? " Strong hard, brothers, as long as we can swim to that island, we will all be saved!" In the sea, Hawk Eyes cut off the remaining Pirate Ship Pirate We are swimming desperately to an island about three nautical miles away. Hawk Eyes is a great swordsman who doesn't bother to kill the weak. Hailan is actually not interested in bullying the weak. It's just that Hailan has another identity, that is Marine. Where his responsibilities are, he is naturally not allowed to let go of these Pirates just like that. It has nothing to do with strength, burn and kill looters, kill! "Mom... New World is terrifying... The weather is terrifying, the powerhouse is terrifying, the boss, I want to go home..." "We were comfortable in the first half of the Grand Line , I have to come to this New World and suffer this crime. What is this picture? Boss, I also support the idea of ​​going home. Now I finally know why the first half of the Grand Line is called a paradise... br> The sea water plunged into that Pirate's mouth, causing him to let out a retching. The boss struggled for a while, and finally pretended to "I was thinking about the brothers, not I was counseling" and borrowed the donkey to go downhill: "Since everyone doesn't want to see this Sea Territory, then we will go back directly after we get to the shore for rectification. "Paradise". If nothing happens, the ship that was attacked by rainstorm will definitely go to that island to rest. After we finish this ticket, we will go home!" "Big wise!" "Long live the boss!" "There are sharks!!!" "Help..." "What's so scary about sharks... Damn..." The shark that attacked Pirate was not a real shark, but an "Aurora Shark" created by Hailan using the Aurora ability. Akainu has magma vicious dogs, precognition has ice storm pheasants, and even Enel has various thunderbolt Illusory Beasts. It is naturally not difficult for Hailan to create "Aurora Sharks". In fact, he used the "Hundred Step Flying Sword" to kill these Pirates more efficiently, but in order not to be seen by the people on the passenger ship, he adopted a more concealed style of "Aurora Shark". Aurora sharks bit Pirate's thighs and their waists. The smell of blood diffused in the sea, and it attracted real marine life. "Avoid the Sea Territory, turn the rudder right!" On the passenger ship, the captain keenly caught the danger of the Sea Territory where Pirate was. On the other side, Hai Lan on the Hawk Eyes boat is studying his newly acquired abilities with a smile on his face. Identity: Hailan Perception: Lv8 Calculation: Lv10 Skill proficiency value Shaving: 100% …… Haoshoku Haki: 10% Identification value : 50002/100000 God finally didn't joke with Hailan. There were indeed his "fans" on this ship, but fortunately not many, his approval was finally worth the breakthrough of fifty thousand. If Hailan has read the original work and knows Brook, the "King of Soul Singers", there is no need for such trouble, just take Koala to go to "Idol Sect", and the recognition value will be exploded in minutes. But it's not bad now. After many years of disdainful efforts by Hailan, he finally reaped the results again. Special Skill 1: [Unforgettable] The information you obtain through careful observation, reading and other behaviors will become a permanent memory, reminder, please be careful when remembering. Special Skill 2: [Lightning Conversion] You who have obtained the "Aurora Fruit" ability can now freely control the derivative ability of "Aurora"-lightning. You can use almost all "Goro Goro no" except that you can't become lightning. Mi" ability. Lightning conversion! When seeing this second special skill rewarded by System, Hailan's breathing became hurried. When Hai Lan was reading the "Devil Fruit Illustrated Book", "Goro Goro no Mi" and "Aurora Fruit" were his first two Devil Fruits. It's a pity that even now, Hailan still has nothing to learn about "Goro Goro no Mi". But now System has fulfilled this original extravagant hope for him. Hailan wants to be impudent loudly roared: I didn't have a choice before, now I want it all! As for the inability to become "lightning", this is simply not important. Even this is a good thing. Goro Goro no Mi has a natural nemesis "Gomu-Gomu No Mi", and Aurora Fruit has only one nemesis, that is "Yami Yami no Mi", but in fact, "Yami Yami no Mi" is all Devil Fruit's nemesis. Although the previous Hailan can use lightning, it is only a derivative ability after all, and it is too difficult to use. And now Hailan can already control lightning unscrupulously. Hawk Eyes on the sofa raised his eyelids and looked at the shirtless Hai Lan with a happy expression, wondering in his heart: What is this brat giggling about? Then, in Hawk Eyes' doubts, Hai Lan jumped and jumped into the air. Take out a coin from his pocket, use his thumb to toss it upwards, then activate the electromagnetic force of the whole body, tap the coin with his finger. Super...electromagnetic gun! bang! The coin entangled with an electric arc and accelerated by electromagnetic force hits the distant sea like a laser beam. Even Hawk Eyes frowned slightly because of the speed of this move. The people on the passenger ship that had originally been with Hawk Eyes' boats were getting farther and farther away. Suddenly, they saw in the sky in the distance, as if an orange rays of light flashed by like a long spear. Just like thunder, after a period of time, UU reading www.uukanshu.com everyone actually heard the slightest rumbling sound. "Smelly... Master Okus seems to have become stronger again..." Not only the passengers, but Ayin's little face is full of solemnity. If you can use the power of "iron legs floating on the water"... then it should be easier to avenge Lilith? No, no, no, how can I think like this, everyone is just strangers coming together by chance, why bother others? Seeing the strength gap between the two, Ai Yin touched the two daggers on his waist and quietly made up his mind. He must redouble his efforts and strive to become stronger than he is now. bang! The "super-electromagnetic gun" hit the sea in the distance, and a high water column erupted. At the same time, Hai Lan also fell back into the boat. This is the ability that he has already wanted to develop, but it is a pity that he used to control the "electromagnetic force" too hard, although a similar style can be used, but the formidable power is too small, and the gain is not worth the loss. Now with this move, even if you only use long-range attacks in battle, the custody can hit the "drought" Jack and call father. Hmm... It’s a bit of money... Hawk Eyes, who was bored alone on the ocean, opened the chatterbox rare: "Why jump up? A Marine Headquarters Vice Admiral, You won’t be too excited to control yourself?" Hai Lan explained: "If you use this move on your boat, what effect will the reaction force have, I can’t guess." "You this People..." Hawk Eyes took a deep look at Hai Lan: "...not bad."

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