On Minion Island, the silhouette of Hailan and Doflamingo has long been invisible.

Out of trust in Young Master, Pica did not make any unnecessary resistance, and was directly caught by Marine.

"Rosinante, what do those words Doflamingo just said mean?"

Vice Admiral Tsuru asked Rosinante with a look of confusion.

"I don't know very well, Doflamingo has a lot of secrets...many even I don't know..."

Rosinante sighed.

"You...you really betrayed Doffy!"

Didn't expect Corazon, who left a dumb impression on everyone in the past, even spoke.

Even if Pica is stupid, she realizes the truth of the matter at this time.

"I just want to save him..."

Amidst Pica's anger, he was also taken to the prison of Battleship.

At this time, Rosinante is no longer afraid to expose his undercover identity.

If Doflamingo is arrested, Rosinante will visit Doflamingo.

If Doflamingo escapes, relying on his mind, after calming down, he will surely be able to guess the truth of the matter.

This matter can no longer be kept secret.

Vice Admiral Tsuru sighed: "Didn't expect it to end, but we can only rely on Hailan to chase Doflamingo alone..."

She knows Geppo.

But Geppo's speed is far behind Doflamingo.

"Don't worry, Vice Admiral Tsuru, Hailan is very strong."

Recalling the past and recent times, Rosinante is full of confidence in Hailan.

"Have you got Ope Ope no Mi?"


Rosinante suddenly panicked and the lighter ignited His feather coat...


"When we get the bloodline factor theory of the Vinsmoke family, Indigo Academician's research can go further Now.

Come! To our future dominance, toast!"

In a castle, a tall man laughed heartily and raised the wine glass in his hand.

Men give people a kind of unruly Haki.

The striped coats of golden and orange are draped behind him, and the thick golden long hair actually hangs down to the position of the calf, and it is formidable and majestic like the mane of a lion.

What's frightening is that his two calves have disappeared, replaced by two famous swords.

"Dead Wood" and "Sakura Ten".

But this will not make people laugh at him, but it highlights his rebellious temperament.

The only fly in the ointment is that there is a rudder inlaid on his head.

The rudder not only disappeared the man's thick blond hair, but also made him look like an old rooster dying.

Golden Lion!

"Golden Lion" Shiki is the Legendary Pirate who was once the same name as "Pirate King" Gol · d · Roger and "Whitebeard" Edward · Newgate.

But unlike Roger and Whitebeard, Golden Lion’s goal is to rule the world and dominate.

Golden Lion looks down on Roger and Whitebeard.

In his opinion, Roger is nothing more than a silly brat clamoring for freedom, and Whitebeard is a soft-footed shrimp who only knows how to protect his family.

The former Golden Lion indeed has the arrogance that is enough to disregard them.

But a wave took away everything from him, not only destroying his fleet, but also flying into a disaster, causing the rudder to be inserted above his head.

But even so, Golden Lion still possesses convincing spirit, strength, and mind.

Singlehanded breakthrough has been the "Impel Down" deep sea prison where no one has escaped since the World Government 800 years ago. This makes Golden Lion once again create a brand new Legendary!


Get the call of Golden Lion. Inside the castle, the pirate captains also raised their glasses in front of them, ready to have a happy drink with Golden Lion.

Golden Lion is very happy today.

Golden Lion, who has lost everything, wants to challenge Marine and Whitebeard again. He needs a whole new force.

Indigo Academician said that he can use 20 years to cultivate an army that can disrupt the world for Golden Lion.

Now, this project is in full swing.

The purpose of the Golden Lion North Blue trip is to look for Germa 66 and the "bloodline factor theory" of the Vinsmok family.

The castle where Golden Lion is now, to be precise, together with the island on which the castle is located, is floating in the sky.

This is a city in the sky!


In the distance outside the castle, there was a thunderous explosion.

Golden Lion wondered: "Is it thunder? It's going to rain?"

In the naval battle of "Ait Wall", Golden Lion suffered only because of the weather. Hit hard.

This makes him extremely sensitive to changes in the weather, and even set up a professional weather monitoring squad.

I looked towards the outside of the castle through the window, but the sky was clear.

"Not good, report to the admiral, two flying weirdos have come in!!!"


The pirate captains whispered to a commotion.


I dare someone come to the old man’s castle to make trouble. It’s so tired and crooked!"

Looking at the fighting sea on the surveillance screen Arashi and Doflamingo, the complexion of Golden Lion became ugly.

His body suddenly floated.

Then it was like a missile, and it flew to the area displayed on the screen.


"Didn't expect Skypiea actually exists..."

Doflamingo leaned back, avoiding Hailan’s A slash, with a big hand, slashed at Hai Lan's waist and abdomen with a thread that was sharper than a sword.

"Illiterate! Skypiea is located on the island cloud, how can there be floating directly in the sky like this?"

Hai Lan is also very curious about these "Sky Island" in the end How is it formed.

Although I have been accustomed to seeing all kinds of weird terrains, the magnificence of these islands floating in the sky is still breathtaking.

But the focus is not on these, but on defeating Doflamingo. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Hai Lan abandoned her lower body and took the initiative to accelerate elemental transformation towards Doflamingo.

At the same time, three other Aurora Swords stab Doflamingo from behind Doflamingo.


Doflamingo chose to use the fleshy body that covered Busoshoku Haki, his feather coat was pierced with three holes, and blood slowly overflowed from his back.

There is no way.

The disadvantage of speed makes Doflamingo have to seize every opportunity to attack if he wants to hit Hailan.

Otherwise, he can only be passively beaten.

Feeling Doflamingo's murderous aura, Hailan hurriedly mobilized the aurora armor to resist.

While defensive, it has already displayed a counterattack.


The two collided for a short while and then retreated.

Doflamingo quietly uses the "repair" ability of the thread fruit to repair his body, and Hailan is also using Seimei Kikan's technique to adjust his own state.

In an instant, two golden vacuum chopping waves slashed towards Hailan and Doflamingo at lightning speed.

The spider web wall!

Aurora Shield!

The collision sounded as if a grinding wheel was grinding metal, and the two of them were pushed far back.

With a string of unruly laughter, Golden Lion's silhouette fell from the sky: "You two's younger generation is really good. You can actually take over the old man's sword aura.

Are you interested in joining the banner of old man?"

Hai Lan and Doflamingo said in unison: "Golden Lion Shiki!!!"

A living Legendary!

Golden Lion raised his eyebrows: "Yes, it is the old man!"

Doflamingo looked towards Hai Lan, grinning Issho: "It seems that you are dead today! "


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