"I'm not a child..." The little black hair girl who was rescued by Hai Lan whispered. In fact, she is not a real little girl, but a Devil Fruit Ability User. And she is not black hair, she has blue hair, but under the dark clouds covering the heavens, shielding the sun, the sun disappeared, the original blue hair only looks black. The name of this "fake loli" is "Ayin", and her ability is Paramecia Reverse Fruit. She can generate a pink flame-like energy group in her hand, which can be touched by this energy. Lifeform and non-lifeform can be "regressed". The so-called "regression" is manifested in the body of a living thing, which can be understood as the reduction of age, recover one's youthful vigor; and when it is manifested in the body of a dead object, it can be understood as a retreat of the state, such as ice can become water, water It can also become ice. But like the "childlike fruit" of sugar, as long as the Ability User loses consciousness, all things that have been regressed will be restored to their original state. For some reasons, Ai Yin on the merchant ship disguised herself as a little loli who was less than ten years old. But it was this weak body that made her almost blown away by the wind. Ai Yin couldn't help but complain when Hai Lan yelled at herself as a child who was a troublemaker. Although for some reasons, Ai Yin needs to disguise her identity temporarily, but in this "silent super thunderstorm" destroying heaven extinguishing earth, everything should make way for the matter of "surviving". So after being rescued by Hai Lan, Ai Yin planned to relieve the fruit ability and restore her body size to help out on the boat. But when I think of myself as a Devil Fruit Ability User, I will only get more and more chaotic in this extreme rainstorm... Reverse Fruit can be compared to some Devil Fruit such as Gravity Fruit in the face of natural disasters. The difference is too far. What? Can the "silent super thunderstorm" be directly returned to the state of clear sky? At the very least, it must be the physical strength of the Super Saiyan to start. Ai Yin finally gritted her teeth and had to get into the cabin, at least there, she could still use her Devil Fruit ability to help a lot. For example, if the cabin is suddenly damaged and leaks, she can use the "reverse fruit" ability to restore the cabin to the state before the damage, temporarily resisting it for a while. "What a wayward little demon..." Hailan naturally heard Ai Yin's whisper-"I am not a child." But in Hailan's view, she is not a child, who is a child? Not taller than Koala. So he simply regarded Ai Yin's words as a rebellious complaint from a wayward little girl, and didn't take seriously at all. "You idiot, haven't you put the sails away? Do you want to kill everyone?" On the deck, the captain and the Navigator were roaring hysterically. Not only are the mouths commanding, even they are desperately busy. "Abandon the boat and escape!" "Abandon your mother! To die by yourself, die for Lao Tzu, don't be here to deceive people!" The endless sea, like the sky falling down like dark clouds , Mad Wind, Thunder violent... some people have been scared stupid. In this terrifying bad weather, abandoning a ship is equivalent to courting death. ka-cha! A dazzling sword aura flashed past, and instantly cut the three masts to the ground. "All those who are still able to go rowing in the bottom compartment, others stay on the boat to drain. If you want to survive, you must work hard together. In front of this rainstorm, there are no innocent people!" Cut Hailan, who had broken the mast, began to direct the people on board to move. As a Vice Admiral of Marine Headquarters, "nautical knowledge" is their essential military quality. Except for individual brains that are really not good enough for Marine who can climb to the position of generals solely relying on military force, Marine generals of overwhelming majority are also excellent navigators. The rainstorm brought by the "Silent Super Thunderstorm" was flourishing, and the pouring rain instantly accumulated on the deck and passed everyone's ankles. Fortunately, Devil Fruit Ability User is not afraid of rain, otherwise even Hailan would not dare to fight against nature in this rainstorm. Devil Fruit's ability to fear sea water is not because they are afraid of the chemical molecule called H20, but a kind of carrageenan called PYROBROIN. After all, water accounts for about 70% of the human body. Apart from this everyday all also drink a lot of water. If Devil Fruit Ability User is afraid of H20, then they will stop living one by one. The plasmid named PYROBROIN will have different effects on Devil Fruit Ability User depending on the concentration. The content of PYROBROIN in fresh water is the least, so fresh water has the least impact on Ability User. The content of PYROBROIN in seawater is much higher than that in freshwater, so some of the weaker Ability Users will feel weak when they touch the seawater. Kairoseki is a mineral crystal that contains a lot of PYROBROIN, which can even deprive the Devil Fruit of the ability, turning Ability User into ordinary people. However, there are some special cases, such as the charm ability of empress. After the discovery of PYROBROIN, the Marine Research Department has already conducted experiments, and the purified water will not cause any impact on the Ability User. Although rainwater is not pure water, after the transpiration cycle, most of the PYROBROIN originally present in the rainwater will remain in the clouds, forming "sea clouds" or "island clouds", and then fall back to the rainwater on the earth The content of PYROBROIN is almost negligible, so even in heavy rain, the Ability User will not be affected. Otherwise, "the strongest man in the world" is not Whitebeard, but Dorag, who can control the weather. Wherever rainstorm has gone, Ability User will be a subject... Hear that sword and cut it. The powerhouse, which had broken three masts, gave orders, and the people on the deck got busy, but soon they shouted. "No, the speed at which we splash water can't keep up with the speed of the rain!" "We are dead!" The rain hit Hailan's cheek, and he felt like he was completely As if soaking in water, his body was soaked. The densely packed strong wind and swift rain made it extremely difficult for him to open his eyes, UU reading www. uukanshu. com As long as he opens his mouth, the rain will pour into his mouth. Even in the face of the "drought" Jack, Hai Lan has never been so embarrassed. This is the huge might of the real "natural disaster". "bang!" Hailan cut out a spiral sword aura and smashed a huge wave from the side. This increasingly fierce rainstorm not only failed to smash Hailan's mind, but instead inspired him to deep in one's heart that never give up resistance spirit. He yelled: "If you even give up fighting, who can you count on to save you? Isn't it just a rainstorm? What is there to be afraid of? Just give up like this. Are you still men? If we lose in the end, because we lose to the most terrifying'silent super thunderstorm', even if others know about it, we will not be ashamed; but if we survive, we can I proudly show off to others, I once defeated the'silent super thunderstorm', can you change it for you? Isn’t this worth fighting for?" In this thunderstorm, all over you Hai Lan, who was soaked by the rain, felt that his deep in one's heart seemed to have some emotion, which made his blood boil. The wind in his hand pointed directly at the sky, "If you are still real men, let the rainstorm be more violent!" ka! At that moment, the dark sky was suddenly covered by a huge cloud The lightning flashed away, and the figure of Hailan illuminated by the electric light at that moment was still solidified in the legend after thousands of years... Because... He was struck by lightning!

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