? No matter how powerful the bear is, it is impossible to slap Hailan onto the moon.

But the learned bear knows the existence of "Skypiea".

Since it is impossible to go to the real moon, taking Hailan to Skypiea, which is closest to the moon, can be regarded as fulfilling Hailan's wish.

That's what the bear thought.

"en? Didn't disappear?"

Xiong paid attention to the Aurora Sword beside him.

Generally speaking, objects created by overwhelming majority Devil Fruit Ability User using abilities will disappear after the Ability User loses consciousness. Aurora Sword is an energy weapon at first glance, so it will inevitably disappear.

Looking at the Aurora Sword stuck on the ground, the bear is looking thoughtful. It seems that Vice Admiral did not lose consciousness.

Sure enough, the powerhouse that can defeat Beasts Pirates's signature brand will not be easily defeated by himself.

At this time, Hailan, who is wrapped in the translucent air bubbles in the shape of a bear biscuit, is moving towards an unknown Skypiea at a speed of nearly two Mach and flies away.

If the strength of the bear can crush Hailan, when he is hit by the bear's palm, he will faint instantly and fall into a long deep sleep.

Wait until the bubbles fall to the ground and burst open, the people who are wrapped in bubbles will regain consciousness.

However, Hailan is not a character who will be crushed by Xiong casually.

"This is really a remarkable ability ah ... Bartholomew · Bear in Devil Fruit capacity development and Doflamingo just the same incredible genius!" this time is Bear biscuits Hailan wrapped in bubbles was very conscious.

Feeling the wonderful sensation from the bubbles around the body, Hailan clenched his fists fiercely, and countless mitochondria in the cells began to run wildly, providing his body with unlimited energy.

"Break for me!"


Accompanied by a depressed and dull voice, the sound barrier has already been broken through. The sky was forcibly stopped in an instant.


Then there was a thunder-like blast in the air,

even though it was not an air blast used as an attack, it wrapped Hailan’s bubbles still have the formidable power that can blast rocks.

In fact, Hailan deliberately took over Bartholomew · Xiong this move.

According to the information provided by Dauberman and the brief encounter between Hailan and Xiong, Hailan judged that this should be Xiong's strongest style.

The strongest style is not necessarily the style with the largest formidable power, but the style that can ultimately defeat the enemy.

If Hailan can’t hold or crack the “bear’s paw fly” this move, then even if he fights the bear for ten days and ten nights, it’s meaningless, because at the last moment, he will inevitably be caught by the bear. Use this move to directly "kill" and reverse the outcome.

So it's better to try the bear's this move while you are still full. Only by cracking the "bear's paw and flying" can you have a real duel with the bear.

"Fortunately, I cracked it in a timely manner. If I was a little later, I would not be able to perceive the location of'Raeche'."

In the sky above the vast sea, the sea Lan looked towards a direction, and then turned into a stream of light disappeared.

On the nameless island, the bear is still standing next to Aurora Sword Raeche, looking at this blue energy long sword.

Is it filming? Still not shooting? this is a problem.

Just as Xiong was thinking about whether it was necessary to smash the weapons left by Hailan, a flowing light flashed past and shot the Aurora Sword directly on the ground.

Light path. Aurora raid!

This is not because the bear has been thinking for too long. In fact, since Hailan was shot by the bear and returned to the island, he only had a few breaths.

A sense of crisis suddenly surged in his heart, Xiong's huge body retreated at a flea-like agile speed, a blue sword glow flashed by, and the Lei Qi in Hailan's hand just cut To the air nearby.

But follow closely from behind, accompanied by a red sword glow, a red sword aura closely chasing the bear’s back silhouette, sword aura cuts the vegetation and gravel along the way, and the withered grass divided into two on the ground. They all burned directly.

The bear's face is solemn, and his eyes without pupils make it impossible to judge his emotions in his eyes.

Facing Hailan's fierce continuous offensive, Xiong had to stretch out his palm again.

The flesh ball of the bear's palm has been dyed black by Busoshoku Haki, and even his entire palm has been dyed like ink with black hair.

If Paramecia Devil Fruit has any advantages over Logia Devil Fruit, it is the ability of Paramecia Devil Fruit to hold Busoshoku Haki at the same time.

The pitch-black Busoshoku Haki can strengthen the defensive power of the bear's palm without weakening the elasticity and toughness of the bear Devil Fruit.


The red sword aura that was cut on the bear's paw was bounced off by the flesh ball in the bear's paw. A poor roe deer could not dodge and was caught on the spot. Divided into two, the fluff at the incision was instantly scorched, and the air was filled with an uncomfortable smell of burnt protein.

At this time Pikachu is in the sky, a kilometer away, looking down at the battle on the Unknown Island. The aftermath of the battle between Hailan and the bear will not hurt Pikachu at all, even if there is a sword aura moved towards this direction. Come, the distance of kilometers is enough for Pikachu to escape.

Xiong slapped Fei Hailan's sword aura, which looked like serene, but in fact he was also uncomfortable.

Just as one person extends the hand and grabs a straight fist from another person, Xiong's strength is unable to crush Hailan, and of course he will feel pain.

Without giving the bear a chance to breathe, Hai Lan held "Demon Snake" and "Lei Che" with both hands and slammed at the bear again.

Discuss with Martial Artists, click to the end, this is the principle that the low martial world can only exist.

Because everyone is ordinary people, not to mention lack of arms or legs, even if you suffer a serious injury and lie down for three to five months, it will be too much time.

In a high-spirited world like Pirate King, UU reading www.uukanshu. Even if the com is to learn from each other, they are both deadly, because it is very difficult to kill a powerhouse, even if it is seriously injured, as long as the follow-up can rest, it can be restored to the original state within a few days.

So everyone is particularly relaxed.

"I can't believe it, the person who can crack my style, Day Tiger Vice Admiral, you are still the first one!"

didn't expect Hailan to fly again in a flash Back on the island and launched a continuous attack like strong wind and swift rain, Xiong couldn't help but admired Hailan.

Xiong has never played against Marine Headquarter or the "Three Emperors", so he is telling the truth, not a compliment.

Hailan doesn’t keep a low profile with Xiong: “Big Xiong, take out your true abilities and compete with me. Don’t use this seize every opportunity method. You have to know, no matter how much Try a few times, you are also impossible to shoot me out of this island!"


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