In fact, Hailan is not so stupid that she doesn't understand anything. She has to pour a basin of cold water to extinguish the enthusiasm of a girl.

Back then, when Hailan was not crossed over, the reason why Hailan, who lived in the orphanage, was not liked by the girl, was indeed related to his always destroying the atmosphere.

Adolescent boys and young girls always like to get together, as if they can be happy all day as long as they can talk to the person they like.

But Hailan is different. He prefers to be immersed in his own world for more time.

What girlfriend do you want? Is the game not fun anymore or the comics are not good?

This is a feeling Hailan brings to the girls around him, even if there may be a person who has a good opinion of him, he is scared off by him.

In addition, the students' academic work is relatively heavy, and unlike students from other countries, there is not enough spare time, and it is not surprising that there are few female classmates around Hailan.

But in fact, Hailan’s feeling of "don’t get close" is indeed due to his character, but more importantly, it’s his orphan status.

An orphan can't even guarantee his own future, so what can he do to protect the relationship between two people?

"When I was the least able, I met the person who most wanted to take care of my life", this is what the overwhelming majority have heard more than once.

Hai Lan is very worried that this sentence will be fulfilled on her own body. Hai Lan, who has never remembered her parents since she was a child, has a desire to protect herself in the deep in one's heart. In Lan's opinion, it is better not to start the relationship at the beginning than to feel uncomfortable at the time of parting.

Good memories of youth?

What Hailan doesn't care about the most is the so-called "memories".

It is also because she has no parents since she was a child, and because her childhood memories are gloomy, Hailan has developed a "only looking forward" character.

To do a good job now and look forward to the future, this is Hailan's attitude towards life.

This is also the reason why Hailan's computing power can directly reach "lv6" when he obtains the System, because Hailan leads a very fulfilling life every day, and he has paid several times more for his studies. effort.

Only later, his contribution had not had time to harvest, so he crossed over to the Pirate King world.

He crossed over and became the son of Marine Headquarter "Black Arm" Zephyr.

Here, Zephyr, Sengoku, Garp, Tsuru, Jiaji, and Gion have given him meticulous care, allowing him to obtain family affection that he has never experienced before.

It is precisely because of the "orphan" that Hailan is not very repulsive of Zephyr's father. As time goes by, the two have already developed a real relationship between them.

If Hailan is a Reincarnator of a certain main god space, and shuttles between different planes to perform tasks, perhaps he will never have feelings for Zephyr people, because for a Reincarnator, it is different The people on the plane are just a group of npcs.

But Hailan is not. His System has never issued a task to him, and has never restricted his freedom, forcing him to do something, he is just an ordinary crossed over The reborn Hailan has become a member of this world.

Zephyr, Garp, Sengoku...These are all living elders of flesh and blood.

Hai Lan started to eat their food, live with them, use theirs, and enjoy their meticulous care and careful guidance.

If Hailan treats them as a group of NPCs, and even stands on the opposite side of them, isn't it a thing?

Even if the Celestial Dragon is on top of the World Government and Marine, Hailan firmly believes that he will not be sentenced to escape Marine. On the one hand, because he has not seen Pirate King, he is very positive about "Pirate". This identity has no sense of identity, on the other hand, it is also because of these lovely elders.

Family, friendship, and love, Hailan has already won the first two. For the rest of love, how could a human being with normal physical functions have not imagined.

But now is not the time to consider these things,

it's really not the time.

Age is not a problem. Hailan was born in Sea Calendar in 1487. In a few years, she will soon be crowned the title of "old man born in the 1980s".

But his identity is the biggest limitation-Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral "Day Tiger", Marine's fastest-promoting supernova in recent years.

The truth of "Gong Gao Zhenzhu" Hailan is still very clear. Now everything seems to have no problem, but "Gorosei" has already listed his name on a certain list. Are you on it?

Hai Lan didn't have any feelings for the mother who had never met, but this did not prevent him from seeing some clues in her.

