In fact, when Hai Lan was talking and laughing with Doflamingo before, he was already trying to suppress various adverse reactions in the body.

The "violent overload" for nearly dozens of minutes exerted a super load on Hai Lan's body.

Now Hailan has not only lost a lot of physical strength, but his body is also sore and difficult to bear. He needs a comfortable sleep.

However, Hailan’s pain is different from Jack’s pain covered in wounds.

It is probably the kind of soreness that a person who hasn't exercised for a long time suddenly continues to run for half an hour after getting up on the 2nd day.

If Doflamingo knew that Hai Lan was already weak to this level, he would definitely kill Hai Lan in the first place.

It's a pity that even if he did this, it was useless.

Because Hailan's remaining physical strength is completely enough for him to get rid of Doflamingo.

It can even be said that fortunately, Doflamingo did not see Hailan's weakness.

Otherwise, he would have made one step wrong, wrong step.

Seeing Hailan lying on the bed head-on, Buggy make a fuss about nothing and said: "Hailan Sir, you will not die, will you?"

Buggy's ownership of Marine The feeling is not strong, his main sense of belonging comes from Hailan Sir.

If you follow Akainu, everyday all must fight on the front line of the battle against Pirate; following the precognition, you can meet a few Pirates who can search for a lot of treasure in the year of the monkey. As for Kizaru...follow such a leader. , Affect the official career... Not everyone has the monster-like strength of Kizaru, and can be an Admiral candidate when punching in at work...

Buggy would never want Hailan to die like this. Hailan is his thigh, it's too late to hold it tightly, how can he be willing to lose it.

It’s also the first time that Kizaru has encountered a life treasure that makes him feel headache but can’t hate him: "You guys are still so funny, really, Hailan Vice Admiral, how could he die like this? He’s just too tired."

"This brat, he just fell asleep after just saying something to me, don’t you be afraid that I will leave him here?"

The words on the lips sounded like they were complaining, but Kizaru did not leave, but sat on the sofa.

"The situation here is really complicated, don't even Marine Vice Admiral dare to sleep here alone..."


2nd day .

With Seimei Kikan's skillful body protection, and with no fatal injuries, Hailan was resurrected with blood.

Looking at Kizaru who was lying on the sofa in a "Ge You" position, Hailan smiled: "Borsalino senior, you are still here."

Kizaru Slowly leisurely said: "Zephyr-sensei asked me once in a while. Since I promised him, how can I put you in danger?"

Hailan doesn’t know what method Zephyr used to persuade him. Kizaru, but just thinking about it, Zephyr's heart must have been anxious to the extreme.

"Call him."

Kizaru threw a Den Den Mushi to Hailan.

This uncle, who usually looks like a fool, is actually very careful.

Hailan took over Den Den Mushi: "Thank you.


"...Good, good, good! A man should be like a tiger, defeating all evil people, Hailan, I'm proud of... When will you return to headquarters? Pikachu misses you..."

"...Don't worry, I will pay There is something. I can go back today when I am done..."

Hailan exchanged a few words with Zephyr, and then returned Den Den Mushi to Kizaru.

Kizaru put Den Den Mushi back in his pocket and said with a crooked mouth: "Hai Lan, you see that I have helped you so much, don't you plan to repay me?"

Hailan was amused by the old naughty boy: "How does the senior want me to repay?"

The "repay" that Kizaru wants is definitely not money or material, and it certainly won't be Devil Fruit.

Last night Hailan was able to sleep soundly, thanks to Kizaru's help.

Naturally, rewards are necessary. Hailan doesn't like to owe favors to others.

It's just that Kizaru's careful thoughts, Hailan really can't guess it.

Kizaru said with a smile: "I heard that Hailan Vice Admiral is not only a tiger on the battlefield, but also a cook in the kitchen. You see, I haven’t even eaten breakfast until now. , In order to wait for you to wake up, you can have a good taste."

Hailan was taken aback, didn't expect this Kizaru is still a foodie: "No problem!"

"Don't forget the kind of delicacy called'dumplings'. I ate a few at Koala last time but I was not addicted. Today I must try the craftsmanship of God of Cookery."

Buggy also followed up with a booze: "Also There is me and me..."

Hailan is happy today, and said boldly: "Meat dishes are vegetarian food, everything is available, and you can eat it till you die today."

"dang~ dang ~ dang~ dang~ When..."

In the kitchen, the blade light flickers and the ingredients fly.

Through the control of "cooking skills", Hailan roughly judged his physical state.

"In another half a day, I will be able to return to perfect control of my strength, speed and accuracy..."


eat After satiated, Kizaru turned into a golden rays of light and flew back to Marine Headquarters on the spot.

Zephyr's request is to protect Hailan, apart from this, he is not interested in other things.

After Hailan accepted Doflamingo's "sincerity", he first installed a few Zoan Devil Fruits into the "Castle body protection symbol".

Bring back Marine Headquarters?

Does not exist.

These are all strategic materials for him to fight Celestial Dragon in the future.

It is the only Paramecia "Shadow Fruit" Hai Lan did not choose to hide.

Because of this fruit, he has other functions.

"Hey, is it Wagner?"

"Report to Hailan Sir, it is Wagner!"

"How did you observe Carlo? Is it okay?"

"Carlo's performance is very good, there is no problem at all, of course, the subordinates can't tell if he is an undercover like Vergo."

"Yes, that's enough. Go to Carlo to answer the phone."


"Report to Hailan Vice Admiral, UU reading here It’s Corporal Carlo."

"You said you hate Pirate, right?"


"You still said I didn’t like the World Government’s rule that “not killing Pirate is just permanent imprisonment”, right?"


Den Den Mushi, on the other side, Carlo did not answer. Hailan regarded him as acquiescence.

The "Shadow Fruit" was tossed up and down in Hailan's hands. Hailan said: "Now I can give you the ability to truly imprison Pirate forever, do you want it?"

"Sir, I don't understand what you mean..."

"That is to say, no matter how powerful Pirate is, as long as they dare to escape from Impel Down, waiting for them , There are only scattered ashes and dispersed smoke...Do you want this ability?"

"What price do I need to pay?"

"It doesn’t cost anything, as long as you don’t Just be Marine again..."

"Hailan Sir, I won't leave Marine, Bounty Hunter I am not interested at all."

"no no no. .. I mean, you need to be transferred to the deep sea prison to work..."


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