Similu did not waste her tongue to discourage Hailan from offending Big Mom Pirates.

She is a very smart girl.

Since Hailan has appeared here, it means that the villagers have not been able to stop him.

Since everyone can't stop this adult, how can they do anything with just a few words of their own?

"My lord, I hope you can return safely."

After leaving this sentence to Hailan, Similu operated the lifeboat on the Pirate Ship and returned to the wheat alone. Island, there is no trace of muddy water.

"It's really a thousand people and a thousand faces."

Hai Lan sighed, pulled up the sail, steered the rudder to the island where Kate was.

In the previous battle, Hailan did not overly damage the Pirate Ship, so the basic navigation function of Pirate Ship is still very complete.


"Master Djibouti, if you have fun with me, I will see Big Mom later, I hope you can say something nice for me."

In the Pirate base, Kate the "Bull Bull" is flatteringly speaking to the man in front of him.

In the room, the big, long-legged beauties are wearing maid outfits, bunny girls, or bikinis waiting for them.

In fact, the main or for serving Djibouti, because "Bull Bull" Kate likes men, and he is the kind of brawny with big muscles.

The arrested beauties on the island did not exist to serve him, but to relax their brothers.

In Kate's opinion, women are the most annoying.

This is not psychological annoyance, but physical resistance.

But in order to please Djibouti, Kate has to bear it for the time being.

Anyway, Kate doesn’t know the level of his relationship with Big Mom. Djibouti brags heartily: "Don’t worry, when I see Big Mom in the future, I will definitely say something for you. Good thing, maybe when the time comes Big Mom, you will become the core cadre of Big Mom Pirates when the time comes?"

"hahaha...then let the lord your good words."

The influence of the word Big Mom in New World is very powerful.

The term "BIG MOM" is derived from the children's language of young children in the United States. Because children have limited language skills and lack of vocabulary, they can only use the simple words "BIG MOM" to describe themselves. Fear when mother is angry.

It's actually a different thing from the "Big Mom" ​​that we usually call square dancing.

If you want some translation from Haki, perhaps the "mother emperor" is more in line with Charlotte Linlin's influence in New World.

"No...not good!"

Kate's men suddenly broke in from outside.

Seeing the rare panicky look of his men, Kate waved her hand and motioned to the long-legged girls to step back one by one, and then asked: "What the hell is going on?"

"The fleet sent to Wheat Island is back. All the crew members on the ship... are dead!"


Boom! .

"Bull Bull" Kate slapped angrily on the table, smashing the table.

"Do you know who did it?"

"I don't know, but we found a note on the ship."

"Dear brother Kate Hi Gui, I came to you, no other meaning, just purely to kill people, I have not left now, because before I leave this island, I will kill all your people on the island. Wait and see. "

Kate efficiently tore the note to pieces, and he angrily said: "Search me, search day and night, even if it is digging three feet, you must find this bastard for me. Revenge for the brothers!"


The men stepped back.

Djibouti said: "There are people in this world who are not afraid of death. They don’t even pay attention to Big Mom.

Kate, you have to behave well. Don't let Big Mom down.


The little girl who made a reservation is gone, and Djibouti is a little unhappy.

"Master of Djibouti, don't worry, you are absolutely safe in my castle!"

"That's good."

Sea There is actually no other reason why Lan didn't fight directly, but it was mainly to delay the time for Buggy and the others.

The opponent is Big Mom Pirates, not any cat or dog Pirates wandering in the ocean.

Whitebeard Pirates, Beasts Pirates, Big Mom Pirates The biggest difference between these three Pirates and other Pirates is that they have long since broken away from the simple definition of "Pirate".

They have formed their own forces, no matter from which aspect, they have the qualifications to establish a kingdom and claim to be kings, and they are not a small country like Drum Island, but like Alabasta. Big country.

It's just that they still call themselves Pirate under the Pirate flag.

To deal with such a Great Influence, Hailan naturally has to consider a lot of things.

In order to wait for the arrival of Buggy, Hailan used the current delay tactics.

The first night Hailan came to the island.

"Report to Lord Kate that we could not find the murderer. Brothers lost 6 more people."

"Continue searching."

"Mr. Kate, you guys Still need to work hard."

Hai Lan came to the island at night on the 2nd day.

"Report to Lord Kate that we could not find the murderer. Brothers lost another 12 people."

"Send the elite troops out and continue the search."

"Mr. Kate, UU reading, work harder."

Hai Lan came to the island on the 3rd day night.

"Report...Report to Lord Kate...We still failed..."

"How many people died this time?"

" 2...24 people..."

"Kate, can you do it?"

The fifth night Hailan came to the island.


It is the sound of the item being thrown on the ground and broken.

"Useless waste, waste!"

Anger, helplessness, unwillingness, fear... all kinds of emotions surround Kate's heart, and his emotions have begun to get out of control. .

"What's the matter? Kate, is your communication signal bad? No, I should leave here."

Djibouti is also anxious, because he wants to give the outside world When I called, I found that I couldn't get through at all!

"Think of a way to contact Charlotte Family and ask them to send someone over, saying that someone provokes the authority of Big Mom Pirates... It's better to send a Commander over."

" "Bull Bull" Kate once drew with Vice Admiral of Marine Headquarters, so in his opinion, only Commander can defeat an opponent that he can't solve.

"Report your lord, our phone can't get through!"

"How is it possible?"

Fear began to spread gradually in Pirate base on the island .

As the sunset gradually falls below the sea level, the increasingly dim sky little by little brings the Pirates' hearts into the abyss of fear.

Pirates don't dare to sleep anymore.

It is as if Death God has placed the sickle in their throat, and it is possible to take their lives at any time.


Among the crowd, a silhouette appeared abruptly, like a ghost, like a ghost.

"Come and kill your people."

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