North Blue, an unknown island.

"Father, please stop drinking, and if you drink it again, you will...Ahhh..."

A young man with a short brown head is trying to admonish a middle-aged The man didn't drink too much, but he was kicked and fell to the ground by the latter.

"Smelly brat, how many times have you told you? In front of so many people, don't call me father, call me captain!"

"Woo... "

The young man resisted the pain on his body and stood up, bowed and apologized to the middle-aged man: "Sorry, Master Captain, I remembered it."

"Go away.. ."

Hearing the word middle-aged man squeezed out between his teeth, the young man gritted his teeth tightly and ran away from the camp without looking back.

"hahahaha...drink! Drink!!!"

Hearing the laughter of father behind him, tears couldn't stop streaming from the boy's eyes.

"It’s not like this, it’s not like shouldn’t be like this!!!"

The boy’s name was Diez·Drake (later renamed x·Drake ), his father's name is Diez Barreiros.

The original Barreiros was a Marine Headquarters Rear Admiral. Drake has always admired his father, hoping to become a Marine when he grows up.

But Barreiros was corrupted by money and desire after performing the mission again and again.

Why can those Pirate commiting any imaginable misdeed spend time and money?

Why does the justice Marine have to fight to the point of bloodshed?

Why did Marine catch Pirate only in exchange for military merit and not for bounty?

Why does Marine obey those messy disciplines even if it has money and can't do as one pleases?



Barreiros, who was thinking more and more and not understanding, stopped thinking at all, and changed from a headquarters Marine Rear Admiral to a Pirate that caused Marine's headaches.

Because he knew the great strength of Grand Line headquarter Marine, Barreiros wisely chose to go to North Blue.

Here, the strength of Headquarter Rear Admiral is not to say that it is close to invincible, but basically it can act wilfully.

The act wilfully behavior made Barreiros's character distorted. He actually abused his son Drake at every turn.

Drake is now 18 or 19 years old, but because of what his father did, Drake's character has gradually become cowardly and weak.

gradually...He even hates his father...

"What the hell should I do..."

Isolation The helpless young man raised his head and looked at the sky, only the cold snow falling slowly, as if between Heaven and Earth, only the white cold was left.


Hai Lan asked Corazon: "How do you know that the item traded at this time is Ope Ope no Mi? Didn’t it mean that this is'Top Secret'? ?"

Sengoku didn't tell Hailan the information, and Corasson filled it in for him.

Colasson also became worried: "Of course I got the information from Doffy, but this is also what I am curious about. You just said that Virgo is just a new recruit. Obviously, what about new recruit? May get in touch with the'Top Secret'?"

"Rosinante, do you have other things to hide from me?"


"It seems that you don't want to save that little demon..."

"Okay, well, I'm afraid of you."

Colasson was a little helpless, "But we have to talk about it first. If I tell you, you can't hate me."

Corrasson knows very well that even if you don’t say it now, Hailan will one day I'm sure I can know my secrets, so it doesn't hurt to tell him now.

After all, Hailan is a Marine, not a slave. At most, he hates Celestial Dragon, and hates impossible.

"Actually...My full name is Donquixote Rosinante, Doflamingo is my biological big brother, and we, and the Donquixote Family in Celestial Dragon are originally on the same lineage..."

"Does Admiral Sengoku know?"

"Of course..."

Hai Lan was really surprised.

But what he was surprised was not Corasson's true identity, but didn't expect Celestial Dragon to hide in ordinary people without any sense of disobedience.

In this way, will Fleet Admiral Kong be Celestial Dragon? Will Gorosei be Celestial Dragon? Is Garp considered as "Hero of the Marines" also Celestial Dragon?

Although there is no evidence or even doubts, this World is far more complicated than I thought.

"What is the use of Ope Ope no Mi? It's just a Devil Fruit. Why does the World Government buy it at a sky-high price? Why is it Marine's top secret?"

"I don't know this anymore, I'm afraid only my brother...only Doflamingo knows."

Cora shook the head bitterly.

"By the way, here is the list of those great characters that I collected secretly colluding with Doffy and all the trading partners. With it, you can completely uncover the dark side of North Blue. Hand in now. Here you are."

Colasson handed a small file to Hailan, "I must go and grab Ope Ope no Mi for Luo."

Hailan is Learn about Corazon.

When I was in the headquarters before, although I would not have to pray if I walked and trampled on an ant, but whenever I encountered injured small animals, Corazon would take care of them carefully, bandaging their wounds, and finally Re-release.

From Corazon's tone and eyes, Hailan can feel that the Celestial Dragon's heart is full of justice and goodness.

Corrasson suddenly had an idea: "By the way, Hailan, UURead, or you can eat Ope Ope no Mi, then Marine will not be considered a loss, Luo will also It's saved."

Because he has been working as an undercover agent for these years, he didn't know that Hai Lan had eaten the fruit of Aurora, let alone the ultimate ability of Ope Ope no Mi.

However, relying on the two keywords of "astronomical price" and "top secret", I told Hailan intuitively that this Ope Ope no Mi is just a hot potato, and it may not be really good to get it.

"Rosinante, you want me to explode and die..."

"en? What do you mean?"

Corazon Suddenly, then Satori said: "So you already...who? That little girl."

"She is too."

"Then you can only give it to Luo. , But Luo is impossible to become Marine..."

"What about you? If Luo's disease is cured, do you plan to tell him your true identity?"


Hai Lan didn't want the hot potato Ope Ope no Mi, but he couldn't let the World Government, or Celestial Dragon, get it.

"I...I haven't thought about..."

Corrasson didn't want to betray Marine's identity, but he didn't want to abandon Luo, so the problem is not that he didn't expect, but never want to think about it.

Hai Lan looked towards Corazon meaningfully: "Rosinante, have you heard the story of an adventurer?"

"What adventurer? Big liar Nola Morality?"

Corrasson was a little puzzled. In the past few months, he had been taking Luo to see the doctor, and he paid little attention to the information on the sea.

"What do you think of the name Dark Crow adventure group?"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"Of course I am thinking of an identity that has the best of both worlds for you!"


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