This unexpected assault not only made Hailan experience the pain of the rich, but also the happiness of the poor.

What is the happiness of the poor? Of course it is rich!

These are all his personal income, and he has no plans to hand in forfeiture.

Just like someone caught or killed a Bounty Pirate, civilians, Bounty Hunter or other legal organizations can go to the Marine base to receive bounty, but Marine will not work, Pirate will follow their The bounty is converted into the corresponding military merit, and then exchanged for resources or promotion.

But does Hailan lack resources?

No shortage.

Are you short of military merit?

No shortage!

From Hailan’s point of view, money is better...

Unfortunately, this World does not have online games, and his System cannot be recharged, otherwise Hailan can laugh proudly. A cry: Heh! From now on, Sajia is also considered as the krypton gold boss!

After Hailan carved a crying face on the base of the Matthew family, whistling, carrying two big sacks and swaying away from the underground base.

In the town, the auction has ended, and Koala has left the Auction House.

Except for a "Record of West Blue Specialty Cuisine" written by the famous West Blue chef, there is really no Koala in Auction House.

This record is not a release book, but a handwritten manuscript of the God of Cooking, originally for personal use.

The reason why God of Cooking is a God of Cooking is because he has special skills that no one else has mastered.

So it seems to be just a trifling cooking record, but it can still be put on Auction House.

Walking on the road, Koala said to himself: "I will never let Hailan read this book this time. I can't let him always laugh at the unpalatable dishes I cook!"

Hailan has the ability to [not forget], what he learns will not forget, plus his [perception] and [calculation] abilities, in addition to some unknowable unique cooking cheats, in fact, Hailan He is a "God of Cooking" in itself...

The combination of [Calculation] and [sword technique] makes his swordsman Major Perfection...Generally he is really not used to the dishes made by others. ..

Even if you are not a Marine,

you can collect a lot of [identity] as a chef.

As for the "good wine" made by Akagami, in Hailan's eyes, it is really dark brewing...

"Little Sister, where are you going? Only you Human?"

On the way, a group of weird people suddenly appeared to stop Koala from going.

From more than one meter to more than three meters, there are all kinds of strange things.

Koala's little head tilted and asked, "May I ask you something?"

She didn't pretend not to see these weird people and walked away, ignoring them .

On the contrary, Koala just wants to try these people.

"What a polite little girl, Uncle likes this kind of child the most. Come, Uncle will take you to have fun!"

One of the brawny walked towards with a smile Koala, he said he was going to grab Koala's arm.

"Beep Beep Beep..."


A flash of golden lightning flashed, bringing up a pig like hot water Scream.

There was white smoke in his mouth, his hair exploded, his eyes whitened, and the big man passed out under the blow of Pikachu.

Although Pikachu is already a creature with spiritual wisdom, after all, it is still much worse than humans and is not good at making independent judgments.

He would not use the "lethal" Lightning Flash without obtaining a clear order from Koala.

"Catch me that duck!"

The gangsters finally noticed that the strange-looking duck was not the Alabasta running duck mentioned in the newspaper. It's a battle-type pet.

No wonder this little girl is confident!

"Big...Big duck will discharge!"

"Wood is not conductive, you can just knock it with a wooden stick. ?"

"Big...Big brother... Zhenying... Ming... Ah!"


In the ear There was a clear voice, and the instinct of fighting with gangsters for many years reminded the eldest brother that he hurriedly lifted his right hand.


The small fist slammed into a big palm, and the palm of the elder brother was sore.

Then Koala volleyed another round kick. Although he was blocked by the opponent's raising arm, he still shook the opponent back a step.

"You are very difficult to deal with!"

Koala praised the other party.

Her current Dao Power value has reached around 110. If she only uses her Dao power to determine strength and does not consider other factors, the 30 ordinary Marine soldiers are not Koala's opponents either.

The strength of Dao power is not simply superimposed, but quantitative changes cause qualitative changes.

Otherwise, isn't Rob Lucci, who is worth 4000 Dao in the future, only equivalent to 400 ordinary Marine soldiers? That is simply the biggest joke in the world.

A small gang cadre in West Blue who can withstand Koala's full blow is no longer simple.

After all, the other party's behavior doesn't look like a boss.

Although Koala is admiring, but listening to the other party's ears, it is like a sarcastic blade, piercing his heart.

I was told by a little girl that my strength is good, what the hell is that?

But the little brothers brought by that little cadre didn't dare to think so.

Their eldest brother can only barely hold on to the opponent's attack.

Doesn't this mean that I don't even have the power to unite?

I have never heard of information about this little girl before... This strength and her pet duck... So she should come from Grand Line?

No...this matter must be reported to Master Percy quickly...

"It's boring!"

Seeing the other party's cowardly look lost in fighting spirit , Koala's smile gradually disappeared.

"Pikachu, use millions of volts to attack!"

These are members of the gang. Their purpose of stopping them is either to kill or extortion, so Koala's killing is a bit of psychological pressure. no.

Of course, "million volts" is just a style name, representing Pikachu’s maximum output, not the real one million volts...

But even if it’s less than one million, When the golden lightning struck the gangsters, everyone was scorched by the high-voltage electric current. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com can't die anymore.

Even the wooden sticks are burning...

"Well... it's dangerous..."

Mixing in the crowd to watch the excitement" "Weird gun" Witt let out a long sigh of relief.

If he hadn't noticed that he had acquired some strange ability when bidding in Auction House before, otherwise he would have to trouble the little girl.

"I have to tell Lord Al and Lord Becky..."

After a word in his heart, Werther disappeared among the crowd.

And Lord Percy mentioned by the gang before and Lord Becky mentioned by Witt, at this time some kind of ulterior secret transaction is being carried out on an island in West Blue.

Truman Percy: "What about El others? You are just his son. What qualifications do you have to negotiate with me?"

Capone·Becky grinned Issho: "You Are you here to talk about business? Or are you here to talk about people?"

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