"Brother, tell me, what's the matter?"

Hai Lan picked up O Wazamono "冽风" from the ground and inserted it back to his waist The scabbard, squatted and looked towards Shakky and Pekin who were hugging in front of them.


As always, it is like the typical routine of campus bullying in Riman.

In the face of the weak Bepo, Shakky and Pekin acted as if they were carrying handles on campus, but when they met Hailan who was strong enough to crush them, they immediately persuaded them. It's like henchman who sends his face in front of him and beats others.

"Big Brother Ying, don't believe them, the two of them are bad guys!"

At this time, Bepo also rushed over from behind.

After Koala’s explanation, Bepo finally figured it out. It turns out that this swordsman’s name is "Shiranui" and the single name is "Kage", not Hokage...

"Oh...it turns out to be two bully Brat..."

After listening to Bepo's explanation, Hai Lan showed a sudden Satori expression.

"no no no...we are not bullying this Great White Bear, we are playing with him...oh..."

"Who played with you , Who played with you?"

Bepo bitterly throwing snowballs at Shakky and Pekin, just like the little brother who finally found his eldest brother to support him after being bullied, bully people By flaunting one's powerful connections, I vent my anger...

"Also, my name is Bepo, not Great White Bear!"

Hai Lan ignored the troubles The three of them turned around and looked towards Koala: "K...Um... Wu, are you really planning to let Bepo be your friend?" The three of Bepo had no intention of paying attention to other things at this time.

Koala happily nodded: "Bepo is a fur clan. He has the ability to communicate with animals. With him, I can make friends with animals better!"

Just like Mermaid Race and some Fishman tribes can communicate with fish, some fur tribes can also communicate with mammals, Bepo is fully qualified for the position of Koala "translator".

"Then he will be your fat translation..."


Bepo who just raised a snowball in his hand He heard this sentence clearly.

"Big Brother Ying, I am not fat... Our white bear fur clan is of this type..."

Koala covered her small mouth, a pair of bright big The eyes turned into crescent crescents with a smile: "But you are indeed fatter than us."

"hahahaha...Fatty translation, this title is good, it fits your characteristics well, Bepo!"

I don't know what kind of innate talent Shakky and Pekin these two people are. I was terribly scared just now. This will point to Bepo and laughed heartily.

"I... okay okay... fat translation is fat translation..."

didn't expect Bepo, unexpectedly accepted Hailan’s easily" Appointment", this surprised Hailan and Koala a little bit. They obviously didn't use the influence of music fruit this time.

In fact, all of this stems from Bepo's low self-esteem and cowardice. Coupled with North Blue, who is unfamiliar with this place, he finally found a backer, and Bepo quickly confessed his fate.


A sudden burst of hearty laughter shocked the Bepo trio.

This voice is human and inhuman, send cold shivers down one's spine.

The three of them looked up, the Vajra brother laughed and tears came out.

Seeing this scene, the two Pekins, who had laughed backwards, suddenly stopped laughing: What is the mane gorilla giggling about? Is your brain sick?

Typical fifty steps, one hundred steps...

Koala can undo the influence of music fruit on Bepo, but it cannot undo the influence on the mane gorilla.

Because this gorilla has a very irritable temper, unless we get along with Koala for a long time and develop a certain relationship with Koala, can we revoke the ability of music fruit.

The gorilla smiled, but his smile was really scary.

On the already empty street, even the people who opened the windows to watch the excitement are not scared anymore,

for fear that the big monster on Snow Mountain will collapse their house. ...

"Are you who? How dare you make trouble everywhere on the land of Djerma!"

Finally...the army of Djerma 66 stationed on the island appeared in the sea In front of Lan.

"Derma Kingdom" is a unique and unmatched maritime country with no fixed land in the world. It is usually operated separately by dozens of warships. When these warships are combined, they are complete." Kingdom of Djerma".

The iron chain connects with the river!

But as the overlord of North Blue, Djerma 66 has many Subsidiary Countries and colonies. The resources they normally need are collected from these Subsidiary Countries and colonies.

Otherwise, relying on the land of those dozens of warships, let alone where to mine minerals and other resources, even the supply of food is in short supply.

It can be said that Djerma 66 is a purely "pirate-like" country.

But because Djerma 66 pays a large amount of "heavenly gold" to the World Government every year, the World Government has acquiesced to Djerma 66's piracy.

Speaking from a certain perspective, Djerma 66 is the prototype of the "Oka Shichibukai" system!

"Where did we mess up?"

Looking at the neat rows of soldier muzzles and a walking mecha in front of me... Hailan suddenly laughed.

Is there really mecha?

However, the structure of this mecha is a bit simple, far inferior to the sci-fi color of the comics published by the World Government.

"You illegally broke into the border of Djerma. This has constituted a crime. Now I order you to lay down the weapons in your hands and make up for the entry fees you owe, and then leave this land! "

Although the soldier of Djerma said this is "the border of Djerma", just like Fishman Arlong who ruled 20 villages in East Blue in the original book, they are actually just a group of robbers.

Hai Lan did encounter a few soldiers who wanted to charge an "entry fee" when landing, but was stunned by the practiced Koala.

Later, thinking about asking them to move the rescuers, Hailan didn't kill the few soldiers.

Now, it's finally here.

Standing on the shoulders of the mane gorilla, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Koala pointed to the walking mecha not far away: "Look, Vajra, there is a big toy over there. We grabbed it and ran. Okay?"

"roar roar..."

Vajra clapped his hands and made a series of "weird laughs", rushed over and grabbed the walking mecha. , Tell me again...

oh la la...fall apart...

"Not good play, let's go! Be careful not to touch the house... "

Great Vajra left town with Koala and Bepo.

Derma’s overwhelming majority soldiers are all biochemical robots. They don’t know what fear is, they only know to obey orders.

When Captain came back to his senses ordered to shoot, all the soldiers raised their rifles in unison.


A little cold glow flashed, and then the muzzle broke.

"With my handsome adventurer here, I can't tolerate you young people impudent everywhere!"

As a Marine, Hailan needs to liberate Jie A colony under Erma; Yu Shi, in order to collect identification points, Hailan also wants to eliminate Germa's "Evil Army" to gain popularity.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Ittoryu. Break the army and rise the dragon!"

Just like the name of O Wazamono "冽风", Above the icy blade, a biting blade wind was instantly rolled up.

Thang Long, draw a sword from bottom to top; break the army, break the army with one sword; and the wind, that is the wind of murder!

Using "Fishman unarmed Dao" to control the air and water flow, Hailan only needs a knife, and the wind blowing is enough to destroy the enemy in front of him.

Hai Lan retracted the knife into its sheath, and the cold wind in the ice island country stopped.

Sunlight penetrates the clouds and spills onto the earth. The swordsman who is bathed in the sun is like a god o... I want to talk about "This Marine is not serious" with more like-minded people, follow on WeChat "Excellent Literature" read novels, chat about life, and find friends~

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