According to Hailan ’s plan, he should first destroy the Matthew family with thunder and break the balance of the West Blue mafia organization and let the remaining four gangster families compete for the Matthew family to stay. The site, sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits.

What surprises Hailan is that the Truman family, which was originally Ranked 4th, was successfully beheaded by the Capone family, who was at the bottom in a negotiation.

"Ranking List or something is really unreliable... This Capone·Becky is really a dark horse..."

Because Capone·Becky did not chase Truman The little brothers of the family, so the intelligence soon spread in the West Blue underground forces, not only the remaining two big gangster families, but even many kingdoms have obtained this information.

Koala wondered: "But if Capone·Becky dared to jump so high, wouldn't he be afraid of other gangster families joining hands against him or attracting Grand Line forces?"

Hai Lan also Can’t guess the psychology of Capone·Becky: "Who knows what he thinks? Maybe you want to be famous and want to be crazy?"

"Hailan, are you hungry?"

When he reached the door of a restaurant, Koala suddenly turned around and asked Hailan.

"It is indeed a little hungry..."


Pikachu behind also called out.

Hailan found two sacks of treasure in the Matthew family, and now they are all tied to Pikachu's body with ropes, making Pikachu a coolie now like a donkey...

But with Pikachu's physical strength, there is no pressure.

As for whether the two sacks of treasure will attract Pirate’s attention, let’s not talk about who would guess that there is treasure in the sacks. Even if someone guesses, who can snatch it in Hailan’s hands These treasures...

Koala pointed to a nearby restaurant: "Well, in this restaurant, I will show you something today!"


Whether it's Koala or Hailan, even Zeff, if you don't have the materials, you can't make good dishes.

So most of the time Hailan and Koala use the restaurant’s kitchen to cook. Raw grilled sea fish is actually not that delicious...

"You? Auction" Did you learn the recipes that House bought so quickly?"

"Of course! But you are not allowed to watch me cook! Don't learn it secretly!"

"Um... Okay!"

When I think that I often complain that Koala's dishes are not as good as myself, Hailan roughly guessed Koala's careful thoughts. This is obviously to keep his two skills.

"By the way, what is the power of the Devil Fruit sold in Auction House?"

"A Zoan is useless."

Koala is also in the Marine Archives Reading the Devil Fruit picture book, she recognized the Devil Fruit worth 500 million Beli at a glance...

"If it is a great Devil Fruit, would I not remind you?"

"It's also..."

As I said, I walked into the door of the restaurant.

"Welcome, two... three would like to order?"

The waiter in the restaurant is a little girl with fiery-red hair and a double pony tail , It looks like he is only eleven or twelve years old, which is completely child labor on Earth.

But this World doesn't have these statements at all. On the contrary, the earlier a child can grow up, the more praise he will receive from others.

Hailan has long been used to this.

He can't ask Gorosei directly to ask for a protection law, right?

Even if Gorosei didn't think he was crazy, reality wouldn't allow it.

In this troubled world, for overwhelming majority families, children may starve to death if they do not work. It is not that the parents are cruel but the conditions are really bad.

Not only the hair is red, but the little girl’s pupils are also as bright as rubies, which makes Hai Lan couldn’t help but take a look at this very eye-catching waiter—knowing that there are three visitors, not The two of them, even Pikachu, were very clever.

"I'm looking for your boss."

"Ok, please wait."

Hailan didn’t wait, the three "people" followed the little girl directly Found the boss of the restaurant.

"Kirno... these three are...?"

"I don't know, they just said they are looking for you."

"Well, you can go down first."


"Bang Dang" and "Bang Dang" sounded two times, the sea Lan put a Gold Coin and Li Feng on the table in front of Boss.


Boss swallowed and spit, barely greeted him.

"We plan to borrow your kitchen for use."

Hailan pointed to Gold Coin and Li Feng respectively, "Either talk about this, or talk about this, you do Let's decide."

Gold Coin is another universal currency besides Beli, with extremely high value. (Refer to the Loguetown article)

Boss Hey Issho, picked up the Gold Coin: "Let’s talk about this..."

A staff member walked into the kitchen with Koala, Hailan had nothing to do, so she ordered a glass of juice and drank it.

Such an adult still drinks fruit juice instead of spirits... It will be despised by most people...

But Hailan can be ashamed and drink it herself. Shuangcai is the most important thing. What do you care about others' opinions?

"Cirno, have you heard about the Truman family being beheaded by the Capone family?"

"Not yet..."

" Haha, finally there are things you don’t know about. It’s like this..."

Some restaurant regulars chatted with the waiter, but the boss didn’t care, as if the little girl was not a recruiter. The waiter was like her niece who experienced life.

"Oh... it turned out to be like this..."

"Kirno, do you have any latest news?"

"I heard that a person named Bai Wuchang wiped out the Matthew family and took two..."

Having said that, the waiter paused and seemed to have noticed What, but it just flashed by: "Well... I also took away two sacks of treasure."

This pause of the little girl seems to be no problem to others, but in Hailan, a caring person It sounds like she found herself.

Who would have thought that Hailan’s Kenbunshoku electric field could monitor conversations?

But Hailan is not a member of West Blue's two major organizations-gangsters or killers, so it doesn't matter if they are recognized by careful people. Isn't Bai Wuchang just an adventurer?


The door of the restaurant was pushed open.


Walking in is a tall man wearing a black coat, a big back, a scar on his face, and a cigar in his mouth.

"Give me a copy..."

The moment the man saw Hai Lan, he was stunned. UU Reading

"How do you..."

"Hey! Old Sand!"

Hailan hurriedly called Crocodile Hello, I interrupted him before he revealed his identity.


Crocodile said, turning around and pushing the door to leave.

He really has a headache when he sees Hailan.

The last time Hailan made him a demon in Alabasta, it really gave him a headache for a long time, and it is only now that he can barely keep the "Alabasta Hero" set.

Now he really doesn't want to deal with Hailan.

This I can't afford to offend... can't I still be able to hide it?

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