Hai Lan’s father, "Black Arm" Zephyr, can be said to be the person with the highest achievement below "Hero of the Marines" Garp.

He used to be the Marine Headquarter and has made countless great achievements in battles with Whitebeard, Roger, Golden Lion, Red the Aloof, and world destroyers.

Although Zephyr did not hold the position of "Marine Chief Instructor" at that time, because of his personality and the tradition of Marine veterans with new recruits, Zephyr's discipline is not as widespread as it is now in Marine Headquarters. But the number is also quite large.

How many little Pirates will successfully assassinate the wife and children of dignified Marine Headquarter? This is said to be unbelievable.

Hailan still doesn't know who is Dorrag's wife.

Garp has always refused to be promoted to Marine Headquarter, so is it not a be worldly-wise and play safe.

The sense of crisis developed at a very young age made Hailan have to target the World Government with suspicion, and even the Celestial Dragon behind it.

This is also the reason why Hailan did not let Zephyr adopt granulated sugar but instead asked Crane staff to take care of granulated sugar.

If Hailan had seen Pirate King and knew that the World Government would force Zephyr and three powerful powerhouses from Headquarter Vice Admiral out of Marine because of a Shichibukai, his inner thoughts would be more determined.

Former Marine Admiral, Marine Chief Instructor, plus three Vice Admiral powerhouses are worth less than a trifling Oka Shichibukai?

Especially the identity of Chief Instructor Zephyr, doesn't Gorosei understand the meaning of education?

This is also something that even ghosts will not believe.

The one who can hurt yourself is not necessarily the enemy, but it is very likely that it is a kidney shot from the same camp.

When Hai Lan heard "I like you" in Ai Yin's mouth, he was really taken aback, short-circuited in his mind for a moment, and asked three unfathomable mystery. problem.

But gradually, Hailan has calmed down.

Ai Yin's words seem to be echoing in Hai Lan's ears: "Because you saved me once in rainstorm before?...Do you think this reason is okay?"

In fact, Ai Yin didn't know when she started to like Shanghai Lan.

Is it really because of that rainstorm? Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, she had no way to be sure, and she obviously didn't think about these things at that time.

But if you like it, you like it. Where is it so complicated? It's just that Hailan insists on telling her why, and she barely found such a reason that seems to be a reason.

Since I saw Ai Yin running in front of her to rescue herself in the rainstorm, Hai Lan felt that this girl was a bit silly, but Ai Yin looked like a little girl, Hai Lan. I didn't think much about it.

With subsequent contact, Hai Lan found that Ai Yin not only had no intentions, but was also very persistent, as long as he knew one thing, he would do it to the end.

In the original book, as a student, it is clear that Zephyr has gone astray, but Ai Yin can still die for Zephyr at any time. This level of obsession, even a male A few people can do "the scholars die for the confidant."

Under the moonlight, Ai Yin's ruby ​​eyes stared at Hailan intently, and Hailan could clearly feel the sincerity and sincerity in the other's eyes.

The current Hailan has never been ready to be actively loved by girls, and his identity and the things to do in the future cannot make him feel at ease to start a relationship.

After a moment of silence, Hailan smiled and shook the head: "I am an adventurer. Only by continuously adventuring on the sea and exploring the new and unknown world again and again can I inject a brand new life into my life. Adventure is a man’s romance. Adventurers will never stay in one place."

Ayin replied without even thinking about it: "It’s okay, I can go on an adventure with you. , I also really want to see the wonder of this World."

"The adventurer is lonely, and the adventure journey is full of danger."

"This is it. ..."

The expectation in Ai Yin's eyes dimmed a little: " it because I am too weak?"

Hai Lan did not explain, in his opinion , Ai Yin can clearly realize that her own strength is actually a good thing, and it would be better if she could retreat because of this.

Seeing that Hailan didn’t speak, Ai Yin assumed that he had acquiesced to her guess. She re-Issho to Hailan, and the dimness in her eyes swept away: "It’s okay, I know mine. My strength is still very weak, so I won’t stop you from leaving here, and I won’t want to take risks with you anymore. I don’t want to hold you back.

