? "Marine Vice Admiral... Sun Tiger?"

Hearing his report, the bear's expression became serious.

As a king, he must be more or less concerned about current affairs news.

Marine Vice Admiral "Day Tiger" once hit the Beasts Pirates signature "Drought" Jack in Dressrosa. Although the report of this incident was hidden because of the Oolong incident that was later organized by Celestial Dragon Saint Charlos, but The first issue of the newspaper has already been issued.

So the bear still knows about this.

Although Xiong is a king and possesses extremely powerful strength at the same time, Xiong and Wapol Bo have diametrically opposite personalities. He is a very modest and prudent person.

The previous Dauberman Rear Admiral Fortunately, there is no difficulty.

But now it is a Marine Vice Admiral who is here, and it is also the day tiger, things... not easy to handle.

After thinking about it for a moment, Xiong instructed: "You all stay here and don't act casually. I can go and see that day tiger Vice Admiral alone."


For this king who possesses both strength and prestige, the soldiers will resolutely execute his orders without any doubt.


In the "Badak Cold Drink Shop", Pikachu himself occupies a table. In front of him, what big cup, extra large cup, South Blue invincible large cup The ice creams are all set up, and you can eat whichever you want. There is no need to worry about it.

Hailan doesn't worry that Pikachu will eat her stomach. With Pikachu's powerful genes and vitality, she will eat her stomach and it's unexpected.

Hailan sat at another table, holding an ice cream in his hand, beside him, standing beside him was the cold drink shop Boss with a smile on his face.

The messy taxes that Hailan said before are just to scare the boss of the cold drink shop. He is Marine, not Pirate. If he really collects the money, wouldn’t it be a robbery? .

In addition to frightening Boss, the most important or for that Hailan said to collect taxes before led to the king's army of the Kingdom of Solby, and then Bartholomew Bear.

In the beginning, Hailan was planning to play for a day before doing business,

but since meeting this Boss, she just took advantage of the situation.

The news soon reached the bear's ears through Den Den Mushi.

Soon, before the ice cream in Hailan's cup was finished, the bear appeared at the door of the cold drink shop in a thunderous manner.

Bartholomew ・The bear is a windy man, but also a flexible and fatty...

Bowing his head and bending over, the bear walked into the cold drink shop.

When seeing their king, the boss of the cold drink shop finally let out a long sigh of relief and retreated in time.

"Hi, Vice Admiral, Hi, I am the king of this country, Bartholomew Bear."

The bear first greeted Hailan politely.

Don’t look at the bear’s big size and only white eyes in his eyes. It looks as dangerous as a bear blind, but the bear’s voice is unexpectedly full of magnetism. His tone of voice is also very soft and close. In the distance, Hai Lan's ears were itchy.

"Thank you for not killing, I first express my gratitude to you for my soldiers."

Xiong bent down and bowed deeply to Hailan Bowed.

This point made Hailan feel a little surprised.

Those king soldiers lying on the street did not have a mortal danger. Hailan knew that the bear would definitely mention this, but he did not expect the bear to bow to him directly.

Waved her hand, Hailan smiled and replied: "Don’t be grateful, I just want to repay you for not killing people."

Hailan did not kill the king’s army. Reason.

Earlier Dauberman Rear Admiral brought people to this country.

Although Xiong shot Dauberman flying, he did not hurt Dauberman, nor did he hurt other Marine soldiers.

When the power gap between the two sides reaches a certain level, "not killing" can be regarded as a kindness.

Dauberman was the student who had the best relationship with Zephyr in his own elite training camp. Pirate, who assassinated Zephyr's family, was captured by him without sleep for several days.

When Hailan was a child, Dauberman also taught Hailan a lot of abilities. Unlike other seniors who are only nominal, Dauberman can be regarded as a senior in the true sense of Hailan.

So Hailan still has some good feelings for Doberman.

If the bear kills Dauberman if he doesn't agree with him, Marine really can't do anything about it.

Although the bear will definitely not have a good life in the future, there is no way for the dead to be resurrected.

"Would you like to eat ice cream? I am a treat!"

Hailan invited Xiong to sit down.

Xiong thought for a while, he took off the chair and sat cross-legged on the opposite side of Hailan.

He is too tall... he is nearly seven meters tall...

Xiong pondered for a moment, and asked, "If you say that, you are definitely not trying to A batch of Marine’s “revenge” came, so when you come to our country, do you still want to discuss the topic of the last time?

Forgive me to speak bluntly, our Solbe Kingdom will not join the World Government "

"Don’t speak so hastily, no one knows the result until the last minute, don’t they?"

Hailan from the Marine camp, from the snack Marine, use Marine, now of course must be in order to Marine for profit.

Perhaps in the eyes of those who are not members of World Government, joining World Government may not be a good thing, but for World Government and Marine, the more countries they join, the stronger their strength.

His enemy, my hero.

What Hailan is doing now is essentially the same as "expanding territory".

What is the purpose of a country’s expansion and expansion, or for resources-broader land, richer resources, more people...

But Unlike the Midi ancestors who grabbed other people's territory and slaughtered local residents, the World Government adopted a strategy of "surrendering", making it its own country, equivalent to "one state" or "one province."

After all, the World Government is not a pure empire. It is a world-level organization. They need to stand under the banner of "great righteousness".

So it is understandable that Xiong does not want to join the World Government-no one does not want to turn himself from a king to a governor, and he does not want his citizens to become the labor force of other forces.

The bear's expression is very firm: "I have decided, and Vice Admiral, please don't persuade it anymore."

Hailan glanced at being held by the bear in his arms He didn’t know whether the content of this Bible was the same as the Bible on Earth, and he was not interested in knowing.

But from the words and behavior of Xiong, Hai Lan judged that this was a very thoughtful king, and words alone would definitely not be able to convince him.

So Hailan said to Xiong Issho: "In that case, let us speak with our strength."


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