his head. looked towards the little girl in the sunset, and heard a sentence that rekindled their blood: "I want to fight three!"

The three of them were taken aback: "What?"

"I said, I want to fight three, you three can play together, as long as you can beat me, it counts!"

"You hateful woman despise us too much..."


The three brothers, who were completely enraged, rushed towards Koala again. The "Pa" and "Pa" sounded by the bamboo sword on the body continued, as if the rhythm of music matched the dance-like pace of Koala's feet. The third brother was actually I can't touch Koala at all.

Repeated defeats and repeated defeats.

Until the sunset completely dropped to the sea level and stars dotted the sky, the third brother, who was covered in big bags, finally fell to the ground feebly, breathing heavily.

"I'm leaving! Ace, Sabo, Luffy, if you three are men, you can't break your promise!"

Just as Koala was about to leave, she heard from behind her Ace's anger: "hateful, I will beat you one day!"

Ace is much stronger than Luffy. Luffy can't stand up anymore, but he can stand up.

Although Sabo, who is almost the same in strength as him, still has the strength to stand up, Sabo's mentality is not as aggressive as Ace.

Koala turned around and gave Ace a warm smile, but the smile looked like a blade in Ace's eyes: "Did you beat me?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Ah...don't get me wrong, I'm not targeting you, I mean the three of you...all fools!"

"Ahhh...I'm going to beat you!"

Ace rushed to Koala again.


The bamboo sword stuck on Ace's belly, and Ace's eyes were bulging from the pain... He half-kneeled on the ground while holding his belly.

"Ai, let's challenge me when you grow up!"

Koala sighed turned and left.

Koala is usually a well-behaved little girl, so the provocative words she said over and over again today...Of course they were all taught by Hailan!

Koala left.

The three brothers were hit hard.

It was a girl who defeated their three brothers.

is a girl who is only taller than Luffy.

I was a little girl who didn't wear practice clothes, but only a short one-piece dress-this shows that the other party is very easy to win.


Sabo burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

"If you don't be Pirate, don't be Pirate. Let's be adventurers together!"

Ace is not happy anymore : "I don't!"

Luffy was surprised: "Ace, what you say doesn't count..."

Ace blushed: "Who...who said I don't speak It counts? I mean, I will beat her one day and win back Pirate's honor!"


Sabo laughed again , His laughter was mixed with a trace of relief and ease that he didn't even realize.


The time soon came to Sea Calendar 1510.

Since the Red Hair Pirates group has been hiding from Hailan, and the Red Hair Pirates group does not do evil, but often does good deeds. Almost no local residents report him, so Hailan has never been found Akagami.

When Hailan returned to Marine Headquarters, Akagami came to Footha Village.

Here, he met a little demon that gave him a very similar feeling to Captain Roger back then. He liked this little demon very much.

This little demon then inadvertently ate Gomu-Gomu No Mi that they didn't pay much attention to and put aside at will.

Later Akagami wanted to give Straw Hat to this little demon, but he didn't send it out.

Akagami still remembers the little demon's declaration: "I am Monkey·D·Luffy, but I want to defeat Pirate King and become the man of adventure king!"

On Pirate Ship Akagami Shanks, with sound arms, pressed the Straw Hat on the top of his head and grinned Issho: "Adventure King... it's okay... as long as he can finally reach Raftel."

Actually, Akagami came to Foosha Village a few months later than the original book. A major event happened during this period that made Luffy finally give up the "Pirate Dream"-

World Nobles "Celestial Dragon" Saint Jalmack visits East Blue Goa Kingdom.

At the same time, Goa Kingdom "nobleman" Sabo had a conflict with his father, ran away from home, and was hit by a Celestial Dragon shelling while going out to sea. No one was alive, no corpse was seen.

Kolbo Mountain, Ace and Luffy, who heard the news, looked at the distant sea, one silent, one weeping constantly.



"Sabo said...oo...Sabo said his dream To be a free adventurer, traveling around the world, exploring all the unknowns and mysterious in this World..."


"I.. .Woo...I’m not Pirate anymore..."


"I want to be an adventure king like Master Bai (not a typo), UU Reading defeated Pirate King and realized Sabo’s dream together..."


Ace looked at the distant sea again For a long time, he said faintly: "...Okay!"

The white clouds on the horizon seemed to condense into the image of a little boy in Ace's eyes, a little boy with a missing tooth.

Ace also secretly made up his mind in his heart: Don’t worry, Sabo, I will never bully Luffy again, I will protect Luffy and become a good big brother like you, a Binbin A polite man.

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