"What do you mean by this sentence?"

Ai Yin didn't quite understand what Hailan said.

"This is the meaning of'Sai Weng loses horse and knows not blessing'. In fact, this sentence is an allusion."

Hai Lan thought for a moment, using a kind of local people can understand The theory explained to Ai Yin: "That is to say, a long time ago, there was an old man named Saiweng. One day he lost his horse.

His friend came to comfort him, This'Sai Weng' said, who knows that this is not a good thing?

After a few days, the horse lost by'Sai Weng' ran back by itself and brought back another horse. .

So the meaning of this sentence is that some things may seem like a disaster on the surface, but in fact they may actually be a good thing."

" ", the original meaning is classical Chinese, that is, "the old man of the frontier fortress".

Of course Hailan is impossible to promote classical Chinese to Ai Yin, so he directly simplified "Sai Weng" into a person's name.

Ain understood what Hailan wanted to express. She said with a bitter smile: "Thank you for saying these things to me. I understand your kindness, but Pirate is not a horse. , They are impossible to bring other treasures to the village."

Ai Yin's heart is distressed by what happened last night.

If you can be more powerful, you won’t be stunned by Pirate. If you can drive Pirate away, the village won’t have to suffer such a disaster...

Hai Lan continued: "Did you say that during the day? As long as the villagers are not harmed, this is the best result.

Now the village is just being taken away. It’s just the treasure shipped from Kate the Bull. Everyone was not injured. This is a blessing in misfortune. The food was not taken away by Pirate. This means that everyone does not have to go hungry. Miss Ai Yin, you are reluctant to bear it. Are those treasures?"

"Of course not."

Ayn shook the head, "As you said, this is indeed the best result now. , But next time? Who can guarantee that Pirate will have their own principles next time?"

The Ai Yin who talked with Hailan was a little absent-minded, and she was still blaming herself in her heart.

She thought, if she could block all the drunken villagers like Lilith a few days ago, even if she was drunk, but as long as the iron-legged water floats on the water without getting drunk, things will be fine. Will not evolve into what it is now.

All these obviously have many development trajectories, but reality has moved towards the worst one.

Ai Yin is not good at concealing her emotions. From her look and tone, Hai Lan can clearly feel that this silly girl’s character is too persistent, and she always takes responsibility Take it on yourself.

If this goes on, the increasing pressure on her body will crush her.

After a moment of silence, Hai Lan said: "Actually, I found those Pirates."

Ai Yin suddenly laughed: "I know you are worried about me. I will be sad and want to make me happy, but such a joke is really bad."

Hai Lan's voice became serious: "I didn't tease you, I did find these Pirates."

The Third Step in the plan arranged by Hailan is to tell the truth to one of the people on Wheat Island.

Hai Lan It's definitely impossible to stay in Wheat Island forever, and because of the geographical location, Marine's troops cannot shelter this Sea Territory, so there must be someone who knows the truth to lead the villagers.

The prestige of the old village chief is enough, but he does not have battle strength; although Lilith’s progress is very fast, but her own emotions are not stable yet, she is even more impossible to encourage the villagers; the remaining Ai Yin, He is the only candidate for Hailan’s plan.


Through Hailan's tone and expression, Ai Yin can be sure that he is not joking.

Her mind was full of puzzles. She never thought that the "Iron-legged Drifter on Water", whom everyone has always respected the most, would do such a thing.

But she did not yell.

Ai Yin is a very calm girl, especially when she knows that "Iron-legged floats" is indeed helpful to Lilith and the village, she has reason to believe that iron-legged floats He must have his own reasons for doing this.

She just stared at Hai Lan's eyes intently, the ruby-like within both eyes was filled with puzzles, and then lightly said: "Why?"

Hai Lan looked at Ai Yin's eyes didn't feel any guilty feeling after "doing bad things", and then he answered.

"People, you must rely on yourself."

Hearing this sentence, Ai Yin could not help repeating: "People must rely on themselves?"

" Who rescued Lilith from the hands of the traffickers? It was me.

Who killed Kate the Bull and rescued Sago? Or me.

What did the villagers do? They did nothing.

So, what qualifications do they have to hold a banquet there, drunken stupor?"

The explanation of is not exactly the same as the explanation of his subordinates.

Because even the same thing, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is bound to have completely different meanings to people of different identities.

Seeing Ai Yin biting her lip tightly without speaking, Hai Lan continued to add: "I didn't mean that the villagers should give me anything in return. What I want to say is, don't they have one A little bit of pressure in peace of mind?

Don’t they think about it, what if I meet Pirate again after I leave here? In case Big Mom sends a cadre to station in this Sea Territory What should I do? Don’t they care about all this?

I am an adventurer with no fixed place, and only continuously embarking on a new journey can I inject new vitality into my life , Will leave here sooner or later.

If the villagers in the village learn not to rely on their own strength to protect themselves, then even if I save them time and time again, how can it make sense?

Ms. Ai Yin, you are a very smart girl. For such a simple reason, I don’t need me to explain second time, right?"

Ai Yin was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Then why are you telling me all this?"

Hai Lan smiled and looked towards Ai Yin: "Because I need someone in a sober state to lead these villagers, and you are the most The right person."

"I understand."

Ayin was nodded hard, and the originally haggard and anxious face also put on a smile again.

If those who robbed the treasure were not the real Pirate, but the "iron-legged water-floating" friends, then everything would be different. Anyway, the treasures did not belong to the village.

The smile of Ai Yin at this time is no longer a strong smile, the vigor and vitality of her age have returned to her.

Ain suddenly jumped to the opposite side of Hailan, and said to him Issho: "Fuck, can I ask you something?"

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