In fact, only relying on Hailan himself, he can also use the stimulation of electric current to use "overload". But like most machines that can be overloaded. Active overload will exert tremendous pressure on Hailan's body and even cause substantial damage. If you use Koala's "Music Fruit" ability to inspire, Hailan's ability can also reach the "overload" level, and it will not have a negative impact on the body. To be precise, the enhancement of Hailan's ability at this time is the credit of Koala, not "overload". But because the effect is the same, Hailan gave this combination style the same name. zi zi ... The electromagnetic barrier that protects Hailan continuously expands its scope. The seawater in contact with the electromagnetic barrier is quickly disappeared at a speed that naked eye can discern. After all, this is just a small pond created by Golden Lion using the fruit's ability, not a real sea. So the seawater around Hailan was quickly electrolyzed, and the remaining residues just fell to the ground like water droplets. "Don't look for it, you can't find it!" Seeing that Golden Lion was trying to search for Koala's traces, Hailan raised his hands, and a recognizable electric arc of naked eye formed between his hands. "Burn..." The Golden Lion just turned around and saw a ball of flame like a flying fire dragon-like moved towards, and he pounced on himself. The electrolysis of seawater produces hydrogen and oxygen. When the mixed hydrogen and oxygen encounter a stream of high-energy charged particles, there is no doubt that a raging flame will be produced. It's a pity that this is an open area and not a closed space. Otherwise, Golden Lion will not face flames, but explode... Chop! The Golden Lion suddenly moved towards the bird cage behind him and kicked out a sword aura, but it is a pity that Doflamingo's bird cage has the same defensive power as the "barrier fruit". The huge sword aura of the golden hit the birdcage, except for a clanging sound, and nothing was done. The birdcage line didn't even produce a slight bend. "This is impossible!!" The Golden Lion roared and was instantly swallowed by flames. Doflamingo grinned, this time, he finally used the "birdcage" to win a round. Not only Golden Lion, but Hailan in the sky was also instantly swallowed by flames. But Hai Lan is Logia Aurora Fruit Ability User, this level of flame has no effect on him at all. "Huh...huh..." Golden Lion exhaled a puff of smoke from his mouth, panting heavily, and re-looked towards Hai Lan. The unexpected flame makes Golden Lion look battered and exhausted. His long-sleeved robe was burned and there were holes one after another. Even the long golden hair that he proudly fluttered behind him like a cloak was scorched and curled up by the flames. Behind him was the smell of burnt protein. "Your Devil Fruit ability is really well developed. This has greatly exceeded my expectations." Golden Lion even thought that the flame just now was a derived ability of Hailan Devil Fruit. "But you must die today, I will take you to pay tribute to my hair!" The battle in the sky continues. Doflamingo is curious, why does his birdcage line produce a little girl's voice? …… Let's rewind the time to when the Marine Dragon Knights just arrived at the floating Skypiea. Gion first took over Golden Lion's sword aura, and then took Koala and a special operations force to fly to Golden Lion's castle according to the map hand-painted by Hai Lan. According to the information provided by Hailan to Marine Headquarters, the mission of Gion and the special operations forces is to go to the scientific research base in the Golden Lion castle to collect research materials related to "GMO animals", and even if there is an opportunity, Capture the biologists and meteorologists who serve the Golden Lion alive. For these scientific researchers represented by Indigo, Hailan has no interest at all. Because he is only a general of Marine Headquarters, not a warlord who is independent of the headquarters and dominates all over the world, let alone a king with his own country. In other words, even if Hailan catches the scientists personally, they will eventually have to be handed over to the scientific research department of the World Government or Marine, and cannot be used for their own use. Besides, if it is the scientists who were forcibly captured by the Golden Lion, they have been eagerly eager for Marine to rescue them one day. But a scientist like Indigo who is loyal to Golden Lion can really be persuaded by the World Government so easily and then serve the World Government? As the saying goes, don't offend technical personnel if you offend anyone. Suppose a technician is unhappy and deliberately loosens a screw on an important instrument while maintaining the Battleship for Marine. It is a headache to think about the consequences. So this is the second reason why Hailan has no interest in the scientists of Golden Lion. The intrigue between scientists and politicians is still a headache for World Government. Koala actually has other tasks. Jiaji and other Vice Admiral are fighting pirate captains under Golden Lion. Even if the "monster" Vice Admiral is added, the Vice Admiral has always been the mainstay of Marine Headquarters. UU Reading soon became overwhelmingly overwhelming in the battlefield from the very beginning. situation. This also has something to do with no one under Golden Lion after escaping from Impel Down. Golden Lion temperamental, often beats and scolds his subordinates just for trivial matters, so unlike Whitebeard Pirates and Roger Pirates, Golden Lion has the largest Pirate fleet, but few people are truly loyal to him. when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. After Golden Lion was captured into Impel Down, Golden Lion's large fleet instantly fell apart. Even though Golden Lion intends to rebuild its former glory, but those old men he used to avoid him are too late, where will they take the initiative to defect to Golden Lion. Now the pirate captains of Golden Lion are all parallel imports attracted by petty profits. "Be careful, everyone, it's Marine!" In the Golden Lion's castle, the remaining Pirates are still fighting stubbornly in the face of Marine's special operations forces. It is a pity that in front of Gion's Jinpiluo, they don't even have the ability to resist. blade light flashed, just a face, Pirate, who had different looks, turned into a corpse on the ground with hollow eyes. Unlike the Sir on Earth, which is indistinguishable from ordinary people, the Sir in Marine has not only the mind, but also the strength that surpasses ordinary soldiers. I thought of the little demon, who he had grown up with, had become a Marine commander alone, charging ahead in every battle. Gion is naturally unwilling to be surpassed by Hailan. She wants to use the Jinpiluo in her hand to make a way for the soldiers.

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