In fact, Koala said that the omission of half has no effect at all.

Originally "Bai Wuchang" was an identity that Hailan was going to disguise, but it was more real when exposed in this situation, showing flesh and blood.

When Koala and Pikachu chase out of the restaurant, where are the shadows of Hailan and Crocodile.

Even if Koala uses the sound perception of music fruit, he can't capture the voice of two people.

"Really, don't let me know if something happens!"

Koala clasped his arms in anger.

Pikachu thought that something major had happened, so he rubbed Koala with a worried look.

"It's okay, let's wait for him here!"

In fact, complaints go to complaints, Koala still understands Hailan very well.

He is Vice Admiral of Marine Headquarters. This time he came to West Blue to perform tasks instead of traveling. It is very normal to encounter unexpected situations.

What I should do at this time is to stay in place obediently and honestly, waiting for Hailan to come back to find myself, and don't run around.


Just as Koala narrowed down the perception of music fruit and was about to return to the restaurant, a name suddenly came into her ears.


Isn’t this the name of Truman Percy, the eldest of the Truman family?

Is it the same name?

With doubts in his heart, Koala quietly looked for the direction of the sound.

In the private room of a bar, a man and a woman are talking quietly in a voice that only two people...well...only three people can hear.

"Laffitte, since that fool of Percy is dead, and I managed to escape again, can’t you let me come back to you? Why are you obsessed with revenge for that fool? What?"

The person who was talking was a woman with a grass-green head. If Capone·Becky were here, he would definitely recognize the other person's identity, Catherine!

Opposite her,

the man named "Laffitte" is wearing a white long-sleeved high-necked shirt, black suspender trousers, a pair of gold earrings and a black top hat.

The man also holds a wine-red cane in his hand. Combined with his dress, he looks like a magician, and his gestures reveal an aristocratic grace.

But the most striking thing is his pale, sickly skin and bright red lips.

"It is precisely because I lost the asylum of the Truman family that I was expelled from the country by the damn king. If this hatred is not reported, it is really hard to understand the hatred in my heart!"

As a member of the future Blackbeard Pirates group, Laffitte now is completely different from the calm and cheerful Navigator in the future; on the contrary, he is an extremely cruel and bloodthirsty transformation.

He was originally a security officer of a kingdom, but his violent law enforcement is quite cruel. Whether it is a real criminal or an innocent person, it is impossible to escape death by Laffitte's hands.

However, due to the protection of the Truman family, the original king did not dare to provoke Laffitte easily. Now that the Truman family is destroyed, Laffitte is also exiled by the king.

Catherine's tone and eyes showed deep concern: "Are you going to deal with the Capone family? That Capone·Becky, but not to be trifled with..."

Although she is Truman Percy's wife on the surface, she has been conquered by Laffitte in private, and she loves Laffitte with all her heart.

Unfortunately, just as Percy didn't know that she was a pitiful person, Catherine didn't know her true value either.

Laffitte simply doesn't care about Catherine's feelings, he uses his hypnotic ability to capture Catherine's heart.

But he was not to possess this woman, but to use this woman's identity to carry out unscrupulous killings.

This is a brutal executioner who takes murder as his pleasure!

Laffitte cruelly Issho: "No...every injustice has its perpetrator... It’s not the one who killed Percy’s Capone·Becky, but the one who betrayed him. Woman..."


Catherine finally sighed in relief.

"It’s easier to kill her than Capone·Becky..."

Catherine didn’t say halfway just because she found that Laffitte winked at her , Which means that someone is watching them.

Laffitte has long awakened Kenbunshoku Haki, and he has a certain mental superpower, which made him finally discover Koala's surveillance.

Had it not been for the long distance, Koala would have been exposed.


Like an arrow from the string, Laffitte instantly bounced in the direction of Koala.

The glass, walls, tables and chairs that hindered him along the way are all fragmented.


Realizing that something was wrong, Koala hurriedly jumped onto Pikachu's back and flew into the sky instantly.

"It turned out to be a little sparrow and a big duck..."

Laffitte jumped up high, and on his back, two sides grew like The wings of a white dove made him look like an angel, hurriedly chasing Koala and Pikachu.


"Why are you chasing me?"

How can the speed of wind and sand compare to the aurora, although Crocodile flew early, but less than half a minute At the time, he was stopped by Hai Lan.

"Because I want syrup in a hurry?"

Crocodile dumbfounded: "???"

"Sorry, I forgot that you don't understand ..."

Hailan reorganized the language, "Speak your purpose, as Oka Shichibukai, what are your intentions when you come to West Blue?"

Crocodile coldly snorted: "hmph! No comment!"

Hai Lan also coldly snorted and said: "Then you don't want to leave here today!"

Crocodile threatened:" Bai Wuchang is you, right? You came to West Blue to perform a mission, right? If you continue to follow me, be careful that I tell you who you are!"

Hai Lan disdainfully said: "Then tell me The meaning of Bai Wuchang is not here. Even without the cover of this level of identity, I can complete this mission!

But you have to dare to speak out, be careful that I kill you!"

"I had already ordered it when I came. If I didn't go back on time, the news of Marine's assassination of Oka Shichibukai would spread across the sea. UU reading do you think I'm stupid?"

Crocodile is thoughtful. After investigating that the "Day Tiger" of Marine Headquarters has been dispatched to West Blue for a mission, he has made various arrangements just in case.

Crocodile grinned Issho when he saw Hailan's dazed look.

Then he saw Hailan smile too... The smile made him a little flustered...

"Since I can't kill you, then I can beat you!"

"Dare you?!!! We have an agreement, Marine is not allowed to act on Oka Shichibukai..."


Hailan hit Crocodile's face with a light speed punch on the spot.

"But the agreement didn't say that Marine and Oka Shichibukai can't learn martial arts!"

Crocodile rubbed his hot cheeks, angrily: "You shameless bastard ...I spelled it with you..."

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