Within a few days, Hailan and Hawk Eyes came to Jianhao Island in New World. Jianhao Island, formerly known as "source stone island", is the origin of "Poneglyph source stone". "Poneglyph source stone" is a magical product of nature. Whether it is severe cold or scorching heat, time or space, whether it is a heavy blow or erosion, this magical product of nature cannot be destroyed, and it will not even cause wear and tear, which is extremely incredible. But what’s even more incredible is that in New World’s "Country of Harmony", there is a family named "Kozuki Clan". This family actually masters the mysterious technology of building Poneglyph source stone, and uses this technology. The ancestors of the Kozuki clan carved history on an indestructible stone, forming a record inscription called "Poneglyph" by later generations. In addition to some common historical events, Poneglyph also recorded the history of the "100-year blank" since the establishment of the World Government. Except for Poneglyph, there is no record of "100 years of blankness" in any literature on the world, which makes Poneglyph the only material to explore the "history of disappearance". In the "100 years of blankness", World Government may have carried out some kind of "inhuman" action, which made World Government prohibit the investigation of the history of "100 years of blankness" and took out the highest level of World Government Criminal law-the death penalty. Even the Great Pirate who killed countless people will not necessarily be sentenced to death, but as long as they are found to study history, they will be sentenced to death. This is enough to prove that the World Government attaches importance to this period of history and... fear. In West Blue, there is an island called "O'Hara". It used to be the cradle of scholar and has the largest library in the world, the "Tree of All-Knowing". It's a pity that they violated the orders of the World Government and insisted on studying the blank history. As a result, they were destroyed and ushered in the "Buster Call" of the World Government. The huge O'Hara, leaving only one survivor-Nico Robin. About 6 years ago, a major event that shocked the whole country broke out in New World's "Wonoku". The original Daimyo "Kozuki Oden" died, and the "Kozuki family" died! This "Kozuki family", which has recorded hundreds of years of history, has just died out. Apart from O'Hara’s scholar, the Kozuki family is the only family that understands "ancient characters". With the demise of the Kozuki family, Nico Robin has become the only one on the surface in the world and also understands the "ancient" "Literal" living person. As for whether there are such talents in Celestial Dragon, it is not known. Since the demise of the "Kozuki family", the "source stone island" rich in Poneglyph source stone has lost its former importance. In the eyes of ordinary people, Poneglyph source stone is nothing more than a pile of stones. Everyone understands the hardness of these stones, but unfortunately no one can use these stones. When an item loses its use value, it has no value, such as the paper money of the doomsday world. However, because of the strong attribute of source stone, this "source stone" island has become the best island for swordsmen to learn sword techniques from each other. "Swordsman" is a profession known for destructive power. In other islands, duels are often the result of mountains burst and ground split. It is often the result of a long period of fighting, and the victory or defeat has not yet been determined, and the island is first abandoned. Here, there is no need to worry about the battlefield environment. No one can destroy the Poneglyph source stone, otherwise the World Government would have destroyed the Poneglyph long ago, and it would be so troublesome. In fact, in addition to Jianhao, many other types of powerhouses will also duel on this island. It's just that the number of Devil Fruit Ability Users is relatively small, and the pure body refinement powerhouse like Garp is even rarer. In addition to Devil Fruit, only Way of Sword is the shortcut from the lower powerhouse to the middle powerhouse, such as Akainu when he was young. It is precisely because of the large number of swordsmen that this place is named "Jianhao Island". "The unbreakable stone...hehe...this is really a wonderful world..." Hailan felt incredible when he thought of the attributes of Poneglyph source stone. Poneglyph source stone: In addition to the processing technology of the Kozuki family, no one can destroy it. Pica's Stone-Stone Fruit: You can control the rock and change the shape of the rock arbitrarily. So when Pica meets Poneglyph source stone... Is this "spear" named Pica sharper? Or is this "shield" called Poneglyph source stone more sturdy? This is a difficult problem that even Hamlet can't think of an answer. hehe ... The reason why Hailan chose to go to Jianhao Island before is to further improve his sword technique in the battle here. Excluding the "Aurora Fruit" bonus, Hailan's sword technique is actually only at the level of "slicing iron" and "release sword aura". There is still a considerable distance from Akagami, let alone Hawk Eyes. Because Hailan's System can digitize capabilities, "lock" one's own capabilities, and will not regress. Therefore, there is no such thing as "bite off more than one can chew" here in Hailan. He can achieve true "bite off more than one can chew". After the battle with Jack "Drought", Hailan even firmed up his view of "no shortcomings". Whether it is fruit ability or body refinement sword technique, he will never stop cultivation and become An "all-round" powerhouse. Hailan is also envious of the sword intents who can embody sword intents into real styles such as "cherry blossoms". com envied that they only need to swing a sword to cut off the "Domain of Swords" of cannonballs all over the sky. In this world of "powerhouse, the weak will die", only by becoming stronger and stronger can you live more freely. "Boss, you see that person looks terrifying, he feels like a sword to me." "Hahaha, don't be afraid, let me discuss with him." Looking in the direction of the sound, what caught Hai Lan's eyes was a Straw Hat that was so familiar that he could no longer be familiar. Straw Hat brat, "Akagami" Shanks. He is walking towards Hawk Eyes under the umbrella of a stall. And the one that said Hawk Eyes is good terrifying before is the Big Fatty Lucky of the Red Hair Pirates group. "Hello." Akagami unceremoniously sat down opposite Hawk Eyes. Hawk Eyes frowned, why is there another person who is not polite to himself? Is your sword intent not as sharp as before? "You are..." Hawk Eyes raised his head, "...Sabaody Archipelago, that red-haired funny girl?" Hawk Eyes is not so cold, it is a boring show. It can be seen from the words and expressions he said when he molested Zoro in the original book. "Um..." Akagami was choked, showing an awkward but polite smile, "Since you still remember me, it means that the two of us are destined, my partner Say you are terrifying like a sword, not equal to me. Let’s discuss it.""Just you?"Hawk Eyes eyebrows raised,"you are too weak...not worthy of letting me draw the sword. ”

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