Sabaody Archipelago, cannot be brought.

Kuro in a black suit has been surrounded by a group of unable.

"'Shadow of Blade' Locke, I heard that you are a guy who is very good at playing crafty plots and machinations, but don't expect, you will have today."

Standing in the crowd, Clark the Unable is looking at the solemn "Shadow of Blade" Locke with a mocking face.

"Rock" is Kuro's pseudonym for disguising his identity in Underworld.

"Give me his cat's claws!"

Several brothers got orders and walked to Kuro's side and took off Kuro's cat's claw gloves.

Kuro’s expression remained unchanged, even if the people who could not take off his cat's claw gloves, lightly said, "Do you know? In the shampoo, the murderer will not die, and the bad guys will not die. To die, there is only one kind of person who can die."

Clark joked: "Then you say who? is it possible that you want to say that you are good? Sorry, we are not good people."


"Only stupid people will die."

"Find a fight!"

Feeling Kuro's deep ridicule, a younger brother punched towards Kuro's face gate , But unexpectedly was easily passed by Kuro, and instead kicked him to Clark's foot.

"Don't move!"

The densely packed and black hole muzzles were aimed at Kuro, and Kuro really stopped doing it.

"Retreat, useless things, don’t you think you’re not embarrassing enough?"

The kid kicked by Kuro got up and wanted to fight back, but Clark said something He scolded it.

Clark gnashing teeth said: "The shadow of the blade, you are too arrogant."

Kuro said blankly: "I have a principle, if someone shoots at me , No matter if they hurt me or not, I will kill them."

"If you die on the verge of death, you still have a stiff mouth. I will blow your head right now."

Clark walked up to Kuro, took out a pistol and aimed it at Kuro's forehead.

This is a special pistol. Even if a Marine Headquarters Captain uses Tekkai for defense, the formidable power of this gun is enough to penetrate the opponent's head.

Kuro pushed his glasses with his palm, "The thing I hate most is that someone points a gun to my head.

Are you believing or not? I will let you see To your own brain."

"I will blow your head now. Hey! What..."

A cold wind suddenly blew into Clark’s face. , Making him narrow his eyes.

At the same time, Kuro in front of him disappeared instantly, silently.

Silent step!

This is Kuro's ability to use the "shaving" technique in Marine Rokushiki, which is like a catwalk walking in the dark, silent.


Thunderous gunshots sounded in Clark's ear, but it was not Clark who shot.

Clark's special pistol had run into Kuro's hands at some point. Kuro pointed it at Clark's temple and pulled the trigger.

If you change to ordinary people, your head will explode like a watermelon. However, a powerhouse of Clark's level is very physical. His head was penetrated by a bullet and did not explode. It just spilled a lot of blood. .

Blood gurgled from the top of his head, dyeing Clark's eyes red.

"I said, let you see your brain!"

Kuro let go, and the special pistol fell to the ground.


The boss is dead.

But Kuro's silhouette is like a ghost, as if it has transformed countless Avatars, shuttled among the crowd.


Marine Rokushiki, in addition to "Tekkai", in the other five aspects, Kuro showed his excellent innate talent.

Using the "shaving" technique to shuttle through the crowd at high speed, forming an indistinct afterimage of one after another naked eye, using the "Shigan" technique to strengthen one's fingernails, the tiny nails, It is the blade of murder, it is the real cat's claw!

The sharp cat's claws swept through the throats of the unable to start a feast of killing among the crowd.

"Snow, why are you here?"

When the body of the last unable person fell, Kuro pushed his eyes with the back of his hand, turned and looked towards He came the lithe and graceful girl.

"Snow" is Monet's code name in Underworld, and Kuro's code name is "Black Cat".

"Because someone wants to find a black cat and ask for a picture of the River Qingming."


Kuro's mouth twitched, remembering that With the weird joint signal, Kuro walked to his base.

"...Would you like to prepare a lot of Pirate clothes and a Pirate Ship? Snow will also pass by? Okay, I understand."

Hang up the phone and Kuro looked Towards Monet, who stood aside respectfully: "This is your first time to officially perform the task of an adult, so behave well."


Monet was firmly nodded, without any hesitation.

Hai Lan and Kuro are kind to their sisters, especially Master Hai Lan. They gave her younger sister Monet a good growth environment. Monet, who has a simple and kind personality, knows how to be grateful and seeking to repay the kindness, even if she let her die, she will never hesitate.

Of course, UU reading, if there is no need to die, she still hopes that she can continue to live...this World, there are so many novelties and novels that she hasn’t experienced yet. beauty.


After confirming that there is no one around, Hailan first transformed into an Aurora and caught up with Pirate Ship who captured Lilith. After confirming that Lilith would not be in danger , He flew back to Wheat Island, and then called Kuro.

"I don't know if the time is too late, so let's delay it for a few more days."

After arranging everything, Hai Lan looked up at the starry sky and muttered to herself. One sentence.

In the first time when he crossed over to this World, Hailan would often watch the wonderful starry sky rarely seen on Earth at night.

But now, he's already used to it.

"'s a great wine specially offered by Big Mom. This wine is really strong. I'd better sleep first."

This is the wild, basically There is no place to stay.

However, Hailan is not worried. Although the "castle body protection symbol" does not have many advantages of Space Magical Artifact in the fantasy world, it also has advantages that Space Magical Artifact does not have, that is, it can store creatures and even Sea Lan can hide in by herself.

In the castle, Hailan had arranged a fully functional bedroom for herself a long time ago, and he was prepared for this situation.

Leave the body protection symbol in the wild, Hailan does not worry about being stolen.

Around the body protection symbol, Hailan specially created an electromagnetic barrier.

Once there is any danger, he can immediately perceive it, even in his sleep.

Sleeping and fainting are completely different things. When sleeping, the abilities created by Devil Fruit Ability User will not disappear.

After arranging everything, Hailan lay on the comfortable bed and gradually fell asleep.

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