" Childlike Fruit" is a Devil Fruit of the "law" level.

It has nothing to do with strength.

As long as the childish fruit Ability User touches the body, it will be turned into a toy the Ability User wants.

And it is a kind of "living toy" that can be moved and will not feel hungry.

At the same time, Ability User can also sign a master-servant contract with toys, turning living creatures into labor or soldier, etc.

But the most terrifying thing is that once a creature is turned into a toy, the memory of his original existence in this World will be immediately erased.

No matter how close you are, even the best friends, lovers in love, or even parents and children, will thoroughly forget the existence of this person.

However, "childlike fruit" also has a shortcoming.

That is, the Ability User himself cannot have the memory of the toy before. (Refer to Cyrus)

That's why Hailan has to record all the things she might have forgotten in her small notebook.

"Eh? Did I turn something into a toy again? Do I need to sign a contract?"

The sugar pulled the toy monkey by its tail and lifted the monkey upside down. Tilted his little head and asked for Hai Lan's opinion.

Hailan tore the record in her hand to pieces: "This kind of marine fish turned into a toy is useless. You should change it back. Of course, if you like it, you can also choose to keep it. "

"It turned out to be a fish, what can it do, I don't want it anymore!"

Sugar activated its ability again, turning the toy monkey back into what it used to be .

Because the values ​​of "Identification Value" and "Skills Proficiency Value" needed to upgrade again are already very high, Hailan almost forgets that he still has a System.

It was the experiment with sugar that made him finally remember this System again.

Identity: Hailan

Special skills: [Unforgettable] The information you obtain through careful observation, reading, etc. will become a permanent memory, reminder, please keep it when remembering serious. (Calculation ability lv7 bonus skill)

When I first saw this skill,

Hailan simply didn’t expect that [Unforgettable] could even offset the "childlike fruit" ability to erase memory !

Once, Hailan just thought that this system was a compensation for herself after being crossed over.

After all, with the soul of an Earth person, wanting to catch up with the computing power and control power of the powerhouses in this World is simply a dream.

Even if Devil Fruit is eaten, it is impossible to compare to Peak powerhouse. It is like using pSystem to install 32g of memory, it can't perform its due ability at all.

Until today, he finally has a feeling of cheat.


However, Hailan did not show his speciality on the surface.

From the point of view of Sugar, Hailan is nothing more than the content recorded on paper in more detail.

A few days later.

Civil strife broke out in the "Sun Pirates Regiment" due to contradictions, and the "Knight of the Sea" Jinbe won.

Jinbe handed the body of Tiger's stand-in to the fleet led by precognition, saying that he hoped not to implicate the other Fishman compatriots, and expressed his sincere surrender.

Looking at the disfigured red tiger fish Fishman, precognition naturally has a trace of suspicion.

But according to his understanding, Tiger has not done any bad things in his life, even if he formed the Sun Pirates group, he has been doing a lot of chivalry everywhere.

So just like the little girl who let O'Hara away, she turned a blind eye on it.

The justice that precognition insists on is justice that is worthy of one's conscience.

After bidding farewell to the precognition, a few days later, Jinbe dragged Tiger alone and finally found Hailan using the guidance of the life card.

"Mr. Hailan, I brought Big Brother Tiger!"


As soon as he saw a human being, Tiger said no to him. Head away.

"Hehe is still a tsundere"

Hailan squatted in front of Tiger and asked: "You have two choices now, one is to continue to escape, and eventually you can't escape and die; The second is to stay incognito, and disappear from the face of the earth from now on."

"You still kill me, the Fishman clan won't lower their heads!"

"Do you know what? Because you set fire in Mariejois, Fishman Island is now banned from participating in the next Reverie."

"What did you say?" Tiger finally showed a surprised look.

"It's easy to want to die, but death is just an escape.

It’s really not easy to live.

It’s cool to let the slave go After you died, you died without concern.

But you have three sins after you die, I think Jinbe has already told you.

didn't expect you still begging to die .

It seems that you are just a coward."

Hailan no longer paid attention to Tiger after finishing talking.

Just leave Jinbe to continue earnest and well-meant advised.

He has done everything he can do.

"Children's Fruit" has a characteristic, that is, it can maintain the continuity of memory.

People are accustomed to forgetting.

Regardless of whether Tiger is dead or not, ten or twenty years later, both Fishman and humans will gradually blur this memory.

But if you turn Tiger into a toy, and when Hailan wants to use Fishman Island again, change it back to Fishman, the Fishman will directly inherit this memory of the past, and the community will be excited.

In other words, "childlike fruits" can store this hatred.

Taking a step back, even if Tiger still chooses to be stubborn, he will eventually die.

"The strongest Fishman" Jinbe will also owe Hailan a big favor. With Jinbe's character, he will definitely be grateful and seeking to repay the kindness.

So Hailan’s purpose is not to save Tiger. After all, he and Tiger are not relatives, and they are not even friends.

This is just an investment.

No loss of investment.

"Mr. Hailan!"

Jinbe suddenly ran over with joy.

It seems to persuade Tiger.

"All Fishman will lose memories related to him, did you say this one?"

Jinbe nodded: "I said it."

" It’s okay, it’s a man."

Hai Lan looked at Tiger with a determined face, and said to Granulated Sugar, "Let’s do it.

As for the appearance

Don't change it, just make a toy like him now."

No one will remember anyway.


The tall fishman Tiger instantly turned into a cute mermaid toy.

The limbs and fins are almost unchanged, but the color of the skin is changed to blue by sugar.

Sugar crisply asked: "Is it necessary to sign a master-servant contract?"

"There is no need to sign this, let him wander by himself."

Hailan squatted in front of Toy Tiger: "If you can't hold on anymore, remember to come to me."

"hmph, I won't be easily defeated by setbacks!"


In Marine's fleet returning to the headquarters, above the deck, a group of Marines were silently staring at the fishman corpse on the ground.

"What is this thing?"

"Why is there Fishman's body on our boat?"

"Did you catch it?" "


"Do you know who caught this?"

"I don't know"


"Kuzan Vice Admiral!"

Seeing a serious precognition, UU reading www.uukanshu.com officers and soldiers stepped aside.

Is this the major criminal who was secretly arrested by Kuzan Vice Admiral?


Precognition scratched his messy hair.

After careful consideration, in the eyes of the officers and soldiers, the precognition finally spoke: "What the hell is that fishman's corpse? Why is it on my ship?"

The answer is surprising.

"Forget it, I don’t remember it, let’s throw it away."

The red fishman’s body was thrown by the soldiers. The sea

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