Just like Hailan said before.

War, there has never been fairness.

I will fire the cannon until you are ready?

It does not exist.

Because fairness to the enemy is the greatest unfairness to one's own side.

War is not a sports game. If you are tired, you will be fine after a few days.

War is deadly!

Any behavior that will cause unnecessary casualties to your own soldier is a crime!

Hai Lan doesn’t know whether Akainu’s heart is the same as he thinks, but Akainu really takes "unfairness" to the extreme.

Do you want to save your younger sister?

Then I will kill your younger sister first, and I see how you save it.

You came back to his senses, knew you were going to shoot?

My "Meteor Volcano" is already hungry and thirsty.

There is such a kind of person, when you stand on the opposite side of him, or even the neutral side, you will find him unreasonable, even frantic.

But when you stand in the same position as him, you will feel doubly at ease.

Akainu is such a person.

When Whitebeard wielded his big knife in the war on the top to chop over slices of soldier after slice, it was Akainu who prevented Whitebeard's Wushuang.

Otherwise, based on Akainu's scorching character, how could it be possible to get the support of that many soldiers.

Of course...the premise of all this is that you must not be a deserter...

On the ground, Akainu with his hands raised is like an erupting volcano, and his hands are just like an erupting volcano. Like two bazooka barrels, the big tuo of magma flew out of his arms and sprayed towards the clouds.

In midair, one round of magma fists fell on the five Pirate Ships on the sea like a meteor shower, just like the Katyusha that the Germans faced during World War II, about to be on the battlefield One after another hell lotus sown by Death God bloomed.

The Pirates on the deck showed desperate eyes, which was comparable to the attack of a natural disaster. They couldn't resist it at all, and they didn't even have a chance to escape.

Many Marine officers and soldiers have a look of worship on their faces, "Sakazuki Vice Admiral is worthy of being an alternate for Marine Headquarter... We will feel more at ease with him here..."

Only a trace of worry appeared on Jonathan's face.

He understands all the truths Akainu said before, but the most important point is...Is this Pirate really such an idiot?

Akainu's name is in New World. Even many Pirates are very clear. If there is no card, who would dare to trouble Akainu?

Is there any other ambush?

Thinking of this, Jonathan Vice Admiral quietly left the battlefield, leading a team of soldiers to find the danger he thought might exist.


A Pirate took two steps back and suddenly fell on the deck.

Facing the red meteors that filled the sky, he has been terrified, and his pants are even wet.


A bullet came with a whistling wind and hit Pirate's head on the spot.

Not only that, the powerful kinetic energy of the bullet actually blasted the Pirate directly, and it flew dozens of meters away before falling to the sea.

It was not a bullet fired from the barrel, but from Belem's finger.

The countless powerhouses on the sea have already reached the level of thermal weapons beyond this level of muskets and cannons.

The sniper rifles of people like Ben Beckman and Yasopp are all private and special, and their lethality far exceeds ordinary weapons, otherwise they have no meaning at all.


Pirates were taken aback. Is there a Marine undercover on board?

Or a traitor?

"Useless things..."

At this moment, Belen suddenly shouted: "Listen to me clearly. Without my order, how dare you Run away? How dare you be afraid?

Don't you think I can't handle even this little thing?"

Everyone sucked in a cold breath.

It turns out that the blow just now didn't come from an undercover agent or a traitor. It turned out to be Lord Belem?

Belen raised his hands above his head,

as if he was holding a boulder.

With him as the center of the circle, one after another circle of light waves surged into the sky.

The light wave will expand as it rises. Although it failed to block all the "Meteor Volcano", the magma giant punches that fell in the area of ​​the five Pirate Ships were swept by the slow light. , Was frozen in midair.

Puff, puff...

Other magma giant fists that fell into the sea evaporate a large amount of water vapor after contacting the seawater, which actually makes the whole piece Sea Territory is like Fairyland.

"The situation has changed, everyone run away!"

When Buggy, who was preparing to sneak attack Pirate, saw it, he hurriedly took everyone away from this Sea Territory...

"Success...was it successful?"

The water mist in the port of the G1 branch was transpiring, and the scene was extremely shocking.

Looking at this scene in the distance, the soldiers on the island stared wide-eyed and craned their necks, eager to know the formidable power of the strongest style of Akainu Vice Admiral.

Boom, boom, boom...

However, the answer to them was dense and shocking artillery fire.

"Come on, kill those Marines, and avenge Bailey-sama!"

The Pirates even heard the hysterical roar from the shore.

This is not dead?

Every Marine soldier couldn't help but swallowed.

Ask yourself, under the attack of "Meteor Volcano", they can't guarantee that they will survive.

Does this mean that the Pirates are much better than their own?

In the next scene, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was so scared that their hearts all raised their throats.

Those Pirate who rushed out of the white mist, their skin turned red Akagami bright, just like lunatics who temporarily increased their battle strength after taking some forbidden drugs.

Their expressions are fierce, and their voices are hysterical, just like the Shura army from hell.

Is this...Is this the true strength of Whitebeard Pirates?

Akainu's face also became ugly.

He did not expect that his "Meteor Volcano" not only failed to destroy the opponent, but instead created smoke bombs for the opponent, allowing the Pirates to find a chance to rush to the island.

But Devil Fruit is so unreasonable.

In terms of strength, Belem is definitely not as good as Akainu.

But with "Slow Fruit" in hand, he can easily restrain Akainu's ability.

Looking at the cannonballs flying all over the sky, Akainu prepared to condense a "Dai Funka" to detonate the cannonballs in the air.

Although Dai Funka's attack range is far less than this, but at this time it can no longer control so much. If you can stop some, let it be some.

Suddenly someone in the chaotic Marine called out: "Everyone is calm, look at it, it is Hailan Vice Admiral... Hailan Vice Admiral has taken the shot!"


"What sound is this?"

Within a radius of nearly a kilometer, there was a "weng weng" sword cry, which pierced everyone Nerves.

Along with the sound of wind chimes swaying in the wind, on the huge Marine Square, it is like an illusion. Suddenly, hundreds of energy long swords appear out of thin air.

Boom, boom, boom...

Under Hailan’s order, these long swords soared into the sky, piercing and detonating every shell accurately!


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