? "Admiral Sengoku, don’t you worry about me going out? I have a good conversation with that big bear, oh no, Bartholomew Bear, he has agreed to join the World Government invitation, you Just report to Gorosei and ask them to send related departments over...

What? You ask about the strength of the big bear? He is definitely not the opponent of the three Admiral candidates, but he will teleport and have the ability to run. It’s still very strong.

As for the comparison with me? The two of us just had a brief discussion and didn’t have a life-and-death battle, so it’s not a good judgment..."

In the royal palace of the Kingdom of Solbe, Hailan is reporting his achievements through Den Den Mushi and Admiral Sengoku in Marine Headquarters.

From the other side of Den Den Mushi came the hearty laugh of Sengoku: "Okay, you have made another contribution to the World Government this time. Keep working hard and continue like this. The next batch of Marines Your name will definitely be on the headquarter waiting list."

"Don’t worry, don’t worry, the identity of Marine Vice Admiral is enough for me now."


Sengoku on the other side of Den Den Mushi was silent for a moment.

What does Hailan mean?

is it possible that like Garp that old bastard doesn't want to be Marine Headquarter?

Not so?

This is not a good thing for Marine, so I have to find a way to correct Hailan's bad thoughts.

But Sengoku is not in a hurry. It is Sea Calendar 1509 and Hailan is only in his early 20s.

Next year 1510 is the annual Reverie held every four years, plus it happens to be the whole year, when the time comes Kizaru, Akainu, and precognition will be officially appointed as Marine Headquarters.

There is still a long way to go before Marine needs Hailan to take up the position of Marine Headquarters. At this time, there is no need to rectify Hailan's thoughts.

So Sengoku changed the topic directly: "Since you have completed the task at this time, let you take a few days off until the officials of the World Government arrive in the South Blue Sorbet Kingdom. During this time, you are at your disposal."

"Thank you Admiral Sengoku!"

After some more conversations,

Sengoku hung up.


Outside the door, Lieutenant Commander hurriedly found the door.

Sengoku glared at Lieutenant Commander: "What is worth your panic?"

"Five...Gorosei's order is down!"

" Gorosei's order?"

After receiving the file in Lieutenant Commander's hand, Sengoku's pupils couldn't help but shrank: "What is the bounty order?"

"Tyrant" , Bartholomew Bear, bounty 296 million Beli!

Isn’t this Bartholomew bear the king of the South Blue Sorbe Kingdom?

Didn’t you mean to win over their country to join the World Government?

What is the bounty order?

What's the matter with the tyrant?

Hailan said on the phone that he was a gentle king who loved his people?

"The subordinates don't know, but Gorosei has sent someone to explain to you."

dang dang dang ...

An official of the World Government It knocked on the door of Sengoku's office.

"Don't be unharmed, Mr. Sengoku."


There is a for a long between Marine and Cipher Pol. With the contradiction of time, Spandane is another sinister villain. Sengoku naturally has no affection for Spandane.

Spandain said to Issho at Sengoku: "Don't be so excited, Mr. Sengoku, I came to Marine Headquarters for no other purpose, just to convey their orders for Gorosei."

As the father of Spandam, Spandane does have some political talents, otherwise he would not be the celebrity in front of Gorosei.

"You go out first."

Sengoku ordered Lieutenant Commander to exit the office. He knocked on the bounty order on the desk, "What's the matter?"

"That's it."

Seeing Sengoku cut directly to the point, Spandane was not up to the point. The imperial rose stalks the bells, and it’s difficult to hydrazine the grilled dodder island. This is the structure セ頁tore>Hai

So Gorosei intends to kill chickens and respect dogs, using Bartholomew bears as an example, as a warning to other countries, and If the World Government is wrong, it will not end well. " Sengoku is the only Marine Headquarters Admiral, it is the next Candidate Marine Fleet Admiral, so Si Panda say these explicit content directly because you can, does not need to hide. Sengoku's face went dark: "I understand. " Sengoku Gorosei have become accustomed to these politicians the means, and the king portrayed as a benevolent tyrant, the same bounty as Pirate, which is just simply not in his mind.

But Sengoku is helpless.

Because Marine is an army formed by the World Government, all economic and technological support also comes from the World Government. He is impossible to disobey the decision of the World Government.

He can give up the identity of Marine Headquarter and Marine Fleet Admiral for the sake of "justice", but without this identity, he will lose more power and opportunities to maintain justice.

This is the so-called overall view, the overall situation It is to sacrifice a few people and protect the majority, even if this overall situation makes Sengoku's heart extremely unhappy.

"I heard that Hiruto Vice Admiral is in the kingdom of Saulbe, right? It just so happens that before I go there, I can call him and ask him to catch Bartholomew Bear in advance. " See Sengoku remain unmoved, because Si Panda added:" This is Gorosei command. " Sengoku had again called the Hoi phone:" Hello, is Hoi do? Now you have a new mission to arrest the'tyrant' Bartholomew Bear..."

"What tyrant? " " Mr. Sengoku, whether let me explain? "

Sengoku directly handed Den Den Mushi to Spandane. He didn't want to be this villain anyway.

".........So, Day Tiger Vice Admiral, do you understand? " " Who are you? " " I am Cipher Pol is Sir, because Si Panda! "


Hailan on the other side of Den Den Mushi was silent for a moment. Just when Spandane was about to speak, Hailan happened to speak too: "Go Once I wanted to take the three sisters Boa into Impel Down, it was your son Spandam who was making trouble for me and talking nonsense in front of Gorosei.

This time I just reached an agreement with Bartholomew Bear, but Gorosei asked me to arrest him. Did you guy give Gorosei a bad idea? " " day tiger Vice Admiral, UU www.uukanshu.com reading this you may have misunderstood me, this time I really did not say anything. "

Spandane is telling the truth.

"In other words, you and your son deliberately caused trouble?" " " ...... " Si Panda because of felt cheated, but fortunately things have gone, but not too serious, so he ignored the cheek Hailan's words continued: "Gorosei is to demonstrate the majesty of the World Government. This is politics. Do you understand politics? " " I understand politics ass, you little here to give my bumbling, you have not qualified to teach me, let Gorosei you give me the phone! " " hello at the mess! " Si Panda because of gas hands are shaking, this man ... he ... he should say to Gorosei answer the phone? to set small goals, For example, remember in 1 second: Reading URL of Shukeju mobile version:

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