(Although the orders are not high, they are not as low as 200. There are still some changes. However, the liver and the brain are painful in the past two days. The rest should be added slowly. ~)

"Wire saw!"

Doflamingo leg raised kicked to the "golden giant" made by Smith, and a sharp thread formed behind his feet, just like the same Cut the saw on the shoulders of the "golden giant" like that, colliding a lot of dazzling sparks.

In fact, the hardness of "gold" is not high at all, and it can even be described as "soft" in metal.

But Devil Fruit itself is not a product of science, and ordinary physical and chemical rules may not be universal in Devil Fruit's abilities.

Despite a lot of sparks from the collision, Doflamingo still failed to break through the defense of the "Golden Giant".

Be aware that Doflamingo's thread can cut steel easily, which shows that Smith's "golden giant" is harder than steel!

"Golden industry fire!"

Smith manipulated the Gold Gundam. Under his command, the fist of the golden giant was like melted golden water, actually curling up scorching High temperature, quite an imposing manner that burns everything up.

The golden giant punched towards Doflamingo beside him, and Doflamingo, who failed to break the defense, hurriedly backed away, and his right hand waved forward: "The spider web wall!"

Countless silk threads are in Doflamingo’s It was generated instantly beside him, and then formed a large net with a radius of more than ten meters, completely covering the front of Doflamingo.

Smith's "Gold Industry Hiken" hit Doflamingo's cobweb wall as if hitting a solid wall with a deafening noise.

"Hey, are you watching the show?"

Doflamingo turned back to look for Hai Lan's shadow, only to find that Hai Lan was floating in place watching the show. ..

"Hold on for a while, I'm analyzing his weak spot..."

"... bullshit!"

Doflamingo Xiang After flying, the cobweb wall lost his support and shattered suddenly.

With a flick of the gold giant's right hand, the gold in his hand was like a wave of golden, and they were actually swept by the two in midair.

Doflamingo flew to Hailan.

Since this Marine doesn't want to make a move, he will lead the enemy's attack to his side and force him to make a move.

But when the golden wave swept the two of them, Hailan's silhouette instantly shattered, and an extreme dodge stopped Doflamingo in place.


Doflamingo didn't have time to insult him, and when he raised his hand, he used a powerful silk thread to open a path in the golden wave.


A crisp sword cry suddenly resounded across the sky. Doflamingo followed the prestige, only to see that Hailan, who did not know when he was behind the golden giant, had already Insert Aurora Sword into the back of the golden giant's neck.

Unfortunately, only half of it was inserted.

The lifting Golden Great Hand patted Hailan on the back of the neck, and Hailan hurriedly avoided.

Doflamingo took the opportunity to use a "super-strike whip" and slammed it horizontally to the waist of the golden giant.


The golden giant used his arms to block, just like Impenetrable Defense, making a deafening noise.

But the powerful force carried by the "Super Strike Whip" still made the golden giant stagger two steps to the side.

To be honest, Smith really didn't want to fight these two men at the same time.

He may still win one-on-one, at least it is not a problem to retreat whole body.

But one-on-two, I am afraid I will fall here today.

"Aren't the gangsters of cp0 still take action?"

Up to now, Smith is still insisting, because he in mind is still expecting cp0 to help him. busy.

Even if one of the enemies is Marine Commodore, the plainclothes cp0 does not need to care about these rules, when the time comes, who knows who Smith’s helper is?

Unfortunately, Smith didn't expect Doflamingo's hole card at all.

This time, cp0 has received the above command.

Which one wins and helps whoever is watching the whole show.

"Assholes brat, don't underestimate this Uncle!"

Anyway, Smith is also a veteran Pirate.

Now being hit by a newbie Pirate and a newbie Marine, the gas in his stomach can't be swallowed.

"Golden Divine Punishment!"

Under the action of Tesoro's awakening power, the gold on the ground instantly generated 16 golden long pillars, and the 16 golden pillars gathered together, as if one A missile pierced the Doflamingo, who had just used the "Super Strike Whip" in the front, at a speed that could not cover his ears.

"this move ..."

Doflamingo, who was too late to dodge, pushed forward with both hands, and more silk threads formed a tenacious net in front of him.

"Spider's Nest!"


After the sound of metal intercourse broke out, it was only blocked for a moment. Doflamingo's "Spider's Nest" "The nest" was already broken, and the golden Divine Punishment blasted directly on Doflamingo's body.

Doflamingo had no choice but to protect his arms and right leg in front of him, and used Busoshoku Haki to take Smith's strongest blow.

groaned, and then Doflamingo was blown out...

"Next is you..."


Hai Lan held the white Aurora Sword in his hand and stabbed it on the left shoulder of the Golden Giant. The surrounding area of ​​the Golden Giant suddenly became colorful. Hailan's Aurora Fruit Ability was fully activated, creating an electric field beside the Golden Giant. .

"zi zi..."

The electric current spreads on the golden giant's body instantly. Hailan’s greatest opportunity.


Smith in the golden giant was electrocuted and his hair exploded, and he spit out a mouthful. Heavy smoke...

The weak golden giant one-knee kneels down.

Hai Lan knew that Smith was impossible and easily defeated by his own blow, so both of his hands held the white Aurora Sword and used electromagnetic force to run on the shoulders of the golden giant under his feet, the high-energy charged particles with full formidable power. Liu was like cutting butter with a hot knife, cutting off one of the golden giant's arms along his shoulders.

"Wire saw!"

Doflamingo, who went back and forth, kicked the other arm of the golden giant. The defensive power of the weak golden giant was greatly reduced, although the other arm It was not kicked off by Doflamingo, but there were also large cracks.

"Do you think you can defeat me this way?"

Smith regained his strength and prepared to repair the golden giant.

"The game is over..."

Unexpectedly, after a sneer, several threads of silk threaded in through the cracks of the golden giant and stuck to Smith's body.

"What's going on...my body...it's bad!"

Sitting cross-legged on top of the golden giant's head, Doflamingo's five fingers swing up and down, and the golden giant under her feet looks like Like marionettes, they can no longer act.

"It seems that I won this hunt..."

Doflamingo proudly Issho, turned his head and looked towards Hailan.

"en? Where's the person?"

Unexpectedly, Hailan has long disappeared... I want to talk about "This Marine is not serious" with more like-minded people, follow WeChat "Excellent Literature" read novels, chat about life, and find friends~

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