This is a world where the fist is full of truth.

When you meet "World Nobles" Celestial Dragon, you want to kneel down?


Whether it is Marine or civilians, even Pirate, they have to abide by this rule.

But rules have always restricted the weak.

And powerhouse, is the existence of ignoring and even breaking the rules again and again.

It is impossible to have Red the Aloof kneel to Celestial Dragon.

Not only is impossible, he even dared to make a lot of shampoo, scared witless Celestial Dragon.

Garp, who also stands at the apex of the powerhouse, never kneels down to Celestial Dragon.

Although he is Marine, he belongs to the World Government.

But powerhouse is act wilfully.

If he doesn't kneel down, what can World Government do with him?

A few criticisms at most.

The position of Marine Headquarter has not been reserved for Garp all the time.

It would be even more impossible if Celestial Dragon sent someone to assassinate Garp because Garp didn't kneel down.

Let’s not talk about anyone who can assassinate Garp.

They couldn't pass Gorosei alone.

How could Gorosei be willing to assassinate Garp, the "highest battle strength in the World Government", and Gorosei is the five Celestial Dragon with the greatest power!

Previously, Hailan had always avoided Celestial Dragon to prevent himself from getting into trouble.

But as he killed the Golden Lion, promoted the headquarters Vice Admiral, and saw the essence behind many things through Garp, Hailan didn't care about Celestial Dragon.

I won't kneel, what can you do with me?

You come to hit me...

I like your look like you can't understand me but you can do nothing about me.

Perhaps because I was so dizzy by today's events, Saint Charlos didn't mention kneeling at all, but just kept cursing the street all the time.

"Asshole! I am Celestial Dragon. Celestial Dragon is in trouble. You should be here as soon as possible. You are too slow."

Although Hailan doesn't care. Celestial Dragon, but Buggy is more confused.

He has been meditating in the heart all the time: You can't see me...You can't see me...



Hearing Hailan roared his name, Buggy immediately stood at attention.


Saint Charlos was also stunned...what is this for?

Hai Lan said loudly: "Did you hear what this adult said? Don't write it down quickly."

Buggy blinked: "Remember... what to remember?"

"Celestial Dragon is in trouble, Marine should be there as soon as possible!"

"Oh...? Oh!!!"

Although I don't know what Sir is doing, just do it this time.

shua~ shua~ shua~ ...

Buggy wrote this sentence in a small notebook.

"You are..."

Saint Charlos, who is not very good at his mind, has not yet come back to his senses, and finally, when it comes to the lips, only the words are left: ". .. It seems to be Interesting."

"Take it down!"

Buggy became more and more confused: "Take it down again? What to remember?"

"My lord It's interesting to praise me!"

"Oh oh..."

shua~ shua~ shua~ ...

Buggy's hard work.

"Um... sensible."

In the next period of time, it was almost Saint Charlos who said a word, Hailan would always find a bunch of reasons to praise him. Fan then ordered Buggy to write it down.

Later, Charroth's thinking became disjointed, and he almost forgot what he was here for.

Looking at the Sabaody Archipelago destroyed by Red the Aloof in front of him, Saint Charlos suddenly remembered something: “Those arrogant Pirates are simply too hateful. And Auction House have been demolished. You..."

Charl Rose pointed to a bodyguard: "Go tell the Chief-In-Charge of Chambord and ask him to take all the residents of the island Get mobilized, and rebuild a playground and an Auction House for me as quickly as possible."



As soon as the bodyguard was about to leave, he was called back by Hailan.

Charl Rose wondered: "Do you have any questions?"

"My lord,

If you transfer all the civilians in Chambord to the building, then What about the production and business on the island? They will starve to death."

The shampoo land is not an ordinary island, its foundation is actually Yarukiman Mangrove.

Almost all of the agricultural products here depend on imports. Although the output of seafood is large, it is not suitable for storage, so it is basically produced as much as possible.

"If you starve to death, you will starve to death, untouchables, worthless."

"But if they starve to death, no one will build a playground."


Charl Rose was looking thoughtful, and suddenly he clapped his hands: "Yes!"

"Then let them eat less fish during this time , It’s better to eat more food!"


Hai Lan didn't react for a while.

In this World, arable land is extremely scarce because it is dominated by the sea and dotted islands.

On the contrary to Earth, seafood is terribly cheap in this World, but the price of agricultural products is terribly high.

So what kind of operation is Charl Rose’s sentence? Hailan didn’t turn around for a while...

Seeing everyone present with a blank look, check Errose grinned Issho: "You idiots, don't have any brains?

Don’t you know that the food is just like the grass on the ground, it grows out of the ground?

Fishing requires a waste of manpower. If you eat food, you can save manpower? You are so stupid."

Charlross language is not surprising and endless.

Even Garp sucked in a cold breath this time.

What kind of brain circuit is this...

It's almost the same as the "Why not eat meat" in the allusion. UU reading is just in this World, The value of meat and food is reversed.

Hai Lan resisted the urge to "pop science" and showed an awkward but polite smile.

"Take it down..."

Buggy is still in shock: "Which sentence to remember?"

"Just remember...If there is no meat in the future You can eat food, because the food grows from the ground by itself..."

"Hey, what do you always remember what I say?"

Charl Rose Suddenly yelled, and Buggy's pen almost fell to the ground in fright.

Hai Lan explained: "Of course, it is necessary to record the famous sayings of adults, and then spread them to the whole world through newspapers, so that the world can understand the wisdom of World Nobles."

Charl Rose was surprised: "Huh? This is a good idea, why didn't I think about it? Those bastards from other families always scold me as "ignorant and incompetent", seeing that I can't publish a book and hit them in the face."

"Aiya can't do it."

"Why can't it work anymore?"

"I'm just an ordinary people, how can I be qualified to publish World Nobles quotations, this one Let's forget it."

As he said, Hailan was about to flash people.

"Don't go, I allow you to publish it."

Hai Lan is sincere and frightened: "No way, I can't dare..."

"You Don't... grab that notebook for me!"

The shadow flashed past, and the little notebook in Buggy's hand was snatched over.

"Cut... the courage to little demon, you don't publish the book for me, I will publish it myself, I will find the big news Morgans!" Leave with the bodyguard.

I completely forgot my original purpose of looking for Marine.


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