"Are they all withdrawn?"

On the Iron Ore Island, Vice Admiral Jonathan is intensively directing the Marine soldier and the residents of the island.

In order to resist Pirate's attack, all the people on Tekkai Island are soldiers.

It's not that all residents on the island are soldiers, but that on Iron Ore Island, whether workers or merchants, almost everyone has the ability to respond to war.

Marine even dug out facilities similar to "air-raid shelters" on the island to prevent the Pirate fleet from washing the ground.

However, when facing enemies like Whitebeard or Kaido, the "air-raid shelter" is definitely not needed. After all, with their super destructive power, they may even be buried in the air-raid shelter.

A Marine salutes Jonathan: "Report Vice Admiral, all have been withdrawn."

Jonathan nodded: "Very good."

After a while, Marine courageously asked: "Vice Admiral, I don’t know very well...Hasn’t Hailan Vice Admiral already camouflaged the steam steel plant? Why do we have to do so much trouble?"

Jonathan grimace: "Didn't you teach you these principles in the military classroom at the headquarters? Did you listen to the class well?"

"Vice Admiral ... You forgot...I was transferred from the G5 branch..."


Jonathan muttered to himself.

Marine stationed in the New World G5 branch is simply a rogue Marine, where most of the soldiers are Pirate and various Barbarians.

Compared with other G5 soldiers, the Marine’s military literacy is quite good.

People are all compared.

Thinking of this, Jonathan’s attitude eased a bit: "One of the big taboos of the battlefield is that there must be no chances. We should always make the most perfect preparations and predict the worst results. , Remember it?"



Kaido, who didn’t follow his routine, turned the dragon's head and moved "Dragon Flame Breath" "Boomed at the steam steel mill.

But in fact, Kaido was hit by the black sea surging like oil in the night.

Aurora. Mirage!

As early as Hailan’s computing ability was still Level 9, when he was playing against the "drought" Jack, he was already able to use the "afterimage sword technique" to deceive Jack's eyes.

When the computing power reached Level 10, Hailan gradually developed auxiliary capabilities not only "Aurora Mosaic", but also "mirage".

No matter how complicated the formation process of the "mirage" is, in the final analysis, the root cause of the "mirage" is a natural phenomenon caused by the change of light.

The computing power of Level 10 is not enough to make Hailan use fakes to create flawless camouflage scenery.

If it is a sunny day with shining sun, Kaido must be able to distinguish the true and false "steam steel mill".

But under this dark night, only a bright moon brings light. It is not surprising that Kaido has not discerned the truth of the mirage.

The location of the real steam steel plant looks like a forest at this time.

"The dog bites the red lotus!"

The deafening explosion just fell, and accompanied by a rough and low voice, a crimson dog flew towards like a moon-eating Heavenly Dog After Kaido in midair, he bit Kaido's dragon horn in one bite and fought with Kaido.

Kaido's Divine Dragon form is not exactly the same as the Divine Dragon we usually see.

Because Kaido itself has two Demon King-like horns at the top of his head, when he transforms into Divine Dragon, except for the dragon horn that Divine Dragon possesses like antlers, There are also bull-like double horns on both sides, that is to say, Divine Dragon Kaido has a total of two pairs of four horns.

"Get out of here!"

The magma vicious dog carrying thousands of degrees of heat was actually dragged down by Kaido with his bare hands and thrown to the ground.

The magma fell on the ground and instantly ignited the dry grass on the ground.

Kaido fiercely stared at the Akainu who came to support.

"Kick at the speed of light!"

Take advantage of this opportunity,

Kizaru flashed to the top of Kaido's head, and an upside down golden hook hit Kaido's forehead.


Kizaru's momentum is big, power is deep, enough to kick a building, Kaido groaned.


In the sky, there was an explosion.

Before Kaido had time to fight back, a bucket of thunder fell from the sky and struck Kaido instantly.

The thunder of sanctions!


The thunders became denser, and the thunder of sanctions fell on Kaido's body one after another.

The Divine Dragon Kaido flying in the air seems to be soar into the clouds and mount the mists, controlling the wind and thunder, but in fact, he is enduring the punishment of the thunder of sanction.

The sword of judgment!

Immediately afterwards, an aurora giant sword entwined with an electric arc once again appeared on Kaido’s head. Accompanied by a dull thumping sound, the huge Divine Dragon Kaido finally couldn’t hold on, carrying The howling wind fell towards the ground below.

hong long!

Kaido fell on the ground and hit a large piece of mud, smoke and dust billowed, and it was hard to distinguish Kaido's silhouette in the night.

"Thunder and gossip!"

Suddenly angry roar sounded in smoke and dust.

I don't know when Kaido has turned into a human form. It flashes in front of Akainu as if he has turned on the teleport plug-in. He picked up his wolf fang club fiercely and hit Akainu's chest fiercely.

"pu ..."

A dull sound was made on Akainu's body, and he was actually blown up on the spot. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

magma flies in all directions like a splash of water.

But just when Kaido was about to continue, Kizaru had come to Kaido in time.

"Speed ​​is power, Kaido of the Beasts...Have you been kicked by the speed of light?"


Boom in the air There was a loud explosion.

Kizaru's leg collided with the back of Kaido's hand.

Kaido glared, "I'm not slow at all!"

"Dai Funka!"

In time, Akainu of elemental transformation restored the prototype, A magma fist hit Kaido's right cheek straight, but was quickly blocked by Kaido's fist.

"Hailan! Hit him quickly!"

"Hailan Vice Admiral, seize the opportunity!"

After hearing this, Kaido impudent laughed He said: "Marine Zhouhu is just a little bit stronger than my Jack, can he still hurt Lao Tzu?

You Marines are really naive!"

Hailan's silhouette appeared in front of Kaido, and he rushed towards Kaido Issho.

Kaido was taken aback: "What's so ridiculous about you?"

Hai Lan can't really hurt Kaido, but he has a way to punish Kaido.

A dazzling white light shot into Kaido's eye sockets in an instant.

Sun Fist!

"Asshole...Lao Tzu's eyes..."

After that, a sense of crisis of unfathomable mystery flooded Kaido's heart.

This is a feeling he has never had before, even when he challenged Whitebeard and created Marine Headquarters, he did not have this feeling.

Kaido has two long beards like dragon's whiskers, and at this time, one of them has been held by Hailan.

Then Hailan pulled hard...

"Damn...it hurts Lao Tzu...How dare you pull Lao Tzu's beard!!"


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