Marine Headquarters, Admiral Sengoku is working on the more and more documents he is dealing with in his office.

As the only incumbent Admiral of Marine Headquarters, coupled with the deliberate training of Fleet Admiral Kong, Sengoku's recent work has become more and more busy.

Fortunately, Crane, who came out of the same unit with him, has become the chief staff officer of Marine Headquarters and can share a lot of work for him.

Otherwise, a Marine Headquarters Admiral dignified may be busy...

On the wall behind the Sengoku desk, there is a banner hanging on the banner. There are a few strong calligraphy: Justice of Monarch Overlooking The Whole World.

It's not just Sengoku, there are many generals in Marine Headquarters who like to write their respected justice on banners and hang them in their offices.

For example, the staff of Crane pursues "justice with a pure heart and few desires."

Apart from this, Kizaru, Akainu, and precognition are "ambiguous justice", "absolute justice" and "leisure justice" respectively.

It can be seen that the management of Marine Headquarters is still very loose in some aspects, and the views of various generals are almost full of flowers.

There are also some generals who do not like to engage in these creed situations, such as Garp, such as Hailan...


Den Den Mushi on the desk yelled again annoyingly.

Sengoku looked at the file on the table, and accepted it: "I am..."

Sengoku hasn’t finished speaking yet, Den Den Mushi imitated the other party’s He yelled and shouted: "Not good, Admiral Sengoku, Saint Charlos was attacked by Pirate in Sabaody Archipelago, please come and support immediately."

The name of Celestial Dragon has a certain regularity. .

Men’s names should be followed by the word "Holy" and women should be followed by the word "宮", so even if the three words "Celestial Dragon" are not mentioned in Den Den Mushi, just rely on " The name Sengoku "Saint Charlos" also knows that the other party is talking about Celestial Dragon.

When I heard Celestial Dragon's call for help, Sengoku had to put down the file at hand.

"Pirate? What kind of Pirate is? Did you see clearly? Could it be Supernova'Akagami'Shanks?"

"No...I don’t know, we only know from A Battleship fell from the sky and collapsed the slave Auction House, Saint Charlos was crushed...wait...that Pirate seems to be a Golden Lion!"

"Golden Lion?"

Sengoku was stunned.

Hasn't Golden Lion been killed by Hailan?

The corpse was verified by his own eyes by Sengoku. Even the two famous swords "Dead Wood" and "Ying Shi" have become Hailan's spoils of war, so where does this Golden Lion come from? of?

"Hey, don't you kid me!"

"Absolutely no kidding, even if you are kidding, how dare I make a joke on your number!"


"Hello? Hello!"

Den Den Mushi never answered the other end.

Sengoku frowned and thought.

Golden Lion is dead...

Whitebeard is not like someone who will raid Celestial Dragon...

So where is the problem? ...?


Sengoku suddenly flashed a red-clothed silhouette in his mind.

"It's him!"

"Lieutenant Commander, quickly recruit Kizaru and Hiruto Vice Admiral to come and see me!"


Under Sengoku's order, Lieutenant Commander hurriedly called Kizaru and Shura.

Headquarter can support Sabaody Archipelago at the fastest speed, and only these two Vice Admiral.

"Red the Aloof...he shouldn’t be an impulsive person? Why would he attack Celestial Dragon?"

Sengoku really doesn’t understand the purpose of Red the Aloof .

In fact...Red the Aloof simply did not intend to attack Celestial Dragon.

For eight hundred years, no one has dared to sign "Holy Land" Mariejois to trouble Celestial Dragon.

Even Fisher Tiger, he just sneaked a fire on Mariejois.

Red the Aloof is just venting the anger in the heart at Sabaody Archipelago,

spreading the terrifying of Pirate and demonstrating the majesty of Pirate.

Sabaody Archipelago, the Red Hair Pirates group is rushing towards their Pirate Ship.

"Look... there!"

In Akagami's delighted gaze, Pirate Ship of the Red Hair Pirates group just stood in front of him. He got up and flew slowly to the sky...

"My ship!!!"

Akagami was angry.

The last time he was in Alabasta, unfathomable mystery, his Pirate Ship was burned by a Mera Mera no Mi Ability User.

That time is fine, after all, he snatched the Pirate Ship from the enemy.

But this time is different. This brand new Pirate Ship was specially made by someone in Water 7 at a huge price, and it just flew away?

Can't bear it!

Withdrawing the famous knife from his waist, Akagami jumped, first jumped onto the Pirate Ship, and then used force again, like a cannonball from the chamber, and ejected at the Golden Lion in midair.

Lion Chikiya!

The Golden Lion in midair is still with his legs, and there is no rudder on his head. In his hands, he holds the two famous swords "Dead Wood" and "Sakura Ten".

This Golden Lion is several times stronger than the golden sword aura cut out by the old lion that Hailan faces.

The sky full of golden sword aura cuts towards Akagami.

Akagami raises the knife to block.

But with the gap between him and Peak Golden Lion now, even if UU Read tried his best, he only blocked one-fifth of the sword aura.

The remaining sword aura flew to the Pirate Ship of Akagami, and in a blink of an eye, the ship was already riddled with holes.

The clones made by "Mythical Type ・ Tanuki Fruit" have three major shortcomings.

One is not to speak.

Golden Lion just grinned, the ridiculous color on his face made no secret of it.

"peng" "peng"!

Two gunshots sounded on the ground. It was Ben Beckman and Yasopp.

Unfortunately, Golden Lion only raised his hand slightly, and the two bullets stayed in the air.

"How is it possible?"

Yasopp startled.

It is the first time he has seen anyone can crack his perfect shooting skills so easily.

"No impossible."

Ben Beckman seemed very calm.

Just when Golden Lion faced Akagami and all three of them had an absolute advantage, a long spear suddenly flew from behind Golden Lion, like a thunderbolt, instantly crossed over a distance of several hundred meters, Accurately poke Golden Lion in the back of the neck.

The neck is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body, both on the front and back.


A cloud of smoke exploded on the Golden Lion who was stabbed by the long spear, which instantly disappeared, and in his original floating position, there was nothing left. A green leaf.

"Sure enough, it is him!"

Seeing this scene, Akagami even confirmed that the main messenger behind the scenes was Red the Aloof.

The long spear of Golden Lion just poked is naturally Hailan's "Aurora Gun".

At the same time, a golden light flashed by Akagami's side: "Supernova, hey~

...speed is power, you have...behind the speed of light Have you ever kicked it?"

Without a word, Kizaru kicked Akagami with an upside-down golden hook...

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