?Many powerhouses in One Piece World, they are arrogant, arrogant, and fearless to die... But this does not mean that they will die without thinking. Although they don't understand the truth that "death is heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather", they will regard death as home only when they feel that their death is meaningful. Otherwise, who would go to death in idleness. After the Golden Lion escaped from the deep sea prison, facing Whitebeard's taunts, he endured it and did not choose to fight, because the death there was not worth it to Golden Lion. Kaido of the Beasts has gone to death but never been to Mariejois. Even if it is better than Whitebeard, after learning that Blackbeard killed the four Captain Thatch, at first wanted to submit to humiliation, but it was a pity that it was not able to do so. Only like today's "Hyster" Talco, he is going to give the identity of "Greatest Swordsman in the World" to the Hawk Eyes man in front of him. Only when this kind of death is worthwhile in his opinion, he Will treat death as home. "Come on, use this world's strongest black blade, as the Greatest Swordsman in the World, come and kill me!" Talco opened his arms, waiting for Hawk Eyes' attack at any time , As if about to embrace the sun. The battle between Hailan and Red the Aloof didn't seem to have affected the confronting Talco and Hawk Eyes. At this time, they seemed to have only each other in their eyes. "What are you still hesitating? Don't you have the confidence to hold the position of Greatest Swordsman in the World?" "Hurry up, if I bleed like this, I will regret putting this black Blade gave it to you!" Hawk Eyes' gaze gradually calmed down. both of his hands held the black edged blade that Talco threw to him ・At night, the eyes were like a sword, and the monstrous sword intent surged, Human and Sword Unity, as if one could cut off the World's All Living Things The sword. He wants to hold this world's strongest black blade, kill "Bust" Christian Talco as the Greatest Swordsman in the World, and personally send Talco on the road. Because this is the last and greatest respect for your opponent as a swordsman. "Black blade. Flash!" "Om..." Time seems to freeze in this brief moment. Accompanied by the "weng weng" sword cry, accompanied by the blood spattering on his chest, Talco lay down heavily with a smile on his face. "He walked peacefully." Akagami came to Talco's body, sighed, and looked towards Hawk Eyes: "Mihawk, what are you going to do?" "I plan to take him and black blade ・Dark Moon is buried together." "Okay, let me help you." Seeing Hawk Eyes's unhappy look, Akagami persuaded: "Don't be angry, I have The name of Greatest Swordsman in the World, there will be a lot of swordsmen to challenge you in the future, this is always a good thing for you." Hawk Eyes was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked "Does what you said last time count?" Akagami was taken aback: "Which sentence?" Hawk Eyes repeated: "You said you will cut off the sword in my hand within a year." Akagami grinned Issho: "Of course it counts!" "Okay, then I'll wait for you!" "it's a deal!" …… Former Greatest Swordsman in the World "Beat" Christian Talco finally died well. But Red the Aloof is different. If Hailan is killed here, he will feel endless humiliation and aggrieved. So he chose to be worldly-wise and play safe. On "Jianhao Island", Red the Aloof wanders among the tall buildings like Batman. Although he has not eaten the Devil Fruit "Bat Fruit · Mythical Type · vampire form", he has already revealed the temperament of bats and vampire. Bat cane, blood red cloak, scarlet sword aura... It is not so much that he became like this because of the influence of "bat fruit", it is better to say that "bat fruit" will fall into his hands It's completely fate. Sengoku was precocious and stable when he was a child, and Doflamingo was arrogant and despotic when he was a child... Until now, Begapunk has not found a special case that Devil Fruit will change the personality of the host. This is also one of the reasons why Hailan chooses to eat Devil Fruit. Otherwise, he might not be him. It's better to die than to be the puppet of the "devil". At the speed of Hailan's "Aurora Fruit", catching up with Red the Aloof was originally only a momentary thing. It's a pity that Red the Aloof manufactures clones too fast. It only outlines a few strokes and flicks it. It is an Admiral powerhouse, which greatly delayed Hailan's time. Mythical Type ・The ability of the civet cat fruit does not need to draw exactly the same pattern as the master of the oil painting. You only need to think of the person in your mind, and then draw a few strokes to be a copy. Up to now, how many "Admiral-class" powerhouses Hailan has exploded, even he himself can't remember. crash-bang ... From "Jianhao Island" all the way to the coast, Red the Aloof is not slowing down, actually using Geppo's skills to walk the sea. As a pure body refinement powerhouse, Red the Aloof has already learned Geppo in Marine Rokushiki. Actually these Pirates are very smart. In Big Mom Pirates, there is even an aerial squad dedicated to cultivation Geppo. Hailan chased to the sea and saw Red the Aloof walking on the sea, raising his hand was another "super-electromagnetic gun". The distance between the two of them was nearly a kilometer, and in less than a second, the super-electromagnetic gun had caught up with Red the Aloof. Red the Aloof jumped up high, avoiding Hailan's attack. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com bang! Super-electromagnetic gun strikes On the sea, a torrent of water erupted and wet Red the Aloof's hair. Red the Aloof Before Red the Aloof had time to breathe, Hai Lan himself came in an instant, and "Lei Qi" in his hand cut off. Red the Aloof's scalp numb, suffocating a breath and dodges to avoid Hai Lan's attack. Lei Chee hit the air, and the thick sword intent carried on the blade burst out, cutting out a long ravine in the sea. The sea was divided into two, forming like two small waterfalls. Wonderful landscape. Red the Aloof, who saw the formidable power of Hailan's sword, was secretly wary, thinking that if his movements were to take a half-shot slower, I'm afraid he would hate it today. He can feel that the "Lei Che" in Hailan's hand not only has a super cutting ability, but the violent thunderstorms carried on it will numb his muscles and nerves and retard his movements. He is not a fleshy and hard player like "Drought" Jack. In a battle at this level, as long as he is delayed for one second, his opponent may give himself a fatal blow. "The strength is good, but it's a pity... you are just a Devil Fruit Ability User!" Red the Aloof with wet hair suddenly Issho, with a bat cane in his hand, pulls out a sword flower, a scarlet spiral sword aura booms To the sea below. Boom! Just as hundreds of kilograms of explosives exploded in the sea, the sea instantly enveloped the battlefield between the two. "I have found your weakness too!" https: Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book: .. Mobile version reading URL: m.

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