With a foul-mouthed voice, a stranger woman walked out of the crowd.

"Doctor Dolier!"

"Stop there! Don't come over!"

Chopper was drunk as soon as he wanted to run to that person In the same place.

Koala followed the fame, but found that the woman she was...she actually only wore a cool dress in World of Ice and Snow.

The lower body is purple slim-fit trousers, and the upper body is a purple open-waist jacket. The zipper of the jacket is completely open. Inside is a white t-shirt with a cherry blossom pattern.

In the World of Ice and Snow on Magnetic Drum Island, it was so cool to wear, and Koala was shocked to see.

"She...isn't she cold?"

Sirruk replied: "She really is not afraid of cold."

This person is not only Not afraid of cold, the skin on her exposed waist, abdomen and hands is also extremely white and smooth, even with umbilical rings, just like a 16-year-old girl, her breasts are as tall as a mountain, without the appearance of Senior at all.

If it weren't for her old witch-like cheeks with densely packed wrinkles, no one would have guessed that this is an elderly person who is already 128 years old (Sea Calendar 15o9 years).

Outsiders call her dr. Gurewa, but Chopper can affectionately call her Doctor Dolier.

When Shiluruk adopted Chopper, he asked Gureywa to take care of Chopper during the days when he went to work in the research department of the World Government.

Now that Chopper and Gureywa have developed a deep relationship, he is really reluctant to let him leave Drum Island like this.

"Doctor Dolier..."

"Smelly brat, I don't need you anymore, you should get out of here!"

After being scolded by Gu Leiwa, the simple Chopper cried again. Blue's nose was already covered with mucus.

"You arrogant dead old woman, Chopper, he will never come back. Doesn't he need this kind of inferior aggressive method."

See Gu Leiwa She yelled at her beloved Chopper, and Shiluruk directly explained Gureywa's true thoughts.

"You stinky little demon, damn quack doctor, now you are so bold, you dare to talk to me like this!"

Gurewa is a bit older than Brook At the age of ten, she was indeed qualified to scold Shiruuk for a little demon.

Two old friends who are both enemies and friends, often mocking each other and helping each other, just started quarreling... quarreling and fighting again...

Look Looking at Shiluruk and Gureywa who were torn together, Chopper summoned the courage and rushed over, trying to stop the fight between the two.

Then he was kicked back.

"You arrogant old woman dared to kick Chopper, let me wake you up!"

"It's obviously you Chopper kicked by a little demon!"

"Stop! You guys don't fight anymore!"

Poor Chopper yelled to them in vain while wiping his tears.

Unfortunately, it can't be stopped at all.

"Chopper is not crying, the two of them are playing around."

Koala ran over and picked Chopper up.

Among the people present, only Chopper would believe that these two people are desperate...

"What's the matter, what's the noise there?"


With a howl, Wapol Bo, the new king of Drum Island, finally arrived slowly.

"Hiruruk, are you trying to rebel? I tell you, the Iron Barrel Kingdom is a member of the World Government, even Marine..."

"long time no see Ah, Wapol wave Prince, oh no, Wapol wave Your Majesty."

The moment he heard this voice, Wapol wave’s original angry expression immediately changed to a dumb face.

"Sea...sea...sea...Hailan Captain?"

Koala reminded: "It's Hailan Vice Admiral!"

"Vice Admiral?!!!"

Wapol wave almost screamed.

Who is not good here? Why is Hailan the one who came here?

Why did Hailan become Vice Admiral?


My plan is going to be over.

"Hey...It turned out to be Hailan Vice Admiral. I don’t know if you came from afar. It’s really excuse me for not going out to meet you. Come on, don’t blow the cold wind here. There is good wine in the castle. Cai, please come inside."

Wapol Bo quickly put on a smiling face, and while rubbing his hands, he invited Hai Lan to visit his castle.

The most humble person is invincible. At this time, the Wapol wave does not have the demeanor of a king, and his face is changed faster than turning a book.

"I won't go to the castle..."

Hailan declined Wapol wave’s "kindness" and went straight to the point and said: "I heard about Wapol wave Your Majesty. The doctors in the country are being expelled..."

"Nothing, who said, who?"

Wapol wave preemptively called, "You said?"

Wapol wave pointed at his clerk.

"no no no, not me."

Cromalimon shook the head.

"Then it is you?"

Wapol wave pointed at his staff again.

Jace's expressionless face: "How is it possible."

Then Wapol wave turned around and looked towards Hailan, enthusiastically Issho: "I'll just say, nothing, this Someone must be spreading the rumors."


Captain Dalton, the guard of the King’s Army, held his forehead with his hand, God, do you really have to serve for the rest of your life? Is this king?

What a shame...

"Wapol Bo Your Majesty, you misunderstood."

Hai Lan gave Wapol Bo a relieved look.

Wapol Bo was taken aback: "Misunderstanding?"

Hai Lan’s face showed the same kind expression as when the Eighth Route Army met the fellow: "King Wapol Bo, your iron bucket kingdom is As a member of the World Government, how can we Marine interfere with your country’s internal affairs?

We have no other meaning when we came to Drum Island this time. We will neither help our citizens to fight against your army. Nor will it help your army to suppress the people. We are just here to maintain peace, prevent casualties, and prevent troubles.

Your plan can continue to be implemented and promoted. We will never interfere. I will bring It’s just our Marine peacekeeping forces."

"How could this be..."

Dalton was taken aback, UU read www.uukanshu.com he thought Marine It was to stop Wapol wave's atrocities, but didn't expect the reality is completely different from what he thought.

Siluruk had already understood this, but he had nothing to say.

The words Hailan said to Wapol waves are all in compliance with the rules. On the contrary, if Marine interferes with the Wapol wave policy, it is a real violation of the rules.

Hai Lan brought people here for another purpose.

But Begapunk did not inform Shiluruk of this plan.


Wapol Bo looked towards Hailan with his incredible eyes.

Isn’t you dreaming?

This Hailan... can he be so friendly?


Don't mention how sincere Hailan's expression is, because he really didn't lie.

"But that dr. Gurewa is also my friend, Wapol Bo Your Majesty, please don't drive her away."

While on the road, Hailan I have already asked Siruluk if he can also recruit Gureywa to the World Government Research Department.

After confirming that she could not recruit, Hailan stopped playing Gureywa's idea. It's better to simply sell her a favor here, so that she won't have to face Wapol wave in the future.

Some favors can be sold first. As to whether the other party will pay it back, that is the future.

In fact, Hailan and Guraywa are not familiar, but Guraywa is Chopper's Sensei and guardian, and Chopper is Koala's new partner, so this is actually Koala's face.

Wapol wave laughed heartily: "haha...no problem! These are all trivial things!"

Anyway, Guraywa’s medical treatment is very expensive, higher than my standard. Don't expel her if you don't expel her.

Wapol wave thinks so.


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