The setting sun in the evening dyed the clouds in the sky red. The sun about to fall to the sea level emits the last rays of light, and the diagonal rays of light draw the shadows of several men. Extremely long. Several young adults stood in front of Big Mom, set off by the long black shadows, like evil spirits crawling out of hell. Perhaps because the burning clouds on the horizon are so gorgeous, a few people did not notice that the light over this area has gradually changed color. "Please save me some more..." "Go away." The headed man kicked Big Mom who was hugging his thigh and took it out of his pocket. A wad of banknotes began to light up slowly. The injury of Big Mom is not serious, but of course, it is not because the man respects the old and cherish the young, but he still needs to keep Big Mom to help him touch the porcelain tomorrow. These people were originally members of the Wapol family. They have done similar things countless times. Forcing children to beg, forcing old people to touch porcelain, forcing young and beautiful women to seduce men and then play immortal jumping... In addition to the main business of "selling slaves", there are also various Sideline. The Wapol 1st family is not a reliable iron bucket. Since Wapol 1st was assassinated, some of its members have left the Wapol 1st family along the way. Compared with the complicated and dangerous power struggle, all they want is a simple and happy life. ka! Suddenly, a thunder blasted out of thin air. unfathomable mystery Thunder strikes that fell from the sky On several people, the super energy possessed by lightning smashed these people into coke on the spot. The Beli in the man's hand dances with the wind as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves. In the air, there is a strong, disgusting smell of burnt protein... "Ah!" Big Mom was taken aback, hiding in the corner for a while before came back to his senses . Then she gritted her teeth, ran to the corpse, picked up Beli on the ground, and desperately escaped from the scene of the incident. Hailan did not kill the Big Mom, nor did he follow Big Mom to help her dying son. Because the information he has alone can only prove that these men are bad people, but it cannot prove that Big Mom and his son are good people. He just dealt with an incident that he encountered casually. What you can't see, just let it go. With this unexpected episode, Hai Lan feels that her style should be named Haki. It is too vulgar to thunder and thunder all day long. Since I just used falling thunder to preside over justice... Then it's better... call this move "justice from heaven"! That's it. Of course, it is said that, although the name is decided to be called "Justice from Heaven", if this move is used in battle, Hailan will never call out the name of this move. This is too shameful... You won't be able to shout if you die... After setting up one, Hailan nodded with satisfaction and continued to the direction of the hotel. Coincidentally, Hailan's "Justice from Heaven" and Enel's "God's Sanction" have the same effect. It's just that Enel uses the ability of lightning to create a beam of light for long-range precision strikes; while Hailan uses the ability of aurora to create lightning for long-range precision strikes. …… "Huh...huh..." In the setting sun, a little Aiyin whose long sea-blue color hair has been dyed black is running desperately. Behind her, the remaining members of the Wapol family are chasing after the little girl who assassinated their boss. The remaining cadres of the Wapol family refused to accept anyone, and finally set a rule-whoever can catch the assassin is the new boss. The cadres of the Wapol family are not bad. If there is only one, Ai Yin has the confidence to kill each other, if there are two, Ai Yin has the confidence to deal with each other, if there are more, Ai Yin can only run for his life. So Ayin, who deliberately exposed his whereabouts, is pulling the cadres and younger brothers of the Wapol family in a chase on the street. Soon, they ran to the vicinity of a warehouse. Using the ability of the fruit to reverse the door lock back to the state when it was opened, Ai Yin opened the door of the warehouse and hid in without the slightest hesitation. "Stop!" The Wapol family caught up. "We obviously saw the little girl hiding in the warehouse, why didn't we chase it?" "What if there is a trap inside?" "There is a fart trap, this is a Ordinary warehouse, besides, it’s just a little girl. Don’t worry if there are traps, just wait here for fear of death and I’ll go alone." "Are you trying to show off?" Hesitate After a while, the traffickers smashed through the warehouse door and broke in. This is a granary, and one after another sack is filled with flour and various grains. "Where did that little demon hide? Cough cough...what's going on!" While talking, the warehouse that didn't have a trace of abnormality suddenly became filled with smoke and dust. "Boss...cough flour." "Who opened the sack?" "It's not me, cough cough..." Ayin came After the warehouse, all the flour here was broken up, making the entire warehouse already covered by flour, and then she launched the "reverse fruit" ability to restore the warehouse to its normal appearance. When the traffickers broke into the warehouse, she was relieved of her ability, making the traffickers instantly turn into little white people. While the traffickers were looking for Ai Yin's silhouette, a lighter was suddenly thrown in from the window. "Huh..." The dry flour was instantly ignited by a lighter, and the flour permeating the air was the best fuel. In an instant, the entire warehouse turned into a sea of ​​fire. In a small space, the air is heated and expanded instantly, which is the principle of explosion. "hong long! !" The huge warehouse, like an oversized landmine, accompanied by a deafening sound that rang through the sky, the warehouse was blown into ruins in an instant, half a swordsman The island heard this huge rumbling sound. "Ah!" Xiao Aiyin was blew somersault by the wind blown up by the explosion, her face was covered with dust, and her knees were accidentally scratched. The reason why she keeps her current appearance is to paralyze the enemy. Now is the time to change back to what it was before, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com has harvested the lives of those traffickers. She knew that even this level of explosion could not kill all the traffickers. "Why are you a little fellow again?" Upon hearing the voice coming from behind, Xiao Aiyin hurriedly turned around: "Fuck!" "Little girl, you are not bold, but you are not brave." Little, don’t you be afraid to blow yourself to death?" "Hey, what are you doing?" Xiao Aiyin was hugged by Hailan directly: "You are already injured without seeing you Don’t you? Justice doesn’t need a brat like you to maintain it. Leave the rest to me. I’ll take you out of here first." "I am not a child!" "You are still fooling around. .." Then Hai Lan was stunned. Ayin browses tightly frowns, clenches her teeth tightly, but still can't help but make a bit of painful "Uh-huh" sound in her mouth. At the same time, Xiao Ai Yin, who was held in Hailan's arms, actually started to grow at a speed that could be discerned by naked eye. It didn't take long for a little girl who was just over one meter long to become a slim and big girl. The clothes that originally looked loose and loose are now stuck between Ai Yin's waist and abdomen like tight clothes. From Hai Lan's point of view, he can even see the small vest inside through the gaps between the buttons of the clothes. ... Ai Yin: ... Hai Lan: ... Puff. Ai Yin: "Oh, you fell to my death!!" https: Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book: .. Mobile version reading URL: m.

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