Thank you for your Haki "Cultivation" and "Way of Sword Profound Truth", I have already remembered all your suggestions. After you leave, I will work hard to exercise my strength, and I will always be waiting for you on this island. , When you come back next time, I will let you startled."

Hai Lan hurriedly persuaded: "Don’t...I never said I’ll come back..."


Ayin laughed when he heard this sentence: "I don't believe it, don't you even want Lilith as a Sensei?"

Hai Lan helplessly said: "Why are you so smart all of a sudden?"

"I was not stupid!"

In fact, Hailan was very happy to receive Ai Yin’s favor suddenly. Regardless of men and women, it’s actually quite happy to hear that someone likes yourself, even if the other person looks like a flower. Of course, it’s another matter whether to accept the other’s favors, mainly because of this kind of being. The feeling of admiration will make people happy, even more how In Hailan's view, Ai Yin is still very beautiful.

Especially when Hailan was flashed in Lightning Flash in rainstorm, Ai Yin was the first and only one to check his injuries. Hailan had no reason to hate someone who was not malicious to him. people.

He had always ignored Ai Yin before, mainly because in Hailan's view, the two were just passers-by of strangers coming together by chance, and they would be separated soon. , And finally forget each other.

Hai Lan has never thought about it, and has never met such a passionate and bold girl like Ai Yin. He has never considered what happened tonight.

"Don't move!"

Ai Yin suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Hailan's left hand. Hailan was shocked, and her heart was a little nervous, but she had cultivated calmness over the years. So he quickly calmed down again.

Ain suddenly took out the dagger, and the blade flashed past, cutting off the nail on Hailan's little finger.

In order to conceal the identity of Logia Ability User, Hailan is now playing Paramecia ・Electromagnetic Fruit Ability User, so he actively prevented the elemental transformation of the body, and he didn’t notice Ayin’s body. He didn't evade even the slightest bit of malice.

Hai Lan questioned: "What are you doing?"

Ai Yin held Hai Lan’s pinky fingernails in her hand, and said to Hai Lan Issho: "Be life Card, after I become stronger, if you haven’t come to me, I’ll go to you!

In this way, you won’t be able to escape!"

Ain The sudden opening of the brain made Hai Lan a little caught off guard.

"Here, here are my nails. UU reading"

Ai Yin quickly cut off her fingernails, as if she was worried that Hailan was not enough Like using it, I chose the thumbs deliberately.

"If you think it’s getting in the way, you can throw it away. If you don’t like me now, it’s okay. I’ll be waiting for you for one year? Five years? Ten years? I can wait. Get up!"


Looking at Ai Yin smiling happily, Hailan was a little speechless.

"Okay, I'll go back to the village first, you go quickly, if you don't leave, I'm afraid I can't bear you again."

After talking about these, Ai Yin turned around and walked towards She walked fast and slow after moving towards the direction of the village, sometimes as if she had stopped in place, but she never looked back at Hai Lan, as if she was in some kind of duel with herself.

"Really a silly girl..."

Looking at Ai Yin's back under the moonlight, Hai Lan suddenly hesitated.


Den Den Mushi in the "castle body protection symbol" suddenly yelled, Hailan turned and ran towards the coast, Den Den Mushi took it out.

"pu hahahahaha ..."

Fortunately, Hailan reacted quickly enough and turned Den Den Mushi's direction in time, otherwise he would be spitting stars.

"Hey, Hailan, you are talking, are you listening?"

Hailan put Den Den Mushi on a rock, and he picked up the microphone: "I'm here."

"Very good, to tell you a good news, now your brat performance opportunity has come!"

"What opportunity?"

"The steam steel plant established by the World Government in New World was attacked. The enemy is Beasts Pirates. The brat of Borsalino has passed, and Sakazuki is also on the way. Now you are the only one who can pass in time. ."


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