"Siluluk, since I have cured you all of your illness, then you will not come back this time when you go home to visit relatives, right?" World Government Inside the research center, the genius Academician Vegapunk is talking to a weird guy who is carrying a leather bag and dressed like a magician. "Hahaha...Of course not. If you don’t report your favor, what kind of man is that?" The weird man named Shiruluk laughed heartily, "Besides...it’s a real one here. It’s a good place. Only here can we bring out the value that this genius should have!" Siruluk, who was caught here by Hailan for "selling fake medicines" on Magnetic Drum Island, speaking from a certain perspective, He is indeed a genius. His weird and messy potions can't be invented by anyone. With the same material, the medicine made by other people probably didn't turn the patient into a frog, but died on the spot. This is a biochemical ghost with extremely difficult scientific research conditions but still able to create many weird drugs. Here, with the superior scientific research conditions of the World Government Research Department and the guidance of Bergapunke, Shiluruk can invent truly valuable things. And Shiluruk himself was terminally ill. A long time ago, Shiluruk was a big thief. As for whether it is a thief or a thief, it is not known, but it does not matter, because no one knows at all. Suddenly terminally ill, Shiluruk originally planned to wait for death, but accidentally saw the miraculous blooming cherry blossoms covering the mountains and plains, which made him feel very good, as if he was cured, he was actually Miraculously overcome the terminal illness, survived, and since then abandoned the thief to go to the doctor, taking the rescue of the patient as his own responsibility. However, in the face of the ruthless reality, his patients were not saved, and instead made the patients a poor little white mouse. Fortunately, his best friend, Dr. Gureywa, was responsible for wiping his buttocks every time and curing those patients, so there was no real death. In fact, the healed mind only allowed Shiluruk to overcome the illness and survive strong. The true root of the disease is actually not cured at all. If there is no effective treatment, in a few years, Shiluruk will still be unable to escape in the end. But all this is simply not a problem in front of Begapunk... The terminal illness "South Blue Emperor Fever" more than a hundred years ago has now been reduced to a minor illness that can be cured with a single shot. even more how Begapunk, five hundred years ahead of the world? But of course, Begapunk's treatment for Shiluruk was not because he suddenly became kind and wanted to be a bad guy. On the contrary, it was because he had recognized Hiruk's ability and wanted to train him as his assistant, so he decided to save Hiruk. Siruluk's creativity in biology and chemistry has greatly helped the development of bloodline factor theory. overwhelming majority Researchers are more indifferent than ordinary people, because they need more rationality than ordinary people to ensure the continuation of scientific research. An assistant asked: "Academician, don't you need to send someone from CP to monitor him? What if he doesn't come back?" Begapunk looked confident: "No need to monitor, he must Will come back, don’t you still trust my judgment? And he hasn’t touched our core projects, even if he doesn’t come back, the impact will not be great. Besides, even if I don’t take the initiative to find the CP, I’m afraid they won’t be at ease. Shiluluk left like this.We, we still don't need to worry about it." After saying goodbye to Begapunk, Shiluluk walked to the gate of the scientific research base with joy. On the way, I met the Marine Sir who had captured him. "... Salute!" Even though it is now a staff member of the Research Department of the World Government, in the face of Hailan, Siruluk still feels a little hairy in his heart... See Xi Hai Lan also laughed at Lu Luke's funny dress and actions: "Selling fake medicines, how are you doing here?" "Back to Sir, I like it very much. The experts here are all Talent, they have helped me a lot in my research!" "Just like it...Where are you going?" "I'm going home to visit relatives..." Shiluruk has no blood relatives, but this World does not value blood ties very much. As long as they can identify with each other, everyone is family. As if thinking of something, Siruruk hurriedly added: "...Sir, I went home but got the approval of the Begapunk Academician!" "What are you panicking, I can still If you don’t let you go home? Go!" Hailan waved her hand, "Don’t sell fake medicine!" "Haha...definitely...definitely!!!" Xilu Luke got to the side of the road to salute Hailan, and after watching Hailan leave, a happy expression appeared on his face. Having found the value of his life, he is really happy now. The World Government Research Department is located in the Calm Belt for three reasons. One is to prevent Pirate from invading, the Calm Belt is a natural barrier. Second Lai is very close to Marine Headquarters, so we can help in time if we have something to do. As for the three...In fact, it is also to prevent scientific researchers from escaping. Approaching this scientific research hall full of sense of science and technology, even Hailan was embarrassed. More than five hundred years ahead of this medieval world? It's almost taller than the research institutes on Earth. While strolling and browsing various instruments and equipment, when Hailan finally appeared in front of Begapunk, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Begapunk told Hailan Issho: "Let’s talk, I want to What do you get from me?" Hai Lan sighed: "Really a straight-forward person..." "My time is precious... and if you can say less polite words , Can't you also leave here as soon as possible?" The image in the room, Den Den Mushi, who is in charge of monitoring, has been short-circuited by Hailan's use of electromagnetic interference, and he has fainted. This is the advantage of level 9 computing power. If his computing power is only Level 7 like perception, and if he wants to interfere with Den Den Mushi, he must use an electromagnetic storm of indiscriminate attacks. But in that case, let alone Den Den Mushi, even the other equipment in the laboratory will probably be scrapped. It is estimated that Begapunk will fight him desperately... "I want you to research the ability to eat Devil Fruit for objects." "What? Is it that Hailan Vice Admiral also wants to raise one? Don’t you need to eat, drink, shit and piss pets?" Hailan defeated Golden Lion Shiki, which is a big deal. Even the scientific research department whose news is normally blocked has already spread Hailan's deeds to demonstrate the majesty of World Government and Marine. Begapunk glanced at Den Den Mushi who was fainted: "Your Marine Vice Admiral identity has the right to know this level of technology. There is no need to interfere with those poor little fellows." "No ...What I want is the technology of feeding objects with Paramecia Devil Fruit..." https: Genius remembers this site address in one second: .. Mobile version reading URL: m.

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