With a sound of "oh la la," Buggy smashed the table next to him.

There are five red palm prints on his face-just like Nami can slap Gomu-Gomu No Mi Ability User all over the head, sometimes the outcome of a battle is real. It has nothing to do with strength.


Holding his hot cheeks, Buggy on the ground was rolling in pain.

"It's not fair...what about love and passion...ah...ah!...Ahhhh!!!"

It seems that I still don’t get angry Similarly, the woman slapped Buggy before she finished it, and then kicked Buggy fiercely for a few feet before she went away.

Buggy tells us with bloody lessons...Don't believe any guides to seduce girls on the Internet...If you are not handsome, you will be scolded as a gangster...

But Hailan’s teasing sister is so easy, it’s not as simple as it seems, Mary has her own little nine in her heart...


Not far from Dressrosa Sea Territory, is driving a Pirate Ship.

The overwhelming majority Pirate Ship and a few Marine Battleships have their own unique signs.

For example, the bow of Garp's Battleship has a statue of a dog with a bone in its head, while the bow of this Pirate Ship looks like a living elephant.

The red sail is painted with a pattern that changes the color of many people in New World. It is a skull with curved horns.

Unlike most Pirate Ships, this Pirate Ship is huge and has a captain's room like a Battleship command room.

In the captain's room, there is a huge man sitting.

This man wears a strange mask on his face, making it impossible for others to see his appearance. However, there are two white ivory on both sides of his head, which looks like steel. shudder.

"Come here!"

This monster-like man suddenly shouted loudly, as if someone had been waiting at the door, the door of the captain's room was immediately pushed open from the outside.

A white man wearing sunglasses and two black horns on his head, who doesn’t know what bloodline he has, rushed in in a panic: "Master Jack, what do you want?"

A man like rare beast is one of the "three plagues" of Pirates, the "drought" Jack.

The other is his henchman, Sipshead.

"How long will it take to arrive in Dressrosa?"

"Probably less than a day..."

"damned bastard, I want an accurate Time!"

Jack opened his eyes, and Sipshead shook with a roar without warning.

"In the morning, I will arrive at Dressrosa tomorrow morning!"

"It's so annoying, too slow!"

Jack, who opened his eyes, looked through the captain The window of the room looked towards the distant sea, as if concentrated attention completely, but obviously there was nothing worth studying.

"A joker of trifling is actually worth a trip for me personally. When I see him, I must beat him first, and then talk about the transaction!"

Perhaps, because the intelligence is a little bit low, just these few words already need Jack to concentrate attention completely to think.

Doflamingo, which has just captured Dressrosa, needs a lot of money to rebuild the country.

Originally, he was counting on Sabaody Archipelago’s agent "Black Cat" Kuro, but he unexpectedly beat him upside down and rushed to the World Government while his family was caught by Marine.

Because Doflamingo has become Oka Shichibukai, if Kuro continues to fight alone, he will be regained power by Doflamingo, and even his life may not be guaranteed.

So Marine executives had to formulate another strategy to let Kuro catch up with the World Government line.

In the end, Doflamingo only received 300 million Beli's "compensation" in Kuro's hands, which is far from enough for him to rebuild Dressrosa.

Joker's income on the black market mainly comes from "arms" and "Devil Fruit."

"Beasts Pirates" controls a certain kind of munitions production factory, so after coming to New World to take Dressrosa, Doflamingo is working hard to catch up on the line of Kaido of the Beasts.

He doesn't have a "man-made Devil Fruit" factory now. The ones that are used for trading sincerity are all genuine natural Devil Fruit.

Kaido's dream of "Beasts" is to create a "Beasts Legion" completely formed by Zoan Devil Fruit Ability User.

Zoan Devil Fruit is more attractive to Beasts Pirates than any treasure.

"Master Jack, it is not the joker that is worth your trip, but the Devil Fruits. Now Master Kaido is fighting the old Whitebeard man. These Devil Fruits are very important to us. And only an adult, you can guarantee the safety of those Devil Fruits."

"Um...it seems to make sense if you think about it carefully..."

Sipshead knows Jack's psychology, almost every word of his can be said in Jack's heart.

Otherwise, he would have been slapped to death by Jack.

This is an extremely cruel Pirate: "I'm going to bed now, you go and let the chefs on the boat prepare for tomorrow morning, if the portion is not enough or the taste is wrong, I will throw them into the sea to feed Fish!"

" Understood ."

Sipshead complied with the right sound and slowly left the captain's room.


"This is a mental disorder?!!!"

Early in the morning on the 2nd day, a hotel in Dressrosa had just opened, and there were two The sexy and enchanting woman walked out foul-mouthed.

The two women have nice faces, enchanting figures, and glamorous clothes, but the strange thing is that their heads are a bit messy, and they don't have matching necklaces, bracelets and other accessories, which are very strange.

A woman wearing a white dress panting with rage took off her high heels and strode down the street with bare feet: "Mary, I really believe in your evil, you call me I came here to fight the mental disorder all night...What are you fighting...Playing cards?!!!"

Mary, who was a little haggard face, looked unlovable: "I I don’t know that it’s a mental disorder! Look, UU reading www.uukahnshu.com I’m worse than you, you’re in a hurry and didn’t bring anything, but what about me? I’ve lost even the decorations...wu wu ..."

Seeing the heartbroken look of the good sister, the woman in the white dress persuaded: "Mary, stop crying, you said... Is he showing our identity? "

Mary stopped crying and was a little surprised: "No? Didn't Mr. Stracy say that? The last time he came to Dressrosa was five years ago, how could we know our identity? ? " ? " how to do this say out West Stricker adults Believe ... CAN " Mary gritted his teeth:" ... it would report all the details And the process tells Master Stracy, the rest... just let it happen."


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