The imposing manner of "Beardless Pirates" is getting stronger and stronger. The real Pirates, the Pirates have fallen on the deck one by one.

Some Pirate wanted to jump into the sea and escape.

Hai Lan, who has been waiting for the "Jiang Taigong Fishing", has arranged the "Aurora Great White Shark" in the sea beforehand, but they will not be easily let go.

"No, it doesn't seem to be right... Why hasn't none of the sailors without the beard Pirates died after the battle?"

gradually, pirate captain finally discovered this The problem with the battle.

It was obviously an evenly matched battle, but why only the corpse of one's side fell on the deck?

With Hailan guaranteeing and protecting secretly, the result of this unilateral slaughter has been determined from the very beginning of the battle.

"In Life and Death Battle, you still have the mood to glanced around? Are you too confident in your own strength?"

Seize the opportunity of pirate captain distraction , Carlo started "shave" and flashed to the captain's side, "Shigan" burst continuously, like strong wind and swift rain.

Carlo has already had an outstanding performance in West Blue. After coming to the headquarters, he has been taught by Wagner and Zephyr, and soon has mastered "Shave" and "Shigan".

"Taipingxue. Snow's Weapon!"

With the help of Carlo to contain the pirate captain, Monet jumped and floated using the ability of Logia·Xuexue Fruit In midair, the white snow condensed a handful of snow and ice weapons, and under the control of Monet, it accurately killed the pirate captain.

This is a style developed by Monet imitating Hailan's aurora weapon.

Don't look at those weapons that are only made of Shirayuki. In fact, Shirayuki's weapons are not weaker than the steel knives in the hands of anyone present.

Since Monet has not been transformed into a half-human and half-bird state by Trafalgar Luo as in the original work, she still maintains the appearance of a girl, valiant and formidable looking, so her style and " "Birdman" Monet is very different.

If Hai Lan knew about the "Birdman" Monet in the original work, he would definitely lose his teeth.

The status of "Birdman" or something... It has no meaning at all.

Is it better to replace the legs with claws?

It is a magical logic of thinking.

Pirate captain eventually died in the double double team of Carlo and Monet.

Although he has mastered Busoshoku Haki, Busoshoku Haki is actually an invisible armor, and since it is an armor, it can be destroyed.

even more how this pirate captain is not so powerful that it can use Haki to cover the whole body. It was lost to the excellent Marine newbie elite Carlos and Monet. It was only a matter of time.

When the battle gradually ended, the Marines made up a few dollars on the Pirates one by one, and after confirming that there was no one alive, they gave these Pirates to the fishes of New World for a feast. .

This is the case in nature. People eat fish, and fish eat people, endless cycles.

"Hailan Sir? Just now a Pirate said I have a beard, how can I have a beard?"

With full of doubts, Buggy tilted his head and asked to the sea Lan.

"Look at how many days you haven't shaved... he said it should be your stubble..."


Buggy, who is chasing after a child, looks like a bird, and pretends to be in a gap.


"Yes! "

"The battle is over. Go and summarize your experience in this time."


Pete has already figured it out. , Hailan Sir asked herself to explain "The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road" in order to exercise her courage.

Pitt stood at the top of the house and summoned his courage: "During the battle at this time..."

Although Pete was stubbornly speaking, he was even nervous sometimes The local sentence didn't make sense, but none of the soldiers present laughed at him.

You can make jokes, but you laugh at your comrades-in-arms. In Hailan’s army,

this kind of phenomenon does not exist at all.

Looking at Pete standing nervously speaking, Hailan also gradually remembered herself when she was still in school.

Hai Lan is not talkative, but when Sensei asks questions in class, he always answers actively.

This is not for the limelight, Hailan is for training her mentality.

Don't like to talk and don't dare to talk, they are completely different concepts.

Hai Lan walked to the stern and looked out at the sea, leaving the stage completely to the soldiers.

A news bird fluttered its wings and landed on the side of Hai Lan.

Hai Lan discharged a 100 Beli coin and put it in the pocket of Newsbird.

The news bird handed Hailan a newspaper.

Just as he was about to leave, in its eyes, Hailan took out a 50 Beli coin in his pocket...

He gave Hailan a look, The news bird flapped its wings and flew away again.

Opening the newspaper, Hailan first saw news about the steam steel plant.

【Beasts Pirates tried to attack Marine's outpost on the New World Iron Ore Island. After several hours of fierce fighting, it has been repelled by the three Vice Admiral of Day Tiger, Kizaru and Akainu. For details, please see...]

The content is very plain, completely different from the previous impassioned style.

For civilians, in addition to the content of the news itself, UU reading may discuss whether the writer of this issue has changed.

But the information provided to Hailan in the newspaper is very important.

"Day Tiger" can already appear in the newspapers publicly, and it has been placed in front of the two titles Kizaru and Akainu, which means that Celestial Dragon has gradually become the anger of itself. Past tense.

Whether it is because the pampered Celestial Dragon is good at forgetting, or someone suppresses this matter, at least Hailan doesn't need to wander anymore.

A week passed in a flash.

Marine Headquarters.

"So Smoker, do you understand now? Only by gaining higher power can you exercise justice in your mind. If Akainu is not Vice Admiral but just a Captain, whether he agrees or No, the credit for this time will inevitably be on his head.

Smoker, it’s good for you to curb your temper."

Lying on Smoker Battleship On the recliner, precognition tried to teach Smoker some truth.

But Smoker's character has always been so simple and rude, even more how he is still very young now, it is inevitable that he will be dissatisfied.

"You can pull it down! I will naturally do what I think."

I have been used to the precognition of Smoker's character and I am not angry, so I continue to lie on the recliner and close my eyes repose.

"It seems to be lively. Did something interesting happen? Smoker, you help me to see."


The precognition lying on the deck chair didn't even bother to take off the blindfold. The speechless Smoker had long been accustomed to precognition. He walked to the side of the ship and saw a Battleship slowly entering the port.

On the deck of Battleship, looking at the big word "Marine" on the central building, Hailan Issho: "I'm back!"


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