When Hai Lan just became the "Day Tiger" Vice Admiral of Marine Headquarters, the first thing that the new official took to office was to go to the World Government Scientific Research Department to find the genius Academician and Bega Punk asked for the object. How to eat Devil Fruit.

Relying on the ability to [Remember], Hailan has firmly kept in mind the techniques, steps, tools, and materials that Begapunk invented.

Now that he has obtained the "Fruit of Jiancheng" from the Space Department, Hailan will naturally not let it go.

The ability of Jiancheng Fruit can turn the Ability User into a "castle" with a huge internal space.

If the "Jiancheng Fruit" can be made into a "Space Dao Equipment", then there will be no need to run around with sacks anymore, but rather relaxed and contented.

Biological eating Devil Fruit is very simple, just take a bite and swallow it in the stomach.

But the steps to "eat" Devil Fruit for an object is very complicated. It is not simply a matter of mashing Devil Fruit and applying the juice.

Need a lot of sophisticated tools.

Fortunately, the steps to "eat" Devil Fruit for an object are the same, regardless of whether Zoan or Paramecia is.

Even the ability attributes are the same. Because objects do not have life characteristics, the development level of Devil Fruit is fixed and cannot be developed in depth like creatures.

In other words, once the fruit of Jiancheng is "eaten" for the object, the space inside the object will be a fixed size, and there is no way to expand it.

But Jiancheng Fruit is a castle after all, with a large initial space, so it doesn鈥檛 matter if it can鈥檛 be expanded.

The only difference is that once Zoan Devil Fruit item recognizes the Master, it will maintain permanent loyalty to the owner until death (destroyed), while Paramecia鈥檚 Devil Fruit item... whoever finds it is whoever finds it Of...

So should we make a "Jiancheng Ring"?

Not good... In case of a blow to the enemy, you will lose...

How about making a "Jiancheng Earring"?

Forget it... Hailan is still not accustomed to this kind of dress...

"How about the necklace? Normally, the necklace will not be affected during the battle, right?"

After understanding the purpose of Hailan,

Koala suggested.

"Um... feasible."

Hailan is nodded.

"But to be on the safe side...I'll still get a body protection token, what if one of the chains is stolen?"

"No way? Could anyone else get it from you?" Steal something from your body?"

"Be careful not to make a big mistake, it is better to add some metal, so that I can still use electromagnetic force to attract."


Koala is speechless, she has never seen Hailan actually care about something so much.

"Okay, it's a happy decision. I will call the headquarters to ask for a vacation, and I will go back one month later! It's a vacation!"

Hai Arashi needs to prepare tools to feed Devil Fruit to the object.

"It's very good not to fight!"

When I heard that I was going to stay in West Blue for a month, Koala was very happy: "Hailan, I did it for you last time. You didn鈥檛 have time to eat the food... this time you are not allowed to run away!"



Hailan was patronizing the fruit of Jiancheng just now, and didn't hear what Koala was saying...


Two months later.

Marine Headquarters.

Hailan has returned to headquarters for nearly a month.

"Report to Vice Admiral, this batch of new recruits have been very hard at training. In the elite training camp taught by Chief Instructor Zephyr, our unit has two people, and it is the first and second place!"

"Very good! Go ahead and train!"

Hailan glanced at the "withered wood" worn on Wagner's waist, nodded with satisfaction.

The two famous swords of Golden Lion, "Withered Wood" and "Sakura Ten", naturally fell into Hailan's hands.

Hailan owns Aurora Sword and doesn鈥檛 need weapons.

If it weren't for the need to act as a pretender sometimes, he wouldn't even need to be "windy".

So the deadwood was given to Wagner on the way of Way of Sword.

As for "Sakura Ten", it is now hanging behind his seat in Hailan's office. Every officer and soldier who reports information to him can see that famous sword.

And Hailan has also let go of the words, whoever performs the best, will get the "Sakura Ten".

The two elite new recruits mentioned by Wagner are Carlo from West Blue and Gerrard from the Kingdom on the East Blue Bridge.

There is another new recruit who was optimistic about Vergo, but it is a pity that it is the undercover agent of Donquixote Family.

Carlo performed well in Operation North Blue Wilgo, and Gerrard was the new recruit who was punched by Koala.

Both geniuses chose Hailan's troops. This is the "herd effect" in psychology.

Just like when shopping, where there are more customers, there will be continuously customers walking into their store, and the deserted store will always be deserted.

Originally, Hailan鈥檚 reputation in the headquarters was already very strong, but later defeated Golden Lion, the golden sign of "Day Tiger", which attracted overwhelming majority new recruits.

Of course there are people with different personalities from the general public, but that's another topic.

Carlo and Gerrard are now conducting a practical training under the leadership of Zephyr.

Without experiencing the baptism of war, warrior will not grow up, and the elite training camp is no exception.

"Go to hell!"

A Pirate slashed at Gerrard with a knife. Gerrard said nothing, his eyes were indifferent.

He avoided Pirate's steel knife for a short while, and then he grabbed Pirate's chest with his five fingers claws.

Gerrard has not yet learned "Shigan", but using Shigan's skills, Gerrard's right hand was actually caught in Pirate's body.

This is not over yet.

In the next second, Pirate was like swallowing a grenade, but his upper body was blown to pieces by an explosion caused by his body!

Not only Pirate, but even the Marines were shocked by this scene.

Carlo stepped forward and persuaded: "Gerald, calm down..."

Hailan has not personally led the team for a long time. Inside, Gerrard was lucky enough to get the Paramecia explosion fruit.

"I'm calm!"

With a word, Gerrard rushed to a Pirate again.

Gerrard hates not only World Government, but also Pirate.

If it weren't for Pirate, he and the younger sister who died would not be sold to the kingdom of the bridge to become slaves.

Standing at the top of the mast, Zephyr looked at the battlefield below, and couldn't help but sigh: "This child... is a bit like Sakazuki back then... Pay more attention to him in the future, I hope he doesn鈥檛 On the crooked road, you can become as good as Sakazuki Marine..."


Grand Line, shampoo land.

"Boss, look at spaceship!"


"Akagami" Shanks was taken aback and looked up at the sky.

I saw a Battleship suddenly dropped from the sky...


Everyone in the Red Hair Pirates team showed their divine ability. Avoided the danger that fell from the sky without any danger.

"Mom! It turned out to be a Golden Lion!"

Lucky Lu was surprised to have his mouth opened wide, and he didn't even know that the meat in his mouth fell to the ground.

"Don't talk nonsense, Golden Lion is not already..."

Ben Beckman reprimanded Lucky Lu. When he looked up at the sky, he immediately shut up and said nothing.

The majestic man floating in the sky with blond hair flying in the wind, formidable like a lion, who is not a Golden Lion?

Apart from Golden Lion's Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, who can drop a Battleship casually?

Golden Lion smiled arrogantly, waved his hands, and one after another Marine Battleship and Pirate Ship landed on the shampoo.

"Golden Lion is impossible to resurrect...So now behind this fake Golden Lion, it must be the man-Red the Aloof!"

As a member of Roger Pirates One member, "Akagami" Shanks immediately thought of that extremely difficult opponent.

Yasopp asked: "Then what should we do?"



"Don't run here and wait for the pot? The Marine Headquarter is coming soon!"

Akagami ran to the port where the ship was docked, and a group of people behind ran and shouted: "Boss , You wait for us..."

The slave Auction House was also crushed in half by the spaceship that fell from the sky.

"Celestial Dragon" Saint Charlos was hiding under a table, stretched out a hand, and roared to the bodyguard: "Go and invite Marine Headquarter!!!"